
Showing posts from June, 2012

Incidents and accidents Albuquerque International Sunport

^ aviation safety network: aircraft accident description martin 4-0-4 n40416 – sandia mountain, nm . aviation safety network. february 19, 1955. retrieved april 14, 2012.  ^ palmer, mo (august 10, 2006). remembering past tragedies. albuquerque tribune. ^ wikipedia: list of cuba-united states aircraft hijackings ^ aircraft accident description mcdonnell douglas dc-10-10 n60na – socorro, nm . aviation safety network. november 3, 1973. retrieved april 14, 2012.  ^ air force plane crashes in new mexico; 20 dead . observer-reporter. washington, pennsylvania. associated press. september 16, 1977. retrieved september 4, 2015.  ^ factual report aviation boeing 727-247 n2809w (pdf) (report). national transportation safety board. july 6, 1997. retrieved september 4, 2015. 

History Anti-nuclear power movement in Japan

the kashiwazaki-kariwa nuclear power plant, nuclear plant 7 units, largest single nuclear power station in world, shut down 21 months following earthquake in 2007. the 2011 fukushima daiichi nuclear disaster, world s worst nuclear accident since 1986, displaced 50,000 households after radiation leaked air, soil , sea. radiation checks led bans of shipments of vegetables , fish. the first nuclear reactor in japan built united kingdom s gec. in 1970s, first light water reactors built in cooperation american companies. robert jay lifton has asked how japan, after experience atomic bombings of hiroshima , nagasaki, allow draw heavily on same nuclear technology manufacture of third of energy . says: there resistance, of hiroshima , nagasaki survivors. there pattern of denial, cover-up , cozy bureaucratic collusion between industry , government, last notorious in japan no means limited country. then, pro-nuclear power forces prevail managing instill in minds of japanese people dichotomy bet...

References Air traffic control radar beacon system

the story of mode s: air traffic control data link technology (12/15/2000) - story of development of mode s @ mit s lincoln laboratory eurocontrol mode s & acas programme - home page european mode s & acas implementation coordination program faa tso c74c (2/20/1973) - minimum performance standards atcrbs transponders in (historical) faa controller study of how radar works more terra problem (dead link 2016) the story of mode s ais-p: air traffic control positioning technology augmentation - story of development of ais-p @ taillight consortium alliedsignal aerospace (1996) bendix/king kt76a/78a atcrbs transponder maintenance manual. (rev. 6) (dead link 2016) rtca/do-181c, june 12, 2001: minimum operational performance standards air traffic control radar beacon system/mode select (atcrbs/mode s) airborne equipment

Qualification Cross-country skiing at the 2014 Winter Olympics – Men's 15 kilometre classical

an athlete maximum of 100 fis distance points (the standard) allowed compete in both or 1 of event (sprint/distance). athlete maximum 120 fis sprint points allowed compete in sprint event , 10 km women or 15 km men provided distance points not exceed 300 fis points. noc s not have athlete meeting standard can enter 1 competitor of each sex (known basic quota) in 10 km classical event women or 15 km classical event men. must have maximum of 300 fis distance points @ end of qualifying on january 20, 2014. qualification period began in july 2012.

B List of British desserts

the bakewell tart english confection consisting of shortcrust pastry layer of jam , sponge using ground almonds. bakewell tart banoffee pie bedfordshire clanger bird s custard blancmange bombe glacée brandy snaps ^ famous bakewell tart & pudding,, 2013. retrieved 19 july 2013. archived here. ^ cite error: named reference manchester invoked never defined (see page).

Coke ovens and coal chemical plants Visakhapatnam Steel Plant

panorama view of vizag steel plant the prepared coal charge in coal tower drawn charging car on top of batteries , charged ovens per sequence. charged coal gradually heated heating wall of oven in absence of air attain temperature of 1000°-1050 °c @ central axis of coke mass toward end of coking period. coking period specified between 16 hrs , 19 hrs depending on oven condition , production requirement. volatile matter of coal liberated during carbonization collected in gas collecting mains in form of raw coke oven gas passing through stand pipes , direct contact cooling ammonia liquor spray. gas cooled 800 °c drawn coal chemical plant exhauster. residual coke pushed out of oven pusher car through guide coke bucket. red-hot coke taken coke dry cooling plant cooling.there 4 batteries, each having 67 ovens each. each oven can hold 32 tons of dry coal charge. volumetric capacity of each oven 41.6 cum heat carbonation supplied under firing of coke oven gas having cv of 4200 kcal/n...

