Winner and loser effects in blue-footed boobies Winner and loser effects

sula nebouxii, known blue-footed booby

blue-footed boobies show frequency dependent dominant-submissive behavioural strategy. in these birds, nestlings develop 1 of following strategies, either dominant or submissive. if first born chicks showed aggression on towards siblings became dominant member, while if chick non-aggressive on, adopted submissive strategy. winner , loser effects seen in species due behavioural strategy.

winner effects shown when established dominant chicks placed against non-experienced chicks in study drummond. dominant chicks seen more win aggressive encounter non-experienced chick, when non experienced chick larger dominant chick. attributed established dominant chicks being 6 times more aggressive non-experienced chicks due having previous wins.

loser effects shown when established submissive chicks placed against non-experienced chicks in same study drummond. submissive chicks seen less win aggressive encounter non-experienced chick, when non-experienced chick smaller submissive chick. attributed established submissive chicks being 7 times less aggressive non-experienced chicks due having previous losses.

this experiment performed drummond done 10 days , showed on length of study winner effects less powerful on time, while strength of loser effects remained constant.


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