First Lady of Indiana Judy O'Bannon

1 first lady of indiana

1.1 communities building community
1.2 state s living room
1.3 building global community
1.4 work other first ladies

first lady of indiana
communities building community

o bannon served first lady of state of indiana january 13, 1997 until september 13, 2003. first lady, led initiatives outgrowth life-long advocacy , work in community development, historic preservation, education , arts. during husband s first term, o bannon launched hoosier millennium: communities building community initiative encourage citizens across state use upcoming calendar change of new millennium opportunity strengthen indiana communities, asking are? have come from? , want in future?. o bannon delivered hoosier millennium toolboxes communities , organizations throughout state, traveling in motor home wrapped in initiative s logo, space around bottom individuals sign names @ each stop. cities, towns , organizations throughout state launched community programs part of hoosier millennium initiative, ranging downtown revitalization presentations of hoosier heritage ages of agriculture production @ purdue university. , indiana department of transportation s hoosier roadside heritage program featuring wildflowers , native plants along state s highways. broad participation communities throughout state, in 2001 initiative renamed indiana 2016 , encouraged hoosiers set goals want in 2016 when state celebrate bicentennial.

first lady judy o bannon , governor frank o bannon read schoolchildren @ annual reading day @ residence in 1999.

the state s living room

welcoming more 10,000 visitors per year, o bannon referred indiana governor s residence state s living room , used high-profile location bring attention important community issues, including amplifying education , reading programs cornerstone of husband s agenda in governor s office. in line that, hosted annual reading day @ residence, paired graduates of adult literacy programs school children throughout state. made governor s residence showcase indiana arts creation of first lady s arts series, featuring new exhibitions each quarter indiana artists, , annual day arts, co-hosted vsa of indiana, welcomed more 800 children disabilities , volunteers arts activities , workshops. o bannon, had been long-time advocate people disabilities, raised more $1.2 million in private funds renovate of governor s residence make accessible people disabilities.

building global community

as first lady, o bannon led 3 people people ambassador program international delegations—russia in 1999 , south africa in 2001 , 2003—that included indiana leaders in areas of education, arts, government, foundation leadership, health , hiv/aids , community development.

work other first ladies

indiana first lady judy o bannon, ohio first lady hope taft , kentucky first lady judi patton film public service announcement on june 14, 2000, @ school in covington, ky, promoting reading , childhood education.

during years first lady, o bannon actively participated in national governor s association s (nga) spouses program, including hosting seminars governors spouses staff. co-hosted husband 2003 nga annual meeting in indianapolis. o bannon active in joint initiatives colleagues in other states, including promoting reading , childhood education alongside ohio first lady hope taft , kentucky first lady judi patton.


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