Movements Fitzwilliam Sonatas

^ brad leissa , david vickers (3 february 2007). handelian faqs . archived original on 21 march 2009. retrieved 21 february 2009. cs1 maint: uses authors parameter (link) ^ 377 . hwv catalog. archived original on 23 february 2009. retrieved 21 february 2009.  ^ 367a . hwv catalog. archived original on 23 february 2009. retrieved 21 february 2009.  ^ 409 . hwv catalog. archived original on 11 march 2009. retrieved 21 february 2009.  ^ 462 . hwv catalog. archived original on 11 march 2009. retrieved 21 february 2009.  ^ 367 . hwv catalog. archived original on 23 february 2009. retrieved 21 february 2009.  ^ cite error: named reference georg friedrich händel 1974 invoked never defined (see page). ^ g. f. handel, complete sonatas treble (alto) recorder , continuo, edited david lasocki walter bergmann (london: faber music limited; new york: g. schirmer inc.; australia ...

External links Ken Blackwell

definitions wiktionary media wikimedia commons news wikinews quotations wikiquote texts wikisource textbooks wikibooks learning resources wikiversity ken blackwell profile, @ nndb the chicago tribune: anti-obama ken blackwell s site – blackwell rnc chairman site hardball chris matthews, march 22, 2005, terri schiavo case broadening field 2008 tara ross, american enterprise online, december 2, 2004, retrieved october 29, 2005. appearances on c-span

Morphology and interpretations Homo heidelbergensis

1 morphology , interpretations 1.1 social behavior 1.2 language 1.3 evidence of hunting morphology , interpretations both homo antecessor , homo heidelbergensis have descended morphologically similar homo ergaster africa. because h. heidelbergensis had larger brain-case – typical cranial volume of approximately 1,250 cm (76 cu in) – , had more advanced tools , behavior, has been given separate species classification. anatomy [of h. heidelbergensis] more primitive of neanderthal, harmoniously rounded dental arch , complete row of teeth...already typically human. a reconstruction of homo heidelbergensis for more half century many experts reluctant accept homo heidelbergensis separate taxon due rarity of specimens, prevented sufficient informative morphological comparisons , distinction of h. heidelbergensis other known human species. species name heidelbergensis experienced renaissance many discoveries of past 30 years , appears recognized increasing number of researcher...

History Monetae cudendae ratio

click on image read german version. copernicus earliest draft of essay in 1517 entitled de aestimatione monetae (on value of coin). revised original notes, while @ olsztyn (allenstein) in 1519 (which defended against teutonic knights), tractatus de monetis (treatise on coin) , modus cudendi monetam (the way strike coin). made these basis of report presented prussian diet @ grudziądz (graudenz) in 1522; copernicus friend tiedemann giese accompanied him on trip graudenz. 1528 prussian diet, copernicus wrote expanded version of paper, monetae cudendae ratio (on minting of coin), setting forth general theory of money. in paper, copernicus postulated principle bad money drives out , later came referred gresham s law after later describer, sir thomas gresham. phenomenon had been noted earlier nicole oresme, copernicus rediscovered independently. gresham s law still known in poland , central , eastern europe copernicus-gresham law. in same work, copernicus formulated version of quantity th...

Significant projects and achievements GHD Group

1 significant projects , achievements 1.1 mergers , acquisitions 1.1.1 us 1.1.2 canada 1.1.3 europe 1.1.4 china 1.1.5 australia 1.1.6 chile 1.1.7 new zealand 1.1.8 middle east 1.1.9 malaysia significant projects , achievements some significant projects undertaken company in past decade include design of sydney opera house facade, land-use , infrastructure master plans of palm islands in dubai, , event overlays sydney , beijing summer olympics. ghd involved in several water infrastructure projects in usa, including desalination projects city of carlsbad, camp pendleton, city of huntington beach , south orange country in usa. company worked on brisbane , christchurch rebuilding efforts, manila sewerage implementation, codelco colon processing plant in chile , oakura sewerage scheme in new zealand. in energy , resources sector, ghd worked on hawsons magnetite iron ore mine in australia, qclng export pipeline in australia , taysan copper mine in philippines. in environment, ghd engaged on ...

Dastans Iranian folklore

^ download book in persian ^ tarsusi] ^ hanaway, william l. ĀbĀn dokht . encyclopædia iranica. retrieved 2009-01-25.  ^ dastan-e amir hamzah or amir hamza, extended version ^ adventures of amir hamza ^ hanaway, william l. eskandar-nĀma . encyclopædia iranica. retrieved 2009-01-25.  ^ yūsofī, Ḡolām-Ḥosayn. Čehel ṬŪṬĪ . encyclopædia iranica. retrieved 2009-01-25.  ^ davis, richard. greece ix. greek , persian romances . encyclopædia iranica. retrieved 2015-09-07.  ^ t. hägg , b. utas, virgin , lover: fragments of ancient greek novel , persian epic poem (leiden: brill, 2003).

