
Showing posts from February, 2015

Cause Bed bug infestation

an adult bed bug (cimex lectularius) typical flattened oval shape. bed bug bites caused bed bugs of 2 species cimex lectularius (the common bed bug) , cimex hemipterus. infestation due lack of hygiene. these insects feed exclusively on blood , may survive year without eating. attracted body warmth , carbon dioxide. transfer new places in personal effects of human feed upon. dwellings can become infested bed bugs in variety of ways, such as: bugs , eggs inadvertently brought in other infested dwellings on visiting person s clothing or luggage; infested items (such furniture beds or couches, clothing, or backpacks) brought in home or business; nearby dwellings or infested items, if easy routes available travel, e.g. through ducts or false ceilings; wild animals (such bats or birds) may harbour bed bugs or related species such bat bug; people visiting infested area (e.g. dwelling, means of transport, entertainment venue, or lodging) , carrying bugs area on clothing, luggage, or bodies. be

External links European Composer and Songwriter Alliance

Neurobiology Childhood memory

1 neurobiology 1.1 familiarity processes 1.2 recollective processes 1.3 recollection , familiarity dissociation neurobiology different memory retrieval tasks involve different cognitive mechanisms. according dual-coding theory, recognition of memory stimulus can studied via 2 cognitive mechanisms: recollection , familiarity. familiarity context-free, or independent of context in stimulus encoded, , concerns whether person knows have encountered stimulus previously. recollection context-dependent on details incidental encoding of target memory, , related cognitive feeling of remembering something. within medial temporal lobe, familiarity tends associated perirhinal region while recollection associated hippocampus. cortical regions related conscious recollections (feelings of time travel according tulving) include frontal lobes, while unconscious feelings of knowing may located elsewhere. dissociation of recollection vs. familiarity has been seen in 7-8 year-old children grow ado

List of SIFMUs Systemically important financial market utility

^ appendix a (financial stability oversight council) (pdf). washington, d.c.: u.s. department of treasury. 2012.  ^ designated financial market utilities (last update: january 29, 2015) . board of governors of federal reserve system. retrieved 10 march 2015.  ^ occ announces designation systemically important financial market utility . options clearing corporation newsroom. july 19, 2012. 

Africa Evolution of the Dutch Empire

in 1652 dutch east india company established refuelling station @ cape of hope, situated halfway between dutch east indies , dutch west indies. great britain seized colony in 1797 during wars of first coalition (in netherlands allied revolutionary france), , annexed in 1805. dutch colonists in south africa remained after british took on , later made trek across country natal. involved in boer wars against british , known boers. west africa the dutch had several possessions in western africa. these included dutch gold coast, dutch slave coast, dutch loango-angola, senegambia, , arguin. built first 2 forts on gold coast in 1598 @ komenda , kormantsil (in present day ghana). expanded presence in following centuries. in 1872 sold dutch gold coast british.

History Visakhapatnam Steel Plant

pylon @ vizag steel plant on 17 april 1970, prime minister of india, late indira gandhi, announced government s decision in parliament establish steel plant @ visakhapatnam. planning started appointing site selection committee in june 1970 , subsequently committee s report approved. on 20 january 1971, gandhi laid foundation stone of plant. consultants appointed in february 1971, , feasibility reports submitted in 1972. first block of land taken on over 7 april 1974. m/s m.n. dastur & co appointed consultants preparing detailed project report in april 1975 , in october 1977 submitted proposal 3.4 mtpa of liquid steel. offer of assistance government of erstwhile ussr, revised project evolved. detailed project report plant capacity of 3.4 mtpa prepared m/s m.n. dastur & co in november 1980. in february 1981, contract signed ussr preparation of working drawings of coke ovens, blast furnace , sinter plant. blast furnace foundation laid, first mass concreting, in january 1982. const

