
Showing posts from August, 2011

College career Kyle Allen

1 college career 1.1 texas a&m 1.1.1 2014 1.1.2 2015 1.2 houston 1.2.1 2016 1.2.2 2017 1.3 college career statistics college career texas a&m 2014 as true freshman in 2014, allen competed kenny hill before season starting quarterback position. hill win job allen appearing in games backup. after team lost 3 straight games in october, competition opened again prior game against louisiana-monroe, , allen won starting quarterback position. on september 14, 2014, made first appearance aggies , threw 12/16 completions 122-yards, 2 touchdowns, , interception. next week took on #3 auburn in auburn, alabama. led unranked aggies past tigers while throwing 277 yard , 4 touchdowns along 1 interception in 41-38 win, ending auburn chances of making playoffs , putting a&m in top 25. allen finish season 3–2 win-loss record, including bowl win , mvp award. finished freshman season 118/192(61.5%) completions, 1,322 passing yards, 16 touchdowns, , 7 interceptions. 2015 following transfer of k

China Anti-Western sentiment

anti-western sentiment in china has been increasing since 1990s, particularly amongst chinese youth. notable incidents have resulted in significant anti-western backlash have included 1999 nato bombing of chinese embassy in belgrade, 2008 demonstrations during olympic torch relay , alleged western media bias, in relation march 2008 tibet riots. whilst available public opinion polls show chinese hold favourable views towards united states, there remains suspicion on west s motives towards china stemming largely historical experiences , century of humiliation . these suspicions have been increased communist party s patriotic education campaign .

BMT Myrtle Avenue Line platforms Myrtle–Wyckoff Avenues (New York City Subway)

the center trackway @ wyckoff avenue myrtle–wyckoff avenues on bmt myrtle avenue line (originally named wyckoff avenue) elevated station located entirely in brooklyn (unlike canarsie line station, located partially in brooklyn , partially in queens). @ time of opening on december 19, 1889, had single island platform 2 tracks. originally, line stub ended @ original wyckoff station past present curve east of station. subsequently extended in 1906 street level right-of-way metropolitan avenue, , again in 1910s during dual contracts era onto present elevated structure. on july 29, 1914, station reconfigured 2 island platforms in order accommodate additional express track broadway – myrtle avenue. (the remainder of line east of station two-track configuration.) when elevated rebuilt 3 tracks in 1914, bmt canarsie line still planned on elevated line between montrose avenue , broadway junction. express track in anticipation of potentially different service pattern , anticipation of canarsie l

In media and popular culture Punxsutawney Phil

miniature replica @ mrrv, carnegie science center, pittsburgh phil , town of punxsutawney portrayed in 1993 film groundhog day. actual town used portray punxsutawney in film woodstock, illinois. in 1995, phil flew chicago guest appearance on oprah winfrey show, aired on groundhog day, february 2, 1995. phil main attraction in groundhog day , april 10, 2005 episode of mtv series viva la bam. in episode, street skater bam margera holds downhill race in honor of punxsutawney phil @ bear creek mountain resort, pennsylvania. in march 2013, butler county, ohio prosecutor named michael gmoser made international headlines after issuing indictment against groundhog e-mail calling death penalty misrepresentation of spring, unclassified felony, , against peace , dignity of state of ohio . on day, maximum temperature of day within region close record low, snow having fallen, , temperatures predicted remain below seasonal averages @ least next several days. no such indictment made against ohio pr

Historical development Eucharist in the Catholic Church

whether agape feast, full meal held christians in first centuries, in cases associated celebration of eucharist uncertain. in case, abuses connected celebration of full meal, abuses denounced apostles paul , jude, led distinct celebration of eucharist. form of celebration in middle of second century described justin martyr similar today s eucharistic rites known in west mass , in of east divine liturgy. regular celebration held each week on day called sunday, christians calling lord s day. included readings scripture, homily, prayer all, prayer president of brethren on bread , wine mixed water, respond amen , , distribution present of on have been given, while deacons take portions absent. there collection widows , orphans , in need because of reasons such sickness. justin wrote christians did not receive bread , wine mixed water on thanksgiving pronounced , called Εὐχαριστία (the eucharist - literally, thanksgiving), common bread , common drink, having been taught food blessed p

