History Moderate Party

1 history

1.1 general electoral league (1904–1938)
1.2 national organization of right (1938–1952)
1.3 rightist party (1952–1969)
1.4 moderate party (1969–present)

general electoral league (1904–1938)

an election poster party in 1914 stating military defense comes first.

the party founded on 17 october 1904 in restaurant called runan in stockholm. intention start campaign organization in support of group of conservatives had emerged in riksdag. during 19th century conservatives had organised in riksdag there no party support them. swedish right threatened rise of swedish social democratic party (founded in 1889) , liberals (1902). party called general electoral league (swedish: allmänna valmansförbundet).

at first party nationalist , staunchly conservative. importance of strong defense underlined , other societal institutions embraced party monarchy , state of law. party held protectionist view towards economy; tariffs supported interventionist economical measures such agricultural subsidies. in defence policy crisis in 1914, overturned parliamentary liberal government, party sided king gustav stopped short of accepting right-wing government royal appointment, instead opting independent-conservative war cabinet under hjalmar hammarskjöld overturned in favor of liberal-social democratic majority coalition government , breakthrough of parliamentary rule, albeit reluctantly embraced right.

arvid lindman (often called admiral ) became influential in party , served 2 terms prime minister of sweden, before , after enactment of universal suffrage. in 1907 proposed universal male suffrage parliament , in 1912 formally elected leader. party voted against universal suffrage , party again voted against women s right vote. because party in minority sweden able grant right vote all, pushed through liberals , social democrats (the left), against objections of right. although not 1 of founders of party , not prominent ideologist, lindman , achievements leader appreciated being of great importance new party. leadership marked consolidation of swedish right, , transforming party modern, effective, political movement. lindman pragmatic politician, without losing principles. formidable negotiator , peace-broker. respected, fiercest political opponents , when resigned , left parliament in 1935, leader of social democrats, per albin hansson, expressed honest on battle lines .

from beginning of 20th century social democracy , labour movement rose replace liberalism major political force radical reforms. moderate party intensified opposition socialism during leadership of lindman—the importance of continuance , strengthening national business cornerstones. @ same time, recent social issues gained significant political attention; appeasing working class, party hoped reduce threat of revolutionary tendencies. during governments led lindman, several reforms social progress made, , first government initiated public state pension.

the second cabinet of arvid lindman in 1928

in 1920s swedish right started move towards classical liberal view on economic issues, under influence of liberal economist gustav cassel, economic downturn following great depression frustrated possible liberal transition of economic policy. before occurred party gained greatest success yet 29.4% in general election of 1928, called cossack election, on anti-socialist programme. government later formed party did not accept concept of market economy, continued protectionist policy generous financial aid. government began complete regulation of agriculture. production associations, objective administer regulations , run monopolies on imports, established during period. made corporate control of swedish economy unsurpassed since popularisation of liberalism @ end of 19th century. government of lindman fell in 1930 after social democrats , freeminded people s party had blocked proposition raised customs duty on grain.

the 1930s saw party in conflict on how relate rising threat of national socialism , fascism. loosely affiliated youth organisation, national youth league of sweden (swedish: sveriges nationella ungdomsförbund) openly pro-nazi , set uniformed fighting groups combat political enemies on streets. mother party did not development, lindman stating pro-nazi views not accepted in party, , in 1933 national youth league separated party. while party set new youth league, came called moderate youth league or young swedes (currently largest youth league in sweden in terms of membership), core of old 1 (in spite of districts, such young swedes-gothenburg joining new one) set own party—the national league of sweden—which fought elections openly pro-nazi party , temporarily gained parliamentary representation in shape of 3 rightist mps.

national organization of right (1938–1952)

the party participated in third cabinet of per albin hansson during second world war. grand coalition including major parties, excluding communist party , pro-nazi socialist party, both parties being members of parliament @ time.

in 1934 social democrats formed new government, , except world war ii era, stay in power until 1976. having been ruling party, general electoral league turned bastion of right-wing opposition, , in 1938 renamed national organization of right (swedish: högerns riksorganisation), name stay until 1952. outside sweden party typically called conservative party.