Land and marine environment Funafuti Conservation Area

green sea turtle green sea turtle swimming towards surface the funafuti conservation area called kogatapu conservation area or funafuti marine conservation area . 6 islets (motu, in tuvaluan language) included in funafuti conservation area: tepuka vili vili, (also called tepuka savilivili); fualopa; fuafatu; vasafua; fuagea (also called fuakea) , tefala. vasafua severely damaged cyclone pam. coconut palms washed away, leaving islet sand bar. the tuvalu national biodiversity strategy , action plan of 2009 describes marine environment comprising 6 major ecosystem types: oceanic, outer reef, lagoonal, reef, lagoon floor, , patch reefs, plus natural channels between ocean , lagoon. says these ecosystems produce sediment required island building , maintenance , support communities of corals, other invertebrates, algae, plankton, fish , marine mammals , reptiles. coconut crabs (birgus latro) live on islets, nesting sites green sea turtle (chelonia mydas) ( fonu in tuvaluan). iucn red lis

Judgment Second Amendment to the United States Constitution

the justices decided heller according syllabus prepared u.s. supreme court reporter of decisions, in district of columbia v. heller, 554 u.s. 570 (2008), supreme court held: 1. second amendment protects individual right possess firearm unconnected service in militia, , use arm traditionally lawful purposes, such self-defense within home. pp. 2–53. (a) amendment’s prefatory clause announces purpose, not limit or expand scope of second part, operative clause. operative clause’s text , history demonstrate connotes individual right keep , bear arms. pp. 2–22. (b) prefatory clause comports court’s interpretation of operative clause. militia comprised males physically capable of acting in concert common defense. antifederalists feared federal government disarm people in order disable citizens’ militia, enabling politicized standing army or select militia rule. response deny congress power abridge ancient right of individuals keep , bear arms, ideal of citizens’ militia preserved. pp. 22–28

United States v. Miller Second Amendment to the United States Constitution

in united states v. miller, 307 u.s. 174 (1939), supreme court rejected second amendment challenge national firearms act prohibiting interstate transportation of unregistered title ii weapons: jack miller , frank layton did unlawfully ... transport in interstate commerce ... claremore ... oklahoma ... siloam springs ... arkansas firearm ... double barrel ... shotgun having barrel less 18 inches in length ... @ time of transporting said firearm in interstate commerce ... not having registered said firearm required section 1132d of title 26, united states code ... , not having in possession stamp-affixed written order ... provided section 1132c ... in unanimous opinion authored justice mcreynolds, supreme court stated objection act usurps police power reserved states plainly untenable. court explained: in absence of evidence tending show possession or use of shotgun having barrel of less eighteen inches in length @ time has reasonable relationship preservation or efficiency of regul

France Early music festivals

^ festival de musique baroque d ambronay - centre culturel de rencontre et festival d ambronay . retrieved 25 november 2016.  ^ festival de beaune . retrieved 25 november 2016.  ^ home . retrieved 25 november 2016.  ^ wide, open. logis de la chabotterie . retrieved 25 november 2016.  ^ festival mars en baroque - marseille (french) ^ le festival de musique baroque de nantes - printemps des arts . retrieved 25 november 2016.  ^ festival de musique ancienne de maguelone . retrieved 25 november 2016.  ^ fmhj-160408-03 . retrieved 25 november 2016.  ^ festival international d art lyrique d aix-en-provence . retrieved 25 november 2016.  ^ festival renaissances - site du festival renaissances . retrieved 25 november 2016.  ^ orange . retrieved 25 november 2016.  ^ festival musique et mémoire - 15 au 31 juillet 2016 . retrieved 25 november 2016.  ^ programme (french) ^ 最新の前立腺肥大症治療薬情報 . retrieved 25 november 2016.  ^ france festivals . retrieved 25 november 20

Hierarchy formation Winner and loser effects

xiphophorus helleri, known green swordtail winner , loser effects can attributed formation of hierarchies. study done on xiphophorus helleri, known green swordtail had shown individuals won more assume alpha or higher ranked positions in hierarchy, while individuals lost more assume omega or lower ranked positions in hierarchy. neutral individuals have little no experience aggression interactions fall in intermediate position between winners , losers forming winner-neutral-loser (w-n-l) hierarchy. hierarchies can effected strength of winner or loser effects acting upon it. winner effects alone typically produce linear hierarchies organism wins encounters, organism b wins encounters except against organism a, organism c loses encounters except against organism d, , organism d loses encounters. linear relationship typically shown (a > b > c > d). loser effects unlike winner effects not show linear relationship because animals experiencing loser effects not fight makes difficult