North America Evolution of the Dutch Empire

new netherland new netherland (nieuw-nederland) comprised areas of northeast atlantic seaboard of present-day united states visited dutch explorers , later settled , taken on dutch west india company. settlements located on hudson river @ fort nassau (1614–7) in present-day albany, new york (later resettled fort orange in 1624), , new amsterdam, founded in 1625 on manhattan island. new netherland reached maximum size after dutch absorbed swedish settlement of fort christina in 1655, thereby ending north american colony of new sweden. new netherland formally ended in 1674 after third anglo-dutch war. dutch settlements passed english crown , new amsterdam renamed new york. the treaty forged dutch , english stated each party hold onto lands held or conquered @ time of treaty of breda had ended second anglo-dutch war. there no exchange of lands. hence, english held onto new amsterdam (including manhattan island , hudson river valley), , dutch spoils included dutch guiana in south america,

Context The Mansion of Happiness

the checkered game of life (1860) rewards mundane ventures , secular virtues such ambition. with industrialization , urbanization of united states in 19th century, american middle class experienced increase in leisure time. home gradually lost traditional role center of economic production , became locus of leisure activities , education under supervision of mothers. result, demand increased children s board games emphasizing literacy , christian principles, morals, , values. advances in papermaking , printing technology during era made publication of inexpensive board games possible, , technological invention of chromolithography made colorful board games welcome addition parlor tabletop. one of earliest children s board games published in america mansion of happiness (1843), progenitor of american board games . other children s games followed in wake, mansion of happiness based on puritan world view christian virtue , deeds assurances of happiness , success in life. game mechanics i

History 72nd Pennsylvania Infantry Monument

1 history 1.1 first monument 1.2 pennsylvania supreme court 1.3 second monument history fire zouave (1891), ____ stephens, sculptor. the 72nd regiment pennsylvania volunteers, commanded colonel dewitt clinton baxter , called baxter s philadelphia fire zouaves, recruited among firemen in philadelphia, pennsylvania. dress uniforms modeled on of zouaves, north african berber tribe famous ferocious fighting. the 72nd played important role in beating pickett s charge on july 3, 1863. @ beginning of confederate advance across valley, 72nd posted in support , rear of batteries upon hancock s front. enemy drove in brigade pickets emmitsburg road, [sic] regiment rushed front line, striking assailants @ famous stone wall , clump of trees. morning, fire zouaves had numbered 458 officers , men. after fury of conflict, there 266 of 72nd left further duty. first monument in 1864, pennsylvania granted charter gettysburg battlefield memorial association promoting , protecting memorial structures.

History Río de la Plata Basin

1 history 1.1 exploration 1.2 colonial period 1.3 revolutionary period history the río de la plata basin has been site of conflict in modern history of south america, of because basin contained (contested) frontiers between portuguese , spanish empires in south america , successor states. series of wars has been fought on territorial control in region, particularly in nineteenth century. early exploration explorer sebastian cabot made detailed study of río de la plata , tributaries , gave river modern name. explored paraná , uruguay rivers between 1526 , 1529, ascending paraná far present-day city of asunción, , explored paraguay river. cabot acquired silver trinkets trading guaraní near today s asunción, , these objects gave rise name río de la plata, river of silver . colonial period the first european colony in platine region city of buenos aires, founded pedro de mendoza on 2 february 1536. settlement, however, abandoned; failure establish settlement on la plata estuary led explor