Winner and loser effects in blue-footed boobies Winner and loser effects

sula nebouxii, known blue-footed booby blue-footed boobies show frequency dependent dominant-submissive behavioural strategy. in these birds, nestlings develop 1 of following strategies, either dominant or submissive. if first born chicks showed aggression on towards siblings became dominant member, while if chick non-aggressive on, adopted submissive strategy. winner , loser effects seen in species due behavioural strategy. winner effects shown when established dominant chicks placed against non-experienced chicks in study drummond. dominant chicks seen more win aggressive encounter non-experienced chick, when non experienced chick larger dominant chick. attributed established dominant chicks being 6 times more aggressive non-experienced chicks due having previous wins. loser effects shown when established submissive chicks placed against non-experienced chicks in same study drummond. submissive chicks seen less win aggressive encounter non-experienced chick, when non-experienced chic...

History Moderate Party

1 history 1.1 general electoral league (1904–1938) 1.2 national organization of right (1938–1952) 1.3 rightist party (1952–1969) 1.4 moderate party (1969–present) history general electoral league (1904–1938) an election poster party in 1914 stating military defense comes first. the party founded on 17 october 1904 in restaurant called runan in stockholm. intention start campaign organization in support of group of conservatives had emerged in riksdag. during 19th century conservatives had organised in riksdag there no party support them. swedish right threatened rise of swedish social democratic party (founded in 1889) , liberals (1902). party called general electoral league (swedish: allmänna valmansförbundet). at first party nationalist , staunchly conservative. importance of strong defense underlined , other societal institutions embraced party monarchy , state of law. party held protectionist view towards economy; tariffs supported interventionist economical measures such agricultu...

Aftermath Varivode massacre

croatian president ivo josipović condemned killings in 2010. a simple wooden monument erected commemorate victims of massacre. in april 2010, plaque destroyed croatian war veteran , had rebuilt. monument s destruction condemned then-croatian prime minister jadranka kosor. “the prime minister called on interior ministry , other institutions launch immediate investigation , solve case immediately, in order perpetrators found , punished act of vandalism,” croatian government stated. rebuilt monument unveiled croatian president ivo josipović on 10 may 2010. new monument built out of stone, has names of victims enscribed in both latin , cyrillic alphabets, stands ten meters tall , cost croatian government 60,000 kuna construct. croatian president stated, retaliation, robbery , crime impermissible, , blood , shame cannot washed away. 9 serbs killed @ time when there no war , innocent victims of retaliation, josipović said while addressing crowd of several hundred people after laying flower...

Louisiana List of politicians affiliated with the Tea Party movement

^ mak, tim (july 24, 2010). inside bachmann s tea party caucus . frumforum. retrieved july 18, 2012.  ^ travis, shannon (july 15, 2011). tea party gop: make examples of on debt ceiling . cnn. p. 2. retrieved july 18, 2012.  ^ khimm, suzy (july 21, 2010). meet members of tea party caucus . mother jones. retrieved july 19, 2012.  ^ pierce, walter (may 24, 2012). rep. landry least hypocritical among tea party frosh . independent media group. retrieved july 20, 2012.  ^ camia, catalina (february 16, 2011). house agrees obama cut jet engine funding . usa today. retrieved july 21, 2012.  ^ weigel, david (april 10, 2010). david vitter rides tea party wave . washington post. retrieved july 25, 2012. 

Starchy fruits Puerto Rican cuisine

mofongo made green plantains breadfruit/panapén – used same green plantains , in desserts. green banana/guineo – used in soups, eaten along popular starchy root vegetables , broiled , seasoned escabeche. plantains/plátanos – core components in puerto rican meal plantains (plátanos), type of savoury banana eaten cooked: tostones fried plantains served appetizer or starchy side dish. mofongo best-known plantain dish , essential eating, @ least once. ripe version of plantain fried , eaten side dish (maduros). dwarf puerto rican plantain – heads of fruit little larger original plantain bearing 7 9 hands of fruit. shorter trunks of dwarf plantains thicker tall ones , because of more resistant wind , fall on weight of own fruit. grown in puerto rico taste , cooking qualities. majority of plantains grow tall, 1 exception. has distinctive bronze colored trunk , leaves. plant in warm , well-protected site optimal growing conditions. dwarf red – 1 of many red-skinned banana cultivars on island, ...