UK electric clock connector AC power plugs and sockets: British and related types

british electric clock connector, 3-pin, made mk. showing rear of plug 2 a fuse. fused plugs , sockets of various proprietary , non-interchangeable types found in older public buildings in uk, used feed ac electric wall clocks. smaller conventional sockets, commonly being made fit besa junction boxes, , of low profile. types available fused in both poles, later types fused in line , provided earth pin. equipped retaining screw or clip prevent accidental disconnection. prevalence of battery powered quartz controlled wall clocks has meant connector seen in new installations clock use. however, has found use low profile fused connector required , still available. relatively common example of such use supply power illuminated mirror has limited clearance wall.

Discography Vesta Williams

1 discography 1.1 studio albums 1.2 compilation albums 1.3 singles 1.4 music videos discography studio albums compilation albums winning combinations (with cece peniston) (2000, a&m/universal) singles music videos once bitten twice shy something you don t blow thing sweet sweet love 4 u congratulations how feel special do ya always somebody me dedicated ^ charts > vesta william . billboard. retrieved 2016-09-06.  ^ nld charts > vesta williams . megacharts. retrieved 2016-09-06.  ^ ire charts search > vesta williams . irish singles chart. retrieved 2016-09-06.  ^ nz charts > vesta williams . official new zealand music chart. retrieved 2016-09-06.  ^ uk charts > vesta williams . official charts company. retrieved 2016-09-06. 

White Family Involvement in Rock Hill White House (Rock Hill, South Carolina)

1 white family involvement in rock hill 1.1 railroad 1.2 rock hill academy 1.3 incorporation of rock hill white family involvement in rock hill the white family involved in rock hill beginning, before incorporated town. the railroad george pendleton white supportive of bringing proposed charlotte columbia rail line through rock hill. on october 10, 1848 issued contract charlotte , south carolina railroad company. contract excavate , grade part of railroad. rock hill academy rock hill s first school opened in september 1854. built on land donated ann hutchison white. land covered pine grove, leading many locals refer school pine grove academy instead of official name. school located approximately 250 yards northeast of white home , half mile railroad depot. 1856 school had 60 male pupils. prior this, students had gone ebenezer academy. in 1856, pine grove academy girls opened well. the incorporation of rock hill rock hill not officially incorporated town until february 26, 1870. third t

2004 doll Donald Trump dolls

1 2004 doll 1.1 history 1.2 description 1.3 reception 2004 doll history in february 2004, officials stevenson entertainment group llc – toy company based in schaumburg, illinois – attended industry trade show in new york, plans miniature donald trump figure conceived. victor btesh, president of hot records , employee of stevenson entertainment group, had auditioned contestant on second season of trump s reality television series, apprentice. although btesh did not qualify contestant, pitched concept of miniature trump figure donald trump, loved idea according btesh. deal made between stevenson entertainement group , trump organization, trump receiving undisclosed amount of royalties stevenson entertainment group part of licensing agreement. during business trip in los angeles in april 2004, trump visited studio hired stevenson entire head scanned, aid doll s sculptors. doll announced on may 1, 2004. stevenson entertainment group planned ship @ least 100,000 dolls u.s. toy chains , di

From the Swedish Harpans kraft

^ cite error: named reference kinealy invoked never defined (see page). ^ article attributed mrs. robinson (talvj), popular poetry of teutonic nations , in north american review, xci, pp.295- ^ dodge, daniel kilham (1921). longfellow s scandinavian translations . scandinavian studies , notes. 6: 187–197 (p.194). jstor 40915089.  ^ poets , poetry of europe (1847) p.139 ^ cumpstey 2013

Selected works Daniel Aaron

^ dirda, michael scholar daniel aaron, long view of civilization, washington post may 6, 2007. ^ books daniel aaron . new york review of books. retrieved 4 january 2012.  ^ writers on left . library of congress. archived original on 13 december 2012. retrieved 4 january 2012. 