Season 2 The Good Wife

season 2 begins season 1 left off , alicia discussing how have affair without media finding out. before plan conceived, however, eli gold takes possession of alicia s phone , deletes pivotal voicemail. alicia, under impression not have plan, suppresses feelings will, , workplace environment becomes awkward when in vicinity of each other. alicia 2nd year associate after being chosen on cary agos, has been hired deputy state s attorney leading lockhart & gardner, find battling each other in court. peter, released prison , cleared of charges, begins campaign run state s attorney against current state s attorney glenn childs. new main partner, derrick bond, joins firm lockhart & gardner—now known lockhart/gardner & bond. however, feud between diane , occurs when begins siding derrick bond s suggestions. diane requests kalinda check s , derrick s past. discovers had connection in s old law firm in baltimore. @ same time, new investigator joins law firm—blake calamar. brought in

Administrative divisions Austria

as federal republic, austria divided 9 states (german: bundesländer). these states divided districts (bezirke) , statutory cities (statutarstädte). districts subdivided municipalities (gemeinden). statutory cities have competencies otherwise granted both districts , municipalities. states not mere administrative divisions have legislative authority distinct federal government, e.g. in matters of culture, social care, youth , nature protection, hunting, building, , zoning ordinances. in recent years, has been discussed whether today appropriate small country maintain ten parliaments.

Preparation and reactions Pyrazole

1 preparation , reactions 1.1 history 1.2 conversion scorpionates 1.3 3,5-diphenyl-1h-pyrazole preparation , reactions pyrazoles synthesized reaction of α,β-unsaturated aldehydes hydrazine , subsequent dehydrogenation: substituted pyrazoles prepared condensation of 1,3-diketones hydrazine. example, acetylacetone , hydrazine gives 3,5-dimethylpyrazole: ch3c(o)ch2c(o)ch3   +   n2h4   →   (ch3)2c3hn2h   +   2 h2o history the term pyrazole given class of compounds german chemist ludwig knorr in 1883. in classical method developed german chemist hans von pechmann in 1898, pyrazole synthesized acetylene , diazomethane. conversion scorpionates pyrazoles react potassium borohydride form class of ligands known scorpionate. pyrazole reacts potassium borohydride @ high temperatures (~200 °c) form tridentate ligand known tp ligand: 3,5-diphenyl-1h-pyrazole 3,5-diphenyl-1h-pyrazole produced when (e)-1,3-diphenylprop-2-en-1-one reacted hydrazine hydrate in presence of elemental sulfur or sodium pers

Crime Volkstaat

crime has remained major problem in south africa since end of apartheid. according survey period 1998 - 2000 compiled united nations, south africa ranked second assault , murder (by means) per capita. total crime per capita 10th out of 60 countries in data set. crime has had pronounced effect on society: many wealthier south africans moved gated communities, abandoning central business districts of cities relative security of suburbs.

Late 20th century commentary Second Amendment to the United States Constitution

assortment of 20th century handguns in latter half of 20th century, there considerable debate on whether second amendment protected individual right or collective right. debate centered on whether prefatory clause ( regulated militia being necessary security of free state ) declared amendment’s purpose or merely announced purpose introduce operative clause ( right of people keep , bear arms shall not infringed ). scholars advanced 3 competing theoretical models how prefatory clause should interpreted. the first, known states rights or collective right model, held second amendment not apply individuals; rather, recognizes right of each state arm militia. under approach, citizens have no right keep or bear arms, states have collective right have national guard . advocates of collective rights models argued second amendment written prevent federal government disarming state militias, rather secure individual right possess firearms. prior 2001, every circuit court decision interprete

