Cause Bed bug infestation

an adult bed bug (cimex lectularius) typical flattened oval shape.

bed bug bites caused bed bugs of 2 species cimex lectularius (the common bed bug) , cimex hemipterus. infestation due lack of hygiene. these insects feed exclusively on blood , may survive year without eating. attracted body warmth , carbon dioxide. transfer new places in personal effects of human feed upon.

dwellings can become infested bed bugs in variety of ways, such as:

bugs , eggs inadvertently brought in other infested dwellings on visiting person s clothing or luggage;
infested items (such furniture beds or couches, clothing, or backpacks) brought in home or business;
nearby dwellings or infested items, if easy routes available travel, e.g. through ducts or false ceilings;
wild animals (such bats or birds) may harbour bed bugs or related species such bat bug;
people visiting infested area (e.g. dwelling, means of transport, entertainment venue, or lodging) , carrying bugs area on clothing, luggage, or bodies. bedbugs increasingly found in air travel.
though bed bugs feed on pets, not live or travel on skin of hosts, , pets not believed factor in spread.

^ cite error: named reference jama2009 invoked never defined (see page).
^ hildreth cj, burke ae, glass rm (april 2009). jama patient page. bed bugs . jama. 301 (13): 1398. doi:10.1001/jama.301.13.1398. pmid 19336718. 
^ cite error: named reference kolb2009 invoked never defined (see page).
^ potter, michael f. bed bugs . university of kentucky college of agriculture. archived original on 2 july 2010. retrieved 27 june 2010. 
^ steelman, c.d. 2000. biology , control of bed bugs, cimex lectularius, in poultry houses. avian advice 2: 10,15.
^ forbes: bed bugs on airplanes?! yikes! how fly bed bug-free, 21 november 2011
^ truth bedbugs: debunking myths . paws sf. archived original on 2013-10-14. retrieved 13 oct 2013. 


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