ANF Intelligence and Investigation Anti-Narcotics Force

1 anf intelligence , investigation 1.1 stages 1.2 laws 1.3 operations anf intelligence , investigation there distinct stages investigating case. stages assets of convicts in narcotics cases confiscated in favour of federal government through following stages usually:- tracing : finding out true sources, disposition, movement or ownership of assets , includes determining movement or conversion of assets means. freezing: prohibiting order made special court or officer authorized under cns act 1997 transfer, conversion, disposal or movement of assets , includes holding, controlling, assuming custody or managing assets in pursuance of such order and, in case of assets perishable disposal thereof forfeiture: forfeiting of asset /property in favour of federal government. realization: on finalization of forfeiture of assets , execution petition, assets realized in favor of federal government. laws assets investigation conducted under relevant sections / provisions provided following laws:- co

Biography Karl Carstens

karl , veronica carstens in 1949 from 1939 1945, during second world war, carstens member of anti-aircraft artillery (flak) unit in wehrmacht, reaching rank of leutnant (second lieutenant) war s end. in 1940 joined nazi party; reportedly, had applied admission in 1937 avoid detrimental treatment when worked law clerk. had, however, joined nazi sa paramilitary organisation in 1934. in 1944 carstens married medical student veronica prior in berlin. after war became lawyer in hometown bremen, , 1949 acted councillor of city s senate. 1950 worked lecturer @ university of cologne, habilitated 2 years later. in 1954 joined diplomatic service of german foreign office, serving west german representative @ council of europe in strasbourg. in 1955 joined christian democratic union (cdu) under chancellor konrad adenauer. in july 1960 carstens reached position of secretary of state @ foreign office , in same year appointed professor public , international law @ cologne university. during grand coa

Specific versions Gyan chauper

the hindu version of gyan chauper more popular brahmins. traditional hindu gyan chaupars boards have greater diversity in terms of format of jains. these formats supposed have developed on period of time. terminologies included on board sankhya, yoga, vedanta, underlining devotionalism. vaikuntha (the heaven of vishnu) being winning square in of hindu boards point fact these boards vaishnava in inspiration. of hindu boards following 9×8 pattern, i.e., 72 squares in all, found in nepal referred nagapasa or snake-dice. surprisingly, both persian , devanagari script have been used in squares. in 1 of board games of 19th-century marwar, vishnu shown in form of krishna. there unique example of 124-square board maharashtra. notable feature of board unusual 14×10 grid, whole playing area being divided 4 separate zones. the muslim version used in mughal period late 17th or 18th century. 100 square gyan chauper represents number of names of god or 101, if throne of allah counted. written in ara

Legacy Abdus Salam

a commemorative stamp honour abdus salam. when dr. salam deliver lecture, hall packed , although subject particle physics, manner , eloquence such if talking literature. when finished lectures, listeners burst spontaneous applause , give him standing ovation. people parts of world come imperial college , seek dr. salam s help. give patient hearing including talking nonsense. treated respect , compassion , never belittled or offended anyone. dr. salam s strength sift jewels sand . ishfaq ahmad, former chairman of paec , lifelong friend of salam recalls: dr salam responsible sending 500 physicists, mathematicians , scientists pakistan, phd s best institutions in uk , usa . in august 1996, former chairman of paec , lifelong friend, munir ahmad khan met salam in oxford. munir ahmad khan, headed nuclear weapons , energy programme, said: last meeting abdus salam 3 months ago. disease had taken toll , unable talk. yet understood said. told him celebration held in pakistan on seventieth b

History Central Connecticut State University

vance academic center copernicus hall student center elihu burritt library ccsu campus panorama in 1849 ccsu founded state normal school train teachers. 6th normal school in , oldest public university in connecticut. ran until 1867 when school temporarily closed due opposition in connecticut general assembly. 2 years later, normal school resumed services , continued until 1930s. during time, connecticut general assembly created teachers college of connecticut , first bachelor s degrees granted. in 1922, campus moved current location on stanley street. in 1983 school transitioned college regional university. organizational governance changed in 2011 when connecticut department of higher education dissolved , replaced office of higher education , connecticut board of regents higher education.