Events 1879

1 events 1.1 january–march 1.2 april–june 1.3 july–september 1.4 october–december 1.5 date unknown events january–march january – current constitution of state of california in united states ratified. january 1 – specie resumption act takes effect. united states note valued same gold first time since american civil war. january 11 – anglo-zulu war begins. january 22 – battle of isandlwana: first major encounter in anglo-zulu war between british empire , zulu kingdom. force of 1,200 british soldiers wiped out 20,000+ zulu warriors. january 23 – battle of rorke s drift – following previous day s defeat, smaller british force of 140, repels attack 4000 zulus. february 8 – @ meeting of royal canadian institute, engineer , inventor sandford fleming first proposes global adoption of standard time. march 11 – ryukyu domain incorporated okinawa prefecture of japan , last ruler, shō tai, exiled tokyo. march 28 – anglo-zulu war – battle of hlobane: british forces suffer defeat. march 29 – anglo-

Scholarly commentary Second Amendment to the United States Constitution

1 scholarly commentary 1.1 commentary 1.1.1 richard henry lee 1.1.2 george mason 1.1.3 tench coxe 1.1.4 tucker/blackstone 1.1.5 william rawle 1.1.6 joseph story 1.1.7 lysander spooner 1.1.8 timothy farrar 1.1.9 judge thomas cooley 1.2 late 20th century commentary 1.3 meaning of regulated militia 1.4 meaning of right of people 1.5 meaning of keep , bear arms scholarly commentary early commentary richard henry lee in may of 1788, richard henry lee wrote (wikiquote link) in additional letters federal farmer #169 or letter xviii regarding definition of militia. george mason in june of 1788, george mason addressed (wikiquote link) virginia ratifying convention regarding militia. tench coxe in 1792, tench coxe made following point in commentary on second amendment: as civil rulers, not having duty people duly before them, may attempt tyrannize, , military forces must raised defend our country, might pervert power injury of fellow citizens, people confirmed next article in right keep , b

References Interpretation (model theory)

ahlbrandt, gisela; ziegler, martin (1986), quasi finitely axiomatizable totally categorical theories , annals of pure , applied logic, 30: 63–82, doi:10.1016/0168-0072(86)90037-0  hodges, wilfrid (1997), shorter model theory, cambridge: cambridge university press, isbn 978-0-521-58713-6  (section 4.3) poizat, bruno (2000), course in model theory, springer, isbn 0-387-98655-3  (section 9.4)

Me and Armini EP Me and Armini (song)

1 me , armini ep 1.1 music video 1.2 track listing 1.3 release history me , armini ep me , armini ep first, and, digital only, ep emilíana torrini. on torrini s official website news then-forthcoming release of showed in july 2009. official ep release dates are: august 10, 2009 in united states , september 14 same year in united kingdom. ep features 2 remixes of title track , unreleased versions of ha ha , beggar s prayer . songs featured in original versions on album me , armini. sources give september 13 release date. music video a music video made me , armini , , posted on torrini s website on september 21, 2009. utilizes dan carey mix of song. track listing release history

History Royal Spring Park

1 history 1.1 royal spring 1.2 settlements 1.3 kentucky bourbon developed 1.4 leach cabin history royal spring royal spring royal spring large spring in georgetown, kentucky has been main source of water since first settlements in area. in 1889, georgetown water works company incorporated, , distributed spring water until city of georgetown purchased company , established municipal water works plant in 1945. currently, more 13,000 customers of georgetown municipal water , sewer service rely on water spring primary water supply. early settlements in 1774 john floyd of fincastle county, virginia led surveying party kentucky locate land used compensation soldier in french , indian war . on july 7, 1774, floyd found spring , received , 1,000 acres (4.0 km) of land payment surveying work. spring s earliest know name mr. floyd s spring . in october 1775, floyd transferred ownership of spring john mcclelland (1745–1776), westmoreland county, pennsylvania, after mcclelland surveyed , built c