Urbanism Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne

1 urbanism 1.1 urban morphology 1.2 housing 1.3 development projects urbanism a general view of saint-jean-de-maurienne urban morphology la bastille, les chaudannes , les clapeys 3 main quarters. housing the total number of dwellings in commune 4,240. among such housing, 87.9% principal residences, 5.4% secondary homes , 6.7% vacant dwellings. these accommodations have share of 17.5% individual houses, 79.3% apartments , 3.2% dwellings of type. number of residents own homes 37.9%. lower national average adds 55.3%. number of tenants 56.7% throughout housing higher national average of 39.8%. may noted 5.4% of inhabitants of commune people housed free while @ level of whole of france percentage 4.9%. still on of municipality housing, 3.5% studios, 11.5% two-room housing, 28.4% have three, 34.5% of dwellings have 4 rooms, , 22.1% of dwellings have 5 rooms or more. development projects

References in other media Tears in rain monologue

^ dunn, ashley (january 21, 1998). web s evanescence creates challenge archivists . new york times. retrieved october 6, 2017.  ^ allon, yoram; del cullen, hannah patterson. contemporary north american film directors, isbn 978-1-903364-52-9, p.14, 2 movies connected single passing reference tannhauser gate. ^ williams, tad (1998). otherland: river of blue fire. ny, usa: daw books. p. 303. isbn 0-88677-777-1.  ^ kross, karin l. cyberpunk new retro: rosa montero s tears in rain . retrieved 28 may 2015.  ^ kotowski, timo (april 13, 2009). easter eggs: eiablage im datendickicht . der spiegel. retrieved april 16, 2016.  ^ find hidden features , easter eggs on firefox s about: pages . retrieved april 16, 2016. 

1944 List of 1940s jazz standards

thelonious monk composed popular standard written jazz musician, round midnight (1944). other standards include well, needn t (1944), straight, no chaser (1951) , blue monk (1954). ev ry time goodbye song written cole porter. groovin high jazz composition dizzy gillespie. fall in love song composed jule styne lyrics sammy cahn. should care song written sammy cahn, axel stordahl , paul weston. happen song composed jimmy van heusen lyrics johnny burke. song s harmony base composition titled fried bananas written saxophonist dexter gordon. long ago (and far away) song composed jerome kern lyrics ira gershwin. round midnight (a.k.a. round midnight ) song composed thelonious monk , cootie williams lyrics bernie hanighen. well, needn t (it s on now) song composed thelonious monk lyrics mike ferro. woody n (a.k.a. algo bueno ) jazz composition dizzy gillespie. ^ ev ry time goodbye . retrieved february 20, 2009.  ^ real book, volume i...

Discography Sister Rosetta Tharpe

1 discography 1.1 albums 1.2 chart singles 1.3 tributes discography albums the lonesome road, decca 224 (1941) blessed assurance (1951) wedding ceremony of sister rosetta tharpe , russell morrison, decca da-903 (1951) gospel train (1956) famous negro spirituals , gospel songs (1957) sister rosetta tharpe, mgm e3821 (1959) sister rosetta tharpe, omega osl31 (1960) gospels in rhythm (1960) live in 1960 (1960) the gospel truth sally jenkins singers (1961) sister rosetta tharpe, crown lp5236 (1961) sister on tour (1962) live in paris (1964) live @ hot club de france (1966) negro gospel sister rosetta tharpe , hot gospel tabernacle choir , players (1967) precious memories, savoy 14214 (1968) singing in soul, savoy 14224 (1969) her complete works 1961 issued 7 double-cd box sets french label frémeaux & associés. chart singles tributes shout, sister, shout: tribute sister rosetta tharpe (2003) ^ complete sister rosetta tharpe: volume 7 . frémeaux & associés (in french). 2015. retriev...

Biography Jürgen Hennig

1 biography 1.1 scientific career 1.2 works 1.3 connections asia biography scientific career from 1969 1977 hennig studied chemistry in stuttgart, london, munich , freiburg. during years 1977 1981 employed scientist @ institute physical chemistry (ipc) of university of freiburg, completed doctoral degree on nmr measurements of intramolecular exchange kinetics under supervision of herbert zimmermann. during time hennig first came contact magnetic resonance imaging (mri) @ inaugural lecture of advisor hans-heinrich limbach on work of paul lauterbur, subsequent winner of nobel prize. from 1982 1983 hennig post-doctoral student @ university of zurich, worked in area of cidnp spectroscopy. in 1982 developed first own nmr pulse sequence measure intramolecular exchange processes. during time in zurich hennig decided focus future work in area of nmr method development less focus on chemistry. hennig began work @ university medical center freiburg in 1984 scientific researcher in department of ...

Architecture Iglesia ni Cristo

iglesia ni cristo church buildings serve places of worship , used other religious functions. these described culture , customs of philippines, book published greenwood publishing group, structures employ exterior neo-gothic vertical support columns tall narrow windows between, interlocking trapezoids, , rosette motifs, tower , spires. there multiple entrances leading main sanctuary, males , females sit on either side of aisle facing dais sermons made. choir loft located behind dais, , in larger churches, baptistry pools immersion baptism located @ of church. meanwhile, fernando nakpil-zialcita, anthropologist ateneo de manila university, said inc churches can uniquely identified exuberant use of fanciful forms , ornaments [and a] brilliant white facade silhouette cusped gothic arch or flattened saracenic arch. distinctive spires represent reaching out of faithful god. prominent architects, such juan nakpil (a national artist of philippines architecture) , carlos a. santos-viola, ...