1942 List of 1940s jazz standards

^ cite error: named reference rjb invoked never defined (see page). ^ cite error: named reference rvb invoked never defined (see page). ^ c jam blues . retrieved february 20, 2009.  ^ real book, volume ii, p. 74 ^ real book, volume i, p. 132. ^ lover man (oh, can be?) . retrieved february 20, 2009.  ^ real book, volume ii, p. 255. ^ night in tunisia . retrieved february 20, 2009.  ^ real book, volume i, p. 302. ^ perdido . retrieved february 20, 2009.  ^ real book, volume ii, p. 311. ^ new real book, volume ii, p. 287. ^ cite error: named reference nrb1 invoked never defined (see page). ^ skylark . retrieved february 20, 2009.  ^ real book, volume iii, p. 356. ^ there never . retrieved february 20, 2009.  ^ real book, volume i, p. 407. ^ things ain t used . retrieved february 20, 2009.  ^ real book, volume iii, p. 401

Invention promotion firm scams Scams in intellectual property

an inventor promotion scam or invention promotion scam scam inventors lured pay money development of invention, or promotion of it, without development or promotion occurring. some invention promotion firms have been found engage in improper , deceptive practices. signs of unscrupulous invention promotion firm include: exaggerated claims market potential of invention refusal offer advice in writing, or having correspondence confined promotional material , scheduling phone calls. request money , upfront money guarantees - reputable professionals charge fee service , compensated work and, therefore, not offer money guarantees. ^ ftc/state project mousetrap snares invention promotion industry, federal trade commission, press release july 1997 ^ consumer alert: spotting sweet-sounding promises of fraudulent invention promotion firms ^ ftc facts consumers: invention promotion firms ^ invention submission companies

Singles Robbie Williams discography

1 singles 1.1 lead artist 1.2 featured artist 1.3 promotional singles singles as lead artist as featured artist promotional singles cite error: there <ref group=upper-alpha> tags or {{efn-ua}} templates on page, references not show without {{reflist|group=upper-alpha}} template or {{notelist-ua}} template (see page).

Monarchs and their consorts Burials and memorials in Westminster Abbey

audio description of shrine of edward confessor john hall the following english, scottish , british monarchs , consorts buried in abbey: sæberht of essex st edward confessor , wife, edith of wessex henry iii of england edward of england , wife, eleanor of castile edward iii of england , wife, philippa of hainault richard ii of england , wife, anne of bohemia henry v of england , wife, catherine of valois edward v of england anne neville, wife of richard iii henry vii of england , wife, elizabeth of york edward vi of england anne of cleves, wife of king henry viii mary of england elizabeth of england shown on tomb elizabeth of england in 19th century researchers looking tomb of james partially opened underground vault containing remains of elizabeth , mary of england. lead coffins stacked, elizabeth s resting on top of half-sister s. james vi & of scotland england , ireland , wife, anne of denmark the position of tomb of james of england lost several centuries. in 19th century, foll

In the Early Church Judaizers

it held paul accused judaizers of teaching observance of law endorsed christ in gospels. relationship of paul of tarsus , judaism still disputed today. these groups taught people needed adhere law taught christ in order saved. according eusebius history of church 4.5.3-4: first 15 bishops of jerusalem of circumcision , although in likelihood stating jewish christians (as opposed gentile christians), , observed biblical circumcision , rest of torah well. the issue source of controversy in church, issue coming head during council of jerusalem. according account given in acts 15, determined gentile converts christianity did not have go through circumcision secure place in world come; in addressing second question whether or not should obey torah, encouraged gentiles abstain things sacrificed idols, , blood, , things strangled, , fornication, paul addressed question in epistle galatians in condemned insisted circumcision had followed justification false believers (galatians 2:4): but

Greece Partition of the Ottoman Empire

greek proposal paris peace conference greece according treaty of sèvres the western allies, particularly british prime minister david lloyd george, promised greece territorial gains @ expense of ottoman empire if greece entered war on allied side. promised territories included eastern thrace, islands of imbros (gökçeada) , tenedos (bozcaada), , parts of western anatolia around city of İzmir. in may 1917, after exile of constantine of greece, greek prime minister eleuthérios venizélos returned athens , allied entente. greek military forces (though divided between supporters of monarchy , supporters of venizélos) began take part in military operations against bulgarian army on border. same year, İzmir promised italy under agreement of saint-jean-de-maurienne between france, italy , united kingdom. at 1918 paris peace conference, based on wartime promises, venizélos lobbied hard expanded hellas (the megali idea) include large greek communities in northern epirus, thrace (including constan

