Death Trent Keegan

nairobi located in kenya , north of tanzania. nairobi shown here relative dodoma, capital city of tanzania.

before death, keegan working on report of local kenyan tribe being forced leave land make way new safari park planned constructed. 1 of friends, jim gallagher, states keegan mentioned visited local police , safari security officers. questioned nature of story , during interrogation, supposedly advised leave tanzania own safety. after confrontation, reported incident chief of police. nothing more incident mentioned keegan, told friend not worried because travels safely , other people around. keegan last seen getting taxi @ 9:30pm, leaving after spending time local volunteer voluntary mission movement organization. approximately 10 hours later, keegan found dead off side of highway in drainage ditch.


despite police ruling keegan s death robbery/murder, family , friends still have ideas of own. many different interviews have been conducted keegan s family show although hit , run or mugging possibilities, believe work @ time relates death. not covering dispute between 2 groups of people 1 side not wanting publicized, keegan mentioned father witnessed man shoot pregnant lady right in front of him , planned reveal authorities. reason why family believes death related work when police recovered keegan s personal items person, laptop , camera missing wallet found , cash inside. also, there evidence keegan s body dragged ditch found deceased. there closed-circuit cameras have witnessed happened keegan, police gave no information on whether or not cameras had evidence on them or not. mentioned 1 of friends being threatened. together, these factors came play , made family , many others suspicious because based on evidence, death not seem normal robbery or hit , run incident. few months investigation, kenyan police had 5 men in custody believe have connections death of keegan. name nor other information given when news released. in 2009, kenyan police released information stating have 2 men in custody charged robbery of keegan. however, both men acquitted nairobi court of charges. in 2011, hesbon amadade charged murder of keegan acquitted of charges. no 1 else has been arrested or linked death of trent keegan.


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