The Stone Flower The Malachite Box

danilo craftsman hears beautiful stone flower grows in domain of mistress of copper mountain. goes mine , begs mistress show him flower. mistress warns danilo never want go people, insists. shows him malachite flower. danilo disappears village, leaving fiancée katyenka behind. danilo s story continued in master craftsman (alternative translations: mountain craftsman , mountain master ), published year later in na smenu!. fragile twig , published in 1940, focuses on katyenka , danilo s son. bazhov had plans fourth story, never written.

1939 List of 1930s jazz standards

clarinetist , bandleader benny goodman popularized many of 1930s standards, including darn dream , how deep ocean , , stompin @ savoy . things song jerome kern , oscar hammerstein ii s broadway musical warm may. kern first felt song, shifting tonal centers, complex mass appeal. however, has enjoyed lasting popularity since , 1 of recorded standards. song s chord progression has been used such tunes bird of paradise charlie parker , prince albert kenny dorham. darn dream composed jimmy van heusen broadway musical swingin dream. lyrics written eddie delange. although musical disappointment, benny goodman s version of song featuring vocalist mildred bailey number 1 hit. frenesi latin jazz composition alberto dominguez. composed marimba, jazz arrangements later made leonard whitcup , others. 1940 hit version recorded artie shaw arrangement william grant still inducted grammy hall of fame in 2000. didn t know time sung richard kollmar , marcy westcott in richard rodgers , l...

Track listing Stranger in Moscow

official versions album version (5:44) album version without intro (2006 edit) (5:21) radio edit (4:04) uncut version (6:12) video mix (5:32) basement boys 12 dance club mix (8:16) basement boys radio mix (4:04) basement boys spensane vocal remix (r&b) (4:44) basement boys danger dub (5:35) basement boys bonus dub beats (3:52) basement boys lonely dub (7:06) charles roane full mix (r&b) / charles roane full mix w/mute drop (r&b) (4:38) hani s num club mix (10:17) hani s num radio (3:52) hani s num dub (7:04) hani s extended chill hop mix (r&b) (6:00) hani s chill-hop radio (3:51) hani s dub hop mix (3:50) tee s in-house club mix (6:54) tee s radio mix (4:21) tee s light ac mix (4:24) tee s freeze radio (3:45) tee s freeze mix – club (8:27) tee s mission mix – club (6:24) tee s bonus beats dub (4:32) tee s capella capella (0:51) tnt frozen sun mix-club (6:49) tnt danger dub (7:20)

Ultra-mobile APUs List of AMD accelerated processing unit microprocessors

1 ultra-mobile apus 1.1 brazos: desna , ontario , zacate (2011) 1.2 brazos 2.0: ontario , zacate (2012) 1.3 brazos-t: hondo (2012) 1.4 kabini , temash (2013) 1.4.1 temash, elite mobility apu 1.4.2 kabini, mainstream apu 1.5 beema , mullins (2014) 1.5.1 mullins, tablet/2-in-1 apu 1.5.2 beema, notebook apu 1.6 carrizo-l (2015) 1.7 stoney ridge (2016) ultra-mobile apus brazos: desna , ontario , zacate (2011) fabrication 40 nm tsmc socket ft1 (bga-413) based on bobcat microarchitecture sse, sse2, sse3, ssse3, sse4a, nx bit, amd64, amd-v powernow! directx 11 integrated graphics uvd 3.0 z-series denote desna; c-series denote ontario; , e-series denotes zacate 2.50 gt/s umi (pcie 1.0 ×4) brazos 2.0: ontario , zacate (2012) fabrication 40 nm tsmc socket ft1 (bga-413) based on bobcat microarchitecture sse, sse2, sse3, ssse3, sse4a, nx bit, amd64, amd-v powernow! directx 11 integrated graphics c-series denote ontario; , e-series denotes zacate 2.50 gt/s umi (pc...

From Tiberius to Vitellius History of the Constitution of the Roman Empire

the curia julia in roman forum, seat of imperial senate arguably, significant flaw in constitution left augustus concerned matter of succession. deadly flaw violently exposed in year 69. augustus had established standing army, individual soldiers served under same military governors in same provinces on extended period of time. consequence soldiers in provinces developed degree of loyalty commanders, did not have emperor. empire was, in sense, union of inchoate principalities, have disintegrated @ time. first indication of nationalist movement appeared in gaul (modern france) in 68, movement ended when leader, c. julius vindex, defeated army under l. verginius rufus. rufus governor of upper germany, , while declared imperator soldiers, decided not use support march on rome , make himself emperor. did not decline opportunity because loyal emperor nero, rather because of own low birth, , belief low birth might make difficult him accomplish emperor. shortly after rufus had been declared i...