Portuguese chouriço Chorizo

a variety of portuguese chouriços other portuguese enchidos portuguese chouriço made (at least) pork, fat, wine, paprika, garlic, , salt. stuffed natural or artificial casings , dried on smoke. many different varieties differ in color, shape, seasoning, , taste. many dishes of portuguese cuisine , brazilian cuisine make use of chouriço – cozido à portuguesa , feijoada 2 of them. a popular way prepare chouriço partially sliced , flame-cooked on alcohol @ table (chouriço à bombeiro). special glazed earthenware dishes lattice top used purpose. in johannesburg, south africa, high influx of portuguese immigrants in 1960s portugal , mozambique tended settle in suburb called la rochelle (little portugal) , though of them have either returned portugal or moved on more affluent suburbs in city, restaurants in area, well supported annual lusitoland fundraiser festival, have chouriço centrepiece of many items on menus. in heavily portuguese counties in rhode island , southeastern massachusetts,

Above .750 List of NBA teams by single season win percentage

most wins in nba history (73) best start in nba history (24–0) best start in nba history every number of losses 1-2 , 4-9: (29–1, .967), (36–2, .947), (48–4, .923), (55–5, .917), (62–6, .912), (68–7, .907), (69–8, .896), (73–9, .890) most wins in nba history (regular season , postseason combined) (88) started 36–0 @ home, part of nba record 54-straight home wins dating 2014–15 season 28 game winning streak dating 2014–15, second longest in nba history most road wins in nba history (34) best road start in nba history , third longest road winning streak (14–0) undefeated november (16–0) best record heading all-star break in nba history (48–4, 0.923) winning streaks of 24 , 11 games second earliest clinch of playoff berth in nba history (the warriors beat 2 days in 2016–17 season) first team in nba history make on 1,000 three-pointers in regular-season only team in nba history not have lost same opponent twice in regular season only team in nba history not lose back-to-back games in regul

Method of teaching Manchu alphabet

the word “manju” (manchu) written in manchu script. despite alphabetic nature of script, manchu traditionally taught syllabary. mongols, manchu children taught memorize syllables in manchu language separately learned write, dividing syllables twelve different classes, based on final phonemes of syllables, of ended in vowels. when learning language, manchus taught @ once la, lo, etc., instead of saying i, a---la; i, o---lo; etc. result, syllables contained in syllabary not contain possible combinations can formed letters. made, instance, no such use of consonants i, m, n, , r, westerners when called them liquid; hence if manchu letters s, m, a, r, t, joined in order, manchu not pronounce them english-speaking people pronounce word smart. today, opinion on whether alphabet or syllabic in nature still split between different experts. in china, considered syllabic , manchu still taught in manner, while in west treated alphabet. alphabetic approach used foreigners want learn language, study

Radical politics and Ummah Tameer-e-Nau Sultan Bashiruddin Mahmood

endorsing publicly decision of nuclear tests prime minister nawaz sharif in 1998, mahmood began appearing in news channels outspoken opponent of prime minister sharif, vehemently opposed pakistan becoming signatory state of npt , ctbt. @ country s popular news channels , newspapers, mahmood gave numerous interviews, wrote articles, , lobbied against prime minister sharif when learning prime minister sharif had been willing signatory of anti-nuclear weapon treaties, prompting government forcefully transferring mahmood @ non-technical position in paec. seeking premature retirement paec in 1999, mahmood moved towards publishing books , articles involving relationship between science , islam. mahmood founded ummah tameer-e-nau (utn)– rightwing organization– close associates. in 2000, began attending lectures , religious sessions dr. israr ahmed later influenced in political views , philosophy. through utn, steps in more radical politics, , began visiting afghanistan wanted focused on rebui

Leyat List of aircraft (La-Lh)

^ l hélica marcel leyat:les avions . aérophile (in french). 2 january 1913. retrieved 18 may 2014.  ^ l hélica marcel leyat:les avions . aérophile (in french). 1923. retrieved 18 may 2014.  ^ l hélica marcel leyat:les avions . aérophile (in french). 8 january 1924. retrieved 18 may 2014.  ^ l hélica marcel leyat:les avions . les ailes (in french). 3 march 1932. retrieved 18 may 2014.  ^ l hélica marcel leyat:les avionsaccessdate=18 may 2014 . les ailes (in french). 28 january 1932. 

