Biography Jürgen Hennig
1 biography
1.1 scientific career
1.2 works
1.3 connections asia
scientific career
from 1969 1977 hennig studied chemistry in stuttgart, london, munich , freiburg. during years 1977 1981 employed scientist @ institute physical chemistry (ipc) of university of freiburg, completed doctoral degree on nmr measurements of intramolecular exchange kinetics under supervision of herbert zimmermann. during time hennig first came contact magnetic resonance imaging (mri) @ inaugural lecture of advisor hans-heinrich limbach on work of paul lauterbur, subsequent winner of nobel prize.
from 1982 1983 hennig post-doctoral student @ university of zurich, worked in area of cidnp spectroscopy. in 1982 developed first own nmr pulse sequence measure intramolecular exchange processes. during time in zurich hennig decided focus future work in area of nmr method development less focus on chemistry.
hennig began work @ university medical center freiburg in 1984 scientific researcher in department of diagnostic radiology. there, in cooperation company bruker medizintechnik gmbh, developed rare-method. in year 1989 completed professorial thesis of “special imaging techniques nuclear magnetic resonance tomography” @ medical faculty of university of freiburg.
in year 1993, hennig appointed professorship @ university medical center freiburg head of mr tomography work group in department of diagnostic radiology. in 1998 designated director of department of imaging , functional medical physics of department of diagnostic radiology. in 2001 became research director of department of diagnostic radiology. in same year founded magnetic resonance development , application center (mrdac) @ university medical center freiburg. cooptation @ school of mathematics , physics of university of freiburg followed in year 2002.
in 2004 hennig appointed c4-professor @ university medical center freiburg , since scientific director of department of diagnostic radiology. research group research , development in mri founded , headed since 1984 grew approximately 80 employees end of 2012.
in 1999 hennig president of international society magnetic resonance in medicine (ismrm). since 2008 has been joint affiliate wisconsin institute medical research @ university of wisconsin–madison. since 2011 has been member of german academy of sciences leopoldina.
hennig has written numerous fundamental research papers on development of magnetic resonance imaging (mri).
based on cpmg multi-echo method, hennig developed rare sequence (rapid acquisition relaxation enhancement) in 1984. through work mr image acquisition time reduced, constituted important step use in clinical routine. in addition, rare offered possibility control diagnostically relevant t2 contrast in mri. rare method first published in 1984 in german journal “der radiologe”. first submission international journal rejected, comment method had been tested , wouldn’t work. in year 1986 international publications followed. rare 1 of standard methods used in clinical mri. method known acronyms tse (turbo spin echo) , fse (fast spin echo).
the hyperecho method published hennig in 2001. hyperechoes specific absorption rate (sar) of rare sequence can reduced while image quality maintained. important clinical mri applications @ high magnetic field strengths.
in 2008 hennig published concept imaging non-linear magnetic field gradients allows increasing image resolution in brain mri in outer image regions.
he , team organize educative workshops under support of esmrmb.
connections asia
in year 1985 hennig travelled guangzhou, china in order set 1 of first mri systems in china. first mr image taken in china on december 25, 1985. since has attended other mri system installations in china.
hennig has been president , founding member of european-chinese society clinical magnetic resonance since 1993. honorary member of chinese radiological society. hennig awarded “einstein professor” of chinese academy of science in 2011. in 2010 received tsung ming tu award, highest scientific award of taiwan.
since 2004 hennig member of academy of science of republic of tatarstan. furthermore, maintains cooperations hong kong, south korea , singapore.
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