History Clarke County, Alabama

1 history 1.1 pre-european era 1.2 modern era 1.3 alcohol prohibition history pre-european era for thousands of years, area occupied along rivers varying cultures of indigenous peoples. @ time of european encounter, clarke county traditional home of choctaw , creek people. traded french, had settlements in mobile , new orleans. reached english , scots traders british colonies along atlantic coast. after louisiana purchase, started establish relations united states. in 1805, treaty of mount dexter, choctaw conveyed large amounts of land in southeastern mississippi , southwestern alabama, including of western portion of clarke county, united states settlement european americans. modern era clarke county established on december 10, 1812 mississippi territory. county had numerous forts, built settlers protection during creek war (1813–1814). 1 of notable fort sinquefield. first county seat clarkesville, founded in 1820. seat moved macon, later renamed grove hill, in 1831. during american c...

Cloisters Burials and memorials in Westminster Abbey

the cloister , garth the following buried in cloisters: edmund ayrton aphra behn gen. john burgoyne muzio clementi benjamin cooke robert cooke percy dearmer lord fraser of lonsdale howard nixon john parsons johann peter salomon william shield herbert thorndike john thorndike william turner james wright ^  squire, william barclay (1885). ayrton, edmund . in stephen, leslie. dictionary of national biography. 02. london: smith, elder & co. buried in west cloisters of westminster abbey on 28 may.  ^ cook, james f. (2004). governors of georgia: 1754–2004. macon: mercer university press. isbn 978-0-86554-954-8. 

20th century Economy of Madrid

bank of bilbao building, 1920-23 the major expansion of city’s industry occurred during 20th century, in period following spanish civil war, reaching levels of industrialization found in other european capital cities. economic output of city shifted chemicals, metallurgy, , high-technology production including precision engineering, electronics, , pharmaceuticals. many national , multinational companies set headquarters in city, encouraged function center of government. @ same time, workers’ commissions (comisiones obreras), although illegal under legislation of franco period, set in factories surrounded city. since restoration of democracy in late 1970s, despite efforts decentralize administration, city has continued expand. economy among dynamic , diverse in european union.

Background and recording Trouble (Natalia Kills album)

danielle haim played guitar trouble kills started recording new material approximately year after release of debut studio album perfectionist. produced martin cherry cherry boom boom kierszenbaum , jeff bhasker, set released in march 2011 mixed critical reception. yielded 3 singles which, parent album, performed moderately on european charts. during year , following, kills participated in other musical endeavors, notably collaborating groups. provided guest vocals far east movement s song 2 better , guested on 1974 knux. kills featured on duo lmfao s single champagne showers , became mild success internationally, , collaborated dj tatana on single can t in head (if don t in bed) . trouble recorded in enormous studios, located in los angeles. other songs finished in city s record plant , new york city-based jungle city studios. emile s studio served secondary recording location watching , produced , instrumented owner, emile haynie. unlike perfectionist, limited number of produ...

Legacy Weird Science (film)

a television show based on film ran 1994 1998 88 episodes. following same basic plot film, series starred vanessa angel lisa, michael manasseri wyatt, john mallory asher gary, , lee tergesen chet. remake as of 2013, universal studios planning weird science remake original producer joel silver returning produce film , screenwriter michael bacall writing film. film attempt distinguish original weird science film being redone edgier comedy in line 21 jump street , hangover, r-rated; studio stated rating weird science remake not @ stage of movie s development.

Player history Israel national football team

most capped players as of 9 october 2017, ten players caps israel are: bold denotes still active players. top goalscorers mordechai spiegler (middle) israel s top scorer 33 goals as of 9 october 2017, ten players goals israel are: bold denotes still active players.

Criticism Irish Film Classification Office

like many systems of entertainment classification, ifco has received criticism several decisions have made in past. board has been described zealous , conservative. many titles receive 15 certificates bbfc rated 18 ifco. dvd examples include kick-ass , black swan. cinema examples (which bypass 16 rating) include charlie countryman , kidulthood. however, ifco more lenient strong language bbfc are, strong language (e.g. cunt ). examples include frost/nixon , visitor receiving 15 certificates in uk pg without cuts in ireland despite use of stronger term motherfucker , , gone girl receiving 18 in uk 15 (on dvd) in ireland despite 4 aggressive uses of cunt . 2014 documentary red army received 12a in ireland 15 in uk single use of cocksucker (when released on dvd, rating upgraded 12a 15). three titles in particular drew criticism of board: election, m cheerleader , brokeback mountain. 3 rated 18 in ireland , 15 in uk, although brokeback mountain rated 16 cinema release because system di...

