History Anti-nuclear power movement in Japan

the kashiwazaki-kariwa nuclear power plant, nuclear plant 7 units, largest single nuclear power station in world, shut down 21 months following earthquake in 2007.

the 2011 fukushima daiichi nuclear disaster, world s worst nuclear accident since 1986, displaced 50,000 households after radiation leaked air, soil , sea. radiation checks led bans of shipments of vegetables , fish.

the first nuclear reactor in japan built united kingdom s gec. in 1970s, first light water reactors built in cooperation american companies. robert jay lifton has asked how japan, after experience atomic bombings of hiroshima , nagasaki, allow draw heavily on same nuclear technology manufacture of third of energy . says:

there resistance, of hiroshima , nagasaki survivors. there pattern of denial, cover-up , cozy bureaucratic collusion between industry , government, last notorious in japan no means limited country. then, pro-nuclear power forces prevail managing instill in minds of japanese people dichotomy between physics of nuclear power , of nuclear weapons, illusory distinction made not in japan throughout world.

japan s nuclear industry not hit hard effects of 1979 3 mile island accident (usa) or 1986 chernobyl disaster (ussr) other countries. construction of new plants continued strong through 1980s , 1990s. however, starting in mid-1990s there several nuclear related accidents , cover-ups in japan eroded public perception of industry, resulting in protests , resistance new plants. these accidents included tokaimura nuclear accident, mihama steam explosion, , cover-ups after accidents @ monju reactor. more citizens subsequently became concerned potential health impacts, absence of long-term nuclear waste storage facility, , nuclear weapons proliferation. more recent kashiwazaki-kariwa nuclear power plant shut down 21 months following earthquake in 2007. while exact details may in dispute, clear safety culture in japan s nuclear industry came under greater scrutiny.

research results show 95 post-war attempts site , build nuclear power plants resulted in 54 completions. many affected communities fought in highly publicized battles . co-ordinated opposition groups, such citizens nuclear information center , anti-nuclear newspaper hangenpatsu shinbun have operated since 1980s. cancelled plant orders included:

the maki npp @ maki, niigata (kambara)—canceled in 2003
the kushima npp @ kushima, miyazaki—1997
the ashihama npp @ ashihama, mie prefecture—2000 (the first project @ site in 1970s realized @ hamaoka unit 1&2)
the hōhoku npp @ hōhoku, yamaguchi—1994
the suzu npp @ suzu, ishikawa—2003

genpatsu-shinsai, meaning nuclear power plant earthquake disaster term coined japanese seismologist professor katsuhiko ishibashi in 1997. describes domino effect scenario in major earthquake causes severe accident @ nuclear power plant near major population centre, resulting in uncontrollable release of radiation in radiation levels make damage control , rescue impossible, , earthquake damage severely impedes evacuation of population. ishibashi envisages such event have global impact , fatal effect on japan, affecting future generations.


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