Climate Northern Territory

köppen climate types in northern territory satellite image of fire activity in central australia. the northern territory has 2 distinctive climate zones. the northern end, including darwin, has tropical climate high humidity , 2 seasons, wet (october april) , dry season (may september). during dry season every day warm , sunny, , afternoon humidity averages around 30%. there little rainfall between may , september. in coolest months of june , july, daily minimum temperature may dip low 14 °c (57 °f), lower, , frost has never been recorded. the wet season associated tropical cyclones , monsoon rains. majority of rainfall occurs between december , march (the southern hemisphere summer), when thunderstorms common , afternoon relative humidity averages on 70% during wettest months. on average more 1,570 mm (62 in) of rain falls in north. rainfall highest in north-west coastal areas, rainfall averages 1,800–2,100mm (72–84 in). the central region desert centre of country, includes alice spri

European Football Confederation membership Israel national football team

avram grant has been youngest national coach of israel yossi benayoun israel s capped player 102 caps israel came close advancing playoff stage in 2006 world cup qualifying group, finishing third, behind france, , tied on points switzerland, remained unbeaten in 10 matches after 4 wins , 6 draws. swiss had better goal difference, though, , advanced qualification play-off. coach avram grant announced resignation on 26 october 2005. after end of contract, succeeded dror kashtan. in uefa euro 2008 qualifying, israel came close qualifying final tournament, finished fourth in group e, behind group winners croatia, 1 point behind russia croatia qualified direct, equal on 23 points (one less russia) 12 games england; failed advance did israel. 4–3 home loss croatia first loss after 13 consecutive official games , 9 home games without loss. in 2010 fifa world cup qualification, israel again came in fourth, behind switzerland, greece, , latvia. uefa euro 2012 qualifying campaign, kashtan replac

Career Michaela Strachan

1 career 1.1 television 1.2 springwatch , autumnwatch 1.3 music career television strachan presenter on saturday morning television in 1980s, being involved in such programmes tv-am , wide awake club timmy mallett. in 1988, hosted boogie box on music channel music box. 1988 1992, strachan starred in music show hitman , alongside pete waterman. in 1993, strachan joined wild show, wildlife programme children on bbc1. she regular reporter bbc 1 s countryfile many years until programme underwent primetime sunday evening revamp in april 2009. move south africa prevented committing new show. while filming item countryfile in 2002, strachan entered world gurning competition @ egremont crab fair. surprise won ladies world gurning crown. strachan co-presented 2 series of orangutan diary steve leonard bbc one. these series followed daily routines @ reserve orphaned orangutans in borneo , work of lone drøscher nielsen , team in rescuing , rehabilitating orangutans. broadcast in 2006 , 2008. to

In culture Mahir Çayan

1 in culture 1.1 music 1.2 films 1.3 books in culture music grup yorum - kızıldere grup yorum - sen olacağız grup kızılırmak - kızıldere grup adalılar - mahir gördüm grup adalılar - ankara dan bir haber var emekçi - kızıldere films hatırla sevgili books ali h. neyzi - mahir turhan feyizoğlu - mahir tarkan tufan - mahir Çayan ın hayatı ve fikirleri: bir devrimcinin portresi mahir Çayan - bütün yazıları mahir Çayan ın hayat Öyküsü yılmaz okay mahir Çayan toplu yazılar uğur koparan