Family and children George, Margrave of Brandenburg-Ansbach

beatrice de frangepan, george s first wife. emilie of saxony, george s third wife. george went on marry 3 times: first beatrice de frangepan (1480 – c.1510); marriage produced no children. george s second wife hedwig of münsterberg-oels (1508–1531), daughter of charles of münsterberg-oels; marriage produced 2 daughters: anna maria of brandenburg-ansbach (december 28, 1526 – may 20, 1589) married christoph, duke of württemberg in 1544. sabina of brandenburg-ansbach (12 may 1529 – 2 november 1575) married john george, elector of brandenburg. his third wife emilie of saxony (july 27, 1516 – march 9, 1591), daughter of henry iv, duke of saxony , catherine of mecklenburg on august 25, 1533: sophie of brandenburg-ansbach (march 23, 1535 – february 12, 1587) married henry xi of legnica on november 11, 1560. barbara of brandenburg-ansbach (june 17, 1536 – june 1591 in kloster himmelkron) dorothy catherine of brandenburg-ansbach (1538–1604) married in 1556 henry v of plauen, burgrave of meissen...

Division Semifinals 2006 Calder Cup playoffs

1 division semifinals 1.1 eastern conference 1.1.1 atlantic division (a1) portland pirates vs. (a4) providence bruins (a2) hartford wolf pack vs. (a3) manchester monarchs 1.1.2 east division (e1) wilkes-barre/scranton penguins vs. (e4) bridgeport sound tigers (e2) hershey bears vs. (e3) norfolk admirals 1.2 western conference 1.2.1 north division (n1) grand rapids griffins vs. (n4) toronto marlies (n2) syracuse crunch vs. (n3) manitoba moose 1.2.2 west division (w1) milwaukee admirals vs. (w4) iowa stars (w2) houston aeros vs. (w3) peoria rivermen division semifinals note 1: times in eastern time (utc−4). note 2: game times in italics signify games played if necessary. note 3: home team listed first. eastern conference atlantic division (a1) portland pirates vs. (a4) providence bruins (a2) hartford wolf pack vs. (a3) manchester monarchs east division (e1) wilkes-barre/scranton penguins vs. (e4) bridgeport sound tigers (e2)...

Diagnosis Andersen–Tawil syndrome

cardiac muscle two types of andersen–tawil syndrome distinguished genetic causes. type 1, accounts 60 percent of cases of disorder, caused mutations in kcnj2 gene. the remaining 40 percent of cases designated type 2; cause of condition in these cases unknown. the protein made kcnj2 gene forms channel transports potassium ions muscle cells. movement of potassium ions through these channels critical maintaining normal functions of skeletal muscles used movement , cardiac muscle. mutations in kcnj2 gene alter usual structure , function of potassium channels or prevent channels being inserted correctly cell membrane. many mutations prevent molecule called pip2 binding channels , regulating activity. these changes disrupt flow of potassium ions in skeletal , cardiac muscle, leading periodic paralysis , irregular heart rhythm characteristic of andersen–tawil syndrome.researchers have not yet determined role of kcnj2 gene in bone development, , not known how mutations in gene lead development...

Forms of Stevenstone House Stevenstone

stevenstone, north devon, seat of right honourable lord rolle . drawn g.b. campion, engraved james bingley, published r.jennings & w. chaplin, 62 cheapside, london, 1831. library room visible left the orangery, stevenstone house, st giles in wood, devon. built john rolle (1679-1730), mp, c. 1715-1730. showing remnant of pinetum the earliest record of form of manor house given john leland (died 1552), wrote : there hamlet longging tarington toun not mile est tarington coullid s. gilys, wher george rolles hath buildid right fair house of bryke . said hoskins (1954) have been first brick-built house in devon. letter survives dated 1539 george rolle illustrious client s wife lady lisle poor house of stevenstone. two palladian outbuildings serving orangery , library room built next house john rolle (1679-1730), mp, , library shows above keystone of central arch arms of rolle impaling arms of walter baronets of sarsden, oxfordshire, family of wife isabella walter (died 1734). ...

First Lady of Indiana Judy O'Bannon

1 first lady of indiana 1.1 communities building community 1.2 state s living room 1.3 building global community 1.4 work other first ladies first lady of indiana communities building community o bannon served first lady of state of indiana january 13, 1997 until september 13, 2003. first lady, led initiatives outgrowth life-long advocacy , work in community development, historic preservation, education , arts. during husband s first term, o bannon launched hoosier millennium: communities building community initiative encourage citizens across state use upcoming calendar change of new millennium opportunity strengthen indiana communities, asking are? have come from? , want in future?. o bannon delivered hoosier millennium toolboxes communities , organizations throughout state, traveling in motor home wrapped in initiative s logo, space around bottom individuals sign names @ each stop. cities, towns , organizations throughout state launched community programs part of hoosier millenni...