Families Conoidea

1 families 1.1 1993 taxonomy 1.2 2009 taxonomy 1.3 2011 taxonomy families 1993 taxonomy families , subfamilies included within superfamily conoidea according taylor, et al. 1993 clavatulidae clay, 1853 conidae fleming, 1822 coninae – cone snails clathurellinae conorbiinae mangeliinae oenopotinae raphitominae drilliidae olsson, 1964 pseudomelatomidae morrison, 1964 strictispiridae mclean, 1971 terebridae mörch, 1852 – auger shells turridae h. adams & a. adams, 1853 (1838) – turrids this same classification accepted bouchet & rocroi in 2005 2009 taxonomy in 2009 john k. tucker , manuel j. tenorio proposed classification system cone shells , allies (which resorb inner walls during growth) based upon cladistical analysis of anatomical characters including radular tooth, morphology (i.e. shell characters), analysis of prior molecular phylogeny studies, of used construct phylogenetic trees. in phylogeny, tucker , tenorio noted close relationship of cone species within various clades,

Career Tim Conway

1 career 1.1 cleveland years 1.2 steve allen show 1.3 mchale s navy 1.4 turn-on 1.5 tim conway show (1970) 1.6 carol burnett show 1.7 tim conway show (1980–1981) 1.8 dorf 1.9 other television 1.10 other film , video career the cleveland years after discharge army, conway returned cleveland , worked ernie anderson on kyw-tv, nbc affiliate, in 1958 , 1959. 1960 1962, on wjw-tv (then cbs affiliate, fox affiliate) on weekday morning film (under ernie s place banner), wrote material comedic skits shown in between film intermissions. conway recorded comedy album anderson, himself gained national prominence voice on announcer abc television in 1970s. wjw dismissed conway in 1962, in part because (and anderson) misled station management thinking had experience director. because of move, deprived anderson of co-host , comic foil, station asked anderson if host b-grade (and lower) horror film show on friday nights instead. conway continued make many appearances alongside anderson s alter ego gho

World Vision Ambassadors World Vision Australia

world vision australia magazine. dec 2005 in 2005, guy sebastian appointed ambassador world vision australia. in august of year visited uganda film documentary idol in africa network ten television special. program highlighted issues of poverty , civil war , effect on population. during making of documentary sebastian visited rehabilitation centre former child soldiers in gulu, uganda, , met children had been orphaned hiv , aids. sebastian stated african journey helped put own life perspective. program broadcast on 3 december 2005, , repeated on 24 december 2005. sebastian continued involvement world vision australia, supporting child rescue program , has supported 40 hour famine. has been involved in make poverty history coalition of world vision part.

Death Trent Keegan

nairobi located in kenya , north of tanzania. nairobi shown here relative dodoma, capital city of tanzania. before death, keegan working on report of local kenyan tribe being forced leave land make way new safari park planned constructed. 1 of friends, jim gallagher, states keegan mentioned visited local police , safari security officers. questioned nature of story , during interrogation, supposedly advised leave tanzania own safety. after confrontation, reported incident chief of police. nothing more incident mentioned keegan, told friend not worried because travels safely , other people around. keegan last seen getting taxi @ 9:30pm, leaving after spending time local volunteer voluntary mission movement organization. approximately 10 hours later, keegan found dead off side of highway in drainage ditch. investigation despite police ruling keegan s death robbery/murder, family , friends still have ideas of own. many different interviews have been conducted keegan s family show although

Controversy Washington Redskins name controversy

1 controversy 1.1 academic research 1.2 native american advocates of change 1.3 civil rights , religious organizations 1.4 protests controversy the redskins controversy began receiving more attention in 2013, starting symposium in february on topic @ smithsonian s national museum of american indian in washington, d.c. subsequently, oneida indian nation of new york sponsored series of radio ads in each city coincide games of 2013 season, each featuring targeted message. broader range of persons spoke in favor of change or open discussion, including local government leaders, members of congress, , president barack obama. statements in support of name change academic, civil rights , religious organizations added native american groups have been making decades. in 2017, when professional sports has dealt number of racial issues, individual acts players widespread protests during national anthem, commentators speculate why there has been no action address stereotyping of native americans, i