In other media Eobard Thawne
1 in other media
1.1 television
1.1.1 arrowverse
1.2 film
1.3 video games
1.3.1 injustice
1.4 parodies
1.5 merchandise
in other media
the character alluded in episode done mirrors of 1990 live-action series flash, when barry allen temporarily takes pseudonym professor zoom while investigating mirror master.
professor zoom appears in batman: brave , bold, voiced john wesley shipp. in episode requiem scarlet speedster! , zoom has conquered 25th century , captured flash (barry allen). batman, jay garrick , wally west later arrive free barry, engages zoom in fight around world. battle ends when flash glazes sand form wall of glass trip zoom.
tom cavanagh eobard thawne / reverse-flash in cw s superhero fight club promotional video.
tom cavanagh , matt letscher portray eobard thawne/reverse-flash in cw s live-action arrowverse dr. harrison wells , in original likeness, respectively.
professor eobard thawne introduced on flash scientist future duplicated reaction gave barry allen/the flash powers , became hero s archenemy, reverse-flash. eobard traveled in time year 2000 kill nemesis child. when 2024 flash intervened, reverse-flash murdered barry s mother , framed father instead, erasing flash existence while unintentionally severing own connection speed force, leaving him stranded in 21st century. knowing dr. harrison wells responsible creating metahumans in 2020, eobard killed scientist , assumed identity. founded s.t.a.r. labs , created particle accelerator turn barry flash , regain own link speed force. faking paralysis, dr. wells pushes barry run faster in hopes of using latter s pure speed force connection travel time. after eobard s secret discovered, defeated flash, arrow , firestorm. eobard offers barry chance travel in time save mother in exchange time sphere return future, barry chooses not , returns destroy eobard s machine. reverse-flash prepares kill flash, ancestor detective eddie thawne kills himself , seemingly erases eobard existence. year later, barry temporarily creates new reality , restores time remnant of eobard timeline in process.
letscher plays thawne s time remnant in season 2 of legends of tomorrow. victor garber , sean maclean briefly play character disguised professor martin stein , nasa astronaut john swigert, respectively. eobard forms own legion of supervillains (composed of damien darhk, malcolm merlyn , leonard snart) obtain mystical spear of destiny alter reality, erased existence black flash due nature time aberration .
cavanagh reprises role thawne in 2017 four-part crossover event crisis on earth-x . somehow surviving being erased existence @ end of flash s first season, thawne travelled earth-x, parallel universe nazi party won world war ii, , formed alliance alternate versions of oliver queen, tommy merlyn, , kara zor-el there. during final battle, barry refrains killing thawne , allows him escape fight again in future.
eobard thawne appears in justice league: flashpoint paradox, voiced c. thomas howell. hires rogues ambush flash (barry allen) @ flash museum before betraying them placing explosives on belts, hoping destroy museum. however, justice league arrive disarm bombs , apprehend thawne. when barry travels in time prevent mother s murder, of reality altered, , aquaman s atlantean army @ war wonder woman s amazonian forces. thawne enters reality via speed force, , saves lois lane amazonians alert barry of presence. while cyborg s metahuman team tries put end war, thawne appears , beats barry. atlanteans doomsday device destroys world, thawne shot in head reality s batman. flash taps speed force once more stop past self altering time, creating new reality similar original.
video games
professor zoom appears in various storylines in dc universe online.
professor zoom 1 of villains hired brainiac collect starites in scribblenauts unmasked: dc comics adventure. teams main antagonist of game, doppelganger, compete against flash , maxwell, main protagonist.
the reverse-flash appears unlockable playable character in lego batman 3: beyond gotham, voiced liam o brien.
in injustice: gods among us, eobard thawne s black lantern design playable alternate skin flash part of limited exclusive challenge. 2.6 update ios , android mobile app introduced reverse-flash card (based on tom cavanagh s portrayal , likeness on tv series flash) can purchased in wanted pack.