In other media Eobard Thawne

1 in other media 1.1 television 1.1.1 arrowverse 1.2 film 1.3 video games 1.3.1 injustice 1.4 parodies 1.5 merchandise in other media television the character alluded in episode done mirrors of 1990 live-action series flash, when barry allen temporarily takes pseudonym professor zoom while investigating mirror master. professor zoom appears in batman: brave , bold, voiced john wesley shipp. in episode requiem scarlet speedster! , zoom has conquered 25th century , captured flash (barry allen). batman, jay garrick , wally west later arrive free barry, engages zoom in fight around world. battle ends when flash glazes sand form wall of glass trip zoom. arrowverse tom cavanagh eobard thawne / reverse-flash in cw s superhero fight club promotional video. tom cavanagh , matt letscher portray eobard thawne/reverse-flash in cw s live-action arrowverse dr. harrison wells , in original likeness, respectively. professor eobard thawne introduced on flash scientist future duplicated reaction ga...

Life at the lighthouse Old Point Loma Lighthouse

a model of old lighthouse shows barn (left), built in 1875 , removed later the old point loma lighthouse not housing light; home of people took care of light. keepers , families lived in lighthouse. visitors can view of rooms see life like. lighthouse bustling family home. israel family, including 3 surviving boys , niece, grew there. gardened, kept horses, , raised chickens, pigs , goats. children rowed across bay old town each day school. people town drive horse , buggy on dirt road (now catalina boulevard) picnic , visit lighthouse , keepers.

Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (2013–2014) Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant

on 8 april 2013, al-baghdadi released audio statement in announced al-nusra front had been established, financed, , supported isi, , 2 groups merging under name islamic state of iraq , al-sham (isil, al-sham translates levant). however, abu mohammad al-julani , ayman al-zawahiri, leaders of al-nusra , al-qaeda respectively, rejected merger. al-julani issued statement denying merger, , complaining neither nor else in al-nusra s leadership had been consulted it. in june 2013, al jazeera reported had obtained letter written al-qaeda s leader ayman al-zawahiri, addressed both leaders, in ruled against merger, , appointed emissary oversee relations between them put end tensions. same month, al-baghdadi released audio message rejecting al-zawahiri s ruling , declaring merger going ahead. meanwhile, isil campaign free imprisoned members culminated in simultaneous raids on taji , abu ghraib prisons in july 2013, freeing more 500 prisoners, many of them veterans of iraqi insurgency. in october ...

Protestants Holocaust victims

the nazis attempted deal protestant dissent ideology creating reich church, union of 28 existing protestant groups espousing positive christianity (a doctrine compatible nazism). non-aryan ministers suspended , church members called german christians, swastika on chest , cross in heart. protestant opposition nazis established confessing church, rival umbrella organization of independent german regional churches persecuted.

People with disabilities Holocaust victims

according eugenics policy, nazis believed disabled burden society because needed care , considered affront notion of society composed of perfect race. 375,000 people sterilized against due disabilities. those disabilities among first killed nazis; according u.s. holocaust memorial museum (ushmm), t-4 program (established in 1939) model future nazi exterminations , set precedent genocide of described jewish race. program attempted maintain purity of aryan race systematically killing children , adults physical deformities or suffering mental illness, using gas chambers first time. although hitler formally halted program in late august 1941, killings secretly continued until end of war , estimated 275,000 people congenital disabilities died.

Participation in haematopoiesis RUNX1

runx1 plays crucial role in adult (definitive) haematopoiesis during embryonic development. expressed in haematopoietic sites contribute formation of haematopoietic stem , progenitor cells (hspcs), including yolk sac, allantois, placenta, para-aortic splanchnopleura (p-sp; (the visceral mesodermal layer), aorta-gonad-mesonephros (agm) , umbilical , vitelline arteries. hspcs generated via hemogenic endothelium, special subset of endothelial cells scattered within blood vessels can differentiate haematopoietic cells. emergence of hspcs studied in mouse , zebrafish animal models, in hspcs appear “intra-aortic” clusters adhere ventral wall of dorsal aorta. runx1 or cbf takes part in process mediating transition of endothelial cell become haematopoietic cell. interestingly, there increasing evidence runx1 may important during primitive haematopoiesis. because in runx1 knockout mice, primitive erythrocytes displayed defective morphology , size of blast cell population substantially reduced, ...