Morphology and interpretations Homo heidelbergensis

1 morphology , interpretations

1.1 social behavior
1.2 language
1.3 evidence of hunting

morphology , interpretations

both homo antecessor , homo heidelbergensis have descended morphologically similar homo ergaster africa. because h. heidelbergensis had larger brain-case – typical cranial volume of approximately 1,250 cm (76 cu in) – , had more advanced tools , behavior, has been given separate species classification. anatomy [of h. heidelbergensis] more primitive of neanderthal, harmoniously rounded dental arch , complete row of teeth...already typically human.

a reconstruction of homo heidelbergensis

for more half century many experts reluctant accept homo heidelbergensis separate taxon due rarity of specimens, prevented sufficient informative morphological comparisons , distinction of h. heidelbergensis other known human species. species name heidelbergensis experienced renaissance many discoveries of past 30 years , appears recognized increasing number of researchers. yet researchers hold contrary view evolutionary development in africa , europe gradual process h. erectus via findings assigned h. heidelbergensis towards neanderthal. form of segregation considered arbitrary, why these researchers forgo name h. heidelbergensis altogether. paleoanthropologists refer uncertainties surrounding specimens, dating , morphology, muddle in middle.

the fact there seem no clear transitions makes difficult draw list of unique characteristics of h. heidelbergensis distinguishes h. erectus , h. neanderthalensis. in general, findings show continuation of evolutionary trends emerging around lower middle pleistocene. along changes in robustness of cranial , dental features, remarkable increase in brain size h. erectus towards h. heidelbergensis noticeable.

male h. heidelbergensis averaged 1.75 m (5 ft 9 in) tall , 62 kg (136 lb). females averaged 1.57 m (5 ft 2 in) , 51 kg (112 lb). reconstruction of 27 complete human limb bones found in atapuerca (burgos, spain) has helped determine height of h. heidelbergensis compared h. neanderthalensis; conclusion these h. heidelbergensis averaged 170 cm (5 ft 7in) in height , taller neanderthals. according lee r. berger of university of witwatersrand, numerous fossil bones indicate populations of h. heidelbergensis giants routinely on 2.13 m (7 ft) tall , inhabited south africa between 500,000 , 300,000 years ago.

otto schoetensack described mandible mauer 1 in original species description in 1907:

the nature of our object reveals @ first sight since disproportion between jaw , teeth obvious: teeth small bone. available space allow far greater flexibility of development , shows combination of features, has been found neither on recent nor fossil human mandible. scholar should not blamed if reluctantly accept human: entirely missing 1 feature, regarded particularly human, namely outer projection of chin portion, yet deficiency found combined extremely strange dimensions of mandibular body. actual proof dealing human parts here lies within nature of dentition. preserved teeth bear stamp human evidence: canines show no trace of stronger expression in relation other groups of teeth. suggest moderate , harmonious co-evolution, case in recent humans.

social behavior

homo heidelbergensis – forensic facial reconstruction/approximation

recent findings in pit in atapuerca (spain) of 28 human skeletons suggest h. heidelbergensis might have been first species of homo genus bury dead.

steven mithen believes h. heidelbergensis, descendant h. neanderthalensis, acquired pre-linguistic system of communication. no forms of art have been uncovered, although red ochre, mineral can used mix red pigment useful paint, has been found @ terra amata excavations in south of france.


the morphology of outer , middle ear suggests had auditory sensitivity similar modern humans , different chimpanzees. able differentiate between many different sounds. dental wear analysis suggests right-handed modern people.

h. heidelbergensis close relative (probably descendant) of homo ergaster. h. ergaster thought first hominin vocalize using mix of vowels , consonants communicate other members of species, , h. heidelbergensis developed, more sophisticated culture proceeded point.

evidence of hunting

a 300,000-year-old archeological site in schöningen, germany contained 8 exceptionally well-preserved spears hunting, , various other wooden tools.

500,000-year-old hafted stone points used hunting reported kathu pan 1 in south africa, tested way of use-wear replication. find mean modern humans , neanderthals inherited stone-tipped spear, rather developing technology independently.


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