References Yaqub Sanu

ettmüller, eliane u. (2012): construct of egypt s national-self in james sanua s satire & caricature. berlin: klaus schwarz. isbn 978-3-87997-411-5 langone, angela daiana (2016): molière et le théâtre arabe. réception moliéresque et identités nationales arabes. berlin: de gruyter. isbn 978-3-11-044234-2 ziad fahmy, francophone egyptian nationalists, anti-british discourse, , european public opinion, 1885-1910: case of mustafa kamil , ya qub sannu

Demographics New Port Richey, Florida

as of census of 2011, there 14,903 people, 6,756 households, , 3,962 families residing in city. population density 3,573.3 inhabitants per square mile (1,379.8/km²). there 8,693 housing units @ average density of 1,868.6 per square mile (721.5/km²). racial makeup of city 88.9% white, 3.0% african american, 0.5% native american, 1.4% asian, 0.09% pacific islander, 1.46% other races, , 2.7% 2 or more races. hispanic or latino of race 11.2% of population. there 6,756 households out of 17.9% had children under age of 18 living them, 39.0% married couples living together, 11.7% had female householder no husband present, , 45.2% non-families. 37.4% of households made of individuals , 20.2% had living alone 65 years of age or older. average household size 2.11 , average family size 2.76. in city, population spread out 19.1% under age of 18, 7.4% 18 24, 24.5% 25 44, 20.7% 45 64, , 28.3% 65 years of age or older. median age 44 years. every 100 females there 88.2 males. every 100 females age 18

Supporters Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant

1 supporters 1.1 allegations of state support 1.1.1 saudi arabia 1.1.2 syria 1.1.3 turkey 1.1.4 qatar 1.1.5 united states 1.1.6 foreign nationals 1.1.7 groups expressing support isil 1.2 countries , groups @ war isil 1.3 global coalition counter islamic state of iraq , levant 1.3.1 other state opponents not part of counter-isil coalition 1.3.2 other non-state opponents 1.3.3 al-qaeda supporters according june 2015 reuters report cited jihadist ideologues source, 90% of isil s fighters in iraq iraqi, , 70% of fighters in syria syrian. article stated group has 40,000 fighters , 60,000 supporters across 2 primary strongholds in iraq , syria. according scholar fawaz gerges writing in isis: history, 30 percent of senior figures in isil s military command former army , police officers disbanded iraqi security forces, drawn isil de-ba athification policy , turned towards sunni islamism, following invasion of iraq. according poll pew research center, muslim populations of various countries

History Florida Army National Guard

the predecessor of florida army national guard florida militia formed in 1565, in newly established presidio town of st. augustine. on september 20, 1565, spanish admiral , florida s first governor, pedro menéndez de avilés, attacked , defended florida attempted french settlement @ fort caroline, in jacksonville. subsequent militia served under spanish crown 236 years, great britain 20 years, , confederate states of america 5 years. in 1702-1704 inter indian native american conflict started part of queen anne s war, involving english armies on 1 side , spanish on resulted in apalachee massacre. conflict later escalated yamasee war. after end of first seminole war in 1821, florida provinces joined united states, process finalized in ratification of adams–onís treaty. 1835 1842 second seminole war resulted in elimination force of of native americans territory. florida incorporated united states state in 1845. after florida s incorporation united states problems seminoles continued until

Meeting highlights 2015 IAAF Diamond League

1 meeting highlights 1.1 doha 1.2 shanghai 1.3 eugene 1.4 rome 1.5 birmingham 1.6 oslo 1.7 new york 1.8 paris 1.9 lausanne 1.10 monaco meeting highlights doha three diamond league records set in doha during opening competition of series. allyson felix of united states won women s 200 metres run of 21.98 seconds equal veronica campbell-brown s time set during inaugural 2010 iaaf diamond league season. jasmin stowers, making debut on circuit, broke women s 100 metres hurdles record time of 12.35 seconds – raised seventh on all-time rankings discipline. third record of evening came in men s triple jump: cuba s pedro pablo pichardo became first person go beyond eighteen metres in series history, setting national record , diamond league best of 18.06 m (59 ft 3 in). placed him third on all-time lists sport behind jonathan edwards , kenny harrison. reigning olympic champion, christian taylor, runner-up , moved himself fourth on all-time lists mark of 18.04 m (59 ft 2 in), making contest firs