eobard thawne appears playable character in injustice 2 (via premier skins transform existing characters other dc comics characters unique voices , dialogue), voiced again liam o brien. after being trapped in paradox when regime kills 1 of ancestors, thawne left stranded in 21st century , joins gorilla grodd s society . attempts kill flash captain cold , deadshot, before being defeated wonder woman @ bar in metropolis.
eobard thawne has made multiple appearances on robot chicken. seth green voices him in losin wobble , robs bank while flash, superman , wonder woman stand idly by, commenting on how lame think opposite-themed villains reverse-flash, bizarro superman , negative wonder woman are. matthew senreich voices him in robot chicken dc comics special 2: villains in paradise, seen legion of doom. makes non-speaking cameo while fighting flash in robot chicken dc comics special iii: magical friendship. tom cavanagh reprises role thawne tv series flash in episode ants on hamburger , appears dr. harrison wells.
a dc universe action league mini figure of professor zoom released in two-pack flash.
a reverse-flash collectible statue included in justice league: flashpoint paradox blu-ray combo pack.
a professor zoom mini figure released in dc direct s blammoids line.
a reverse-flash mini figure released in funko mystery minis dc comics wave.
funko has released 3 pop! vinyl figures of eobard thawne. first being based on appearance in comic books, second black lantern exclusive, , third flash television series version.
a 2-inch keychain of reverse-flash released in series 2 of dc comics figural keychain line.
dc collectibles has released 6.75-inch action figure of reverse-flash part of amazon exclusive blu-ray edition of complete first season of tv series flash in december 2015.
a gamestop exclusive vinyl collectible of reverse-flash has been released in dorbz s flash wave.
^ allstetter, rob (january 27, 2010). kate jewell interviews michael jelenic . comics continuum. retrieved 2011-04-25.
^ flash & arrow stars battle in superhero fight club promo . april 13, 2015. retrieved may 15, 2017.
^ holmes, adam (2015). flash: dr. wells revealed biggest secrets . cinemablend.
^ dyce, andrew (2015). eobard thawne: flash s best twist, or worst? . screenrant.
^ dyce, andrew (2014). flash : first set photos of reverse-flash in costume . screenrant.
^ bucksbaum, sydney (july 23, 2016). comic-con: legends of tomorrow tackle legion of doom villain team in season 2 . hollywood reporter.
^ schneider, michael (september 9, 2016). greg berlanti interview: how tv s superhero guru managing crossovers, supergirl s move , new inspirations . indiewire. archived original on november 17, 2016. retrieved november 10, 2016.
^ flashpoint paradox spins alternative tale . ign. retrieved february 15, 2017.
^ parungo, nicolo (2015-10-24). injustice mobile game update adds reverse flash, arkham knight, survival mode , more . international business times. retrieved 2017-05-05.
^ romano, sal (2017-01-17). injustice 2 story trailer, darkseid pre-order dlc , special editions announced . gematsu. retrieved 2017-01-17.
^ skrebels, joe (2017-01-18). injustice 2: 3 dc characters added alternate skins in special edition . ign. retrieved 2017-01-18.
^ dc universe action league mini figure 2pack professor zoom flash . retrieved 2017-07-31.
^ dc blammoids series 4: zoom . retrieved 2017-07-31.
^ funko mystery minis vinyl figure - dc comics series 2 - justice league super heroes - reverse flash . retrieved 2017-07-31.
^ funko pop heroes reverse flash pop vinyl figure . retrieved 2017-07-29.
^ funko pop! black flash #22 fugitive toys exclusive . retrieved 2017-07-29.
^ funko pop tv: flash-reverse flash action figure . retrieved 2017-07-29.
^ dc series 2 collectible blind bag key chains . retrieved 2017-07-29.
^ flash: season 1 [blu-ray] . 2015-12-01. retrieved 2017-04-14.
^ funko dorbz: dc comics - flash reverse flash #192 (gamestop exclusive) . retrieved 2017-07-29.
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