after second world war, party gradually lost support , liberal people s party rose become second party after social democrats.

the rightist party (1952–1969)

jarl hjalmarsson, leader of party between 1950 , 1961

at beginning of 1950s, party re-emerged after being renamed rightist party (swedish: högerpartiet); name outside sweden remained conservative party. under leadership of jarl hjalmarson (1950–1961) party became important voice against rising levels of taxation , defender of private ownership from, party saw as, growing tendencies of state centralization.

the party had significant success in elections during 1950s , became largest party of opposition in 1958. next decade brought changes political climate of sweden. election of 1968 gave social democrats absolute majority in parliament , reduced rightist party become smallest party of opposition.

moderate party (1969–present)

carl bildt, leader of party between 1986 , 1999. foreign minister between 2006 , 2014.

the party increasingly seen extremist, , in hopes of changing image, changed name moderate coalition party (swedish: moderata samlingspartiet, referred moderaterna) in 1969, or moderate party.

in 1970 gösta bohman elected leader of moderate party. during leadership party continued gradual movement nationalist traditionalist conservatism towards internationalist liberal conservatism, calling swedish membership in eec since 1960s , in practice adopting policies affiliated classical liberalism. adopted more liberal social outlook, seen key factor in foundation of christian democratic gathering in 1964, socially conservative party. bohman proved successful leader, , helped lead non-socialist opposition victory in 1976 election.

the moderate party joined government under thorbjörn fälldin, gösta bohman minister of economy. non-socialist parties managed remain in power until 1982 in different constellations, election of 1979 again made moderate party become second party after social democrats, position has held since then. gösta bohman in 1981 replaced ulf adelsohn.

in 1986 carl bildt elected leader of party. son-in-law of bohman, managed lead party election victory in 1991. moderate party led non-socialist coalition between 1991 , 1994, bildt serving first conservative prime minister since lindman. cabinet of carl bildt did reform swedish government: cut taxes, cut public spending, introduced voucher schools, made possible counties privatise health care, liberalised markets telecommunications , energy, , privatised former publicly owned companies (further deregulation , privatisation carried out following social democratic cabinet of göran persson). negotiations membership european union finalised.

the party gained votes in 1994, governing coalition lost majority. bildt stayed on moderate party leader, failing unite greens non-socialist parties failed return government after election in 1998 well. bo lundgren replaced him , led party in disastrous general election of 2002, owed alleged libertarian stances, lundgren continues receive praise younger members, however. former head of moderate youth fredrik reinfeldt elected new party leader in 2003.

prior 2006 general election moderate party adjusted position in political spectrum, moving towards centre-right. reflect these changes, party s unofficial name altered new moderates (swedish: de nya moderaterna). has included focus on proactive measures against unemployment, lower taxes combined reforms strengthen swedish welfare state. moderate party since 2006 has used slogan of swedish workers party , slogan formerly synonymous social democrats.

in 2006 general election moderate party enjoyed best result since 1928 26.2% of votes. moderate party had formed alliance sweden, political , electoral alliance, along centre party, liberal people s party , christian democrats prior election. after election, alliance sweden able form coalition government. party leader fredrik reinfeldt took office prime minister of sweden on 6 october 2006 along cabinet. in 2010 general election, moderate party performed best results, since introduction of universal suffrage in 1919, 30.1% of votes. however, minor parties in alliance performed relatively poorly, , reinfeldt cabinet continued in office minority government.

reinfeldt first centre-right prime minister since swedish-norwegian union re-elected. longest-serving non–social democrat prime minister since erik gustaf boström left office in 1900.

in 2014 european elections moderate party came in third place nationally 13.6% of vote, returning 3 meps.

in 2014 general election 3 centre-left parties outpolled reinfeldt s incumbent alliance coalition, prompting resignation. social democrat stefan löfven became prime minister on 3 october 2014. anna kinberg batra elected succeed reinfeldt party leader on 10 january 2015.


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