Controversy Washington Redskins name controversy

1 controversy

1.1 academic research
1.2 native american advocates of change
1.3 civil rights , religious organizations
1.4 protests


the redskins controversy began receiving more attention in 2013, starting symposium in february on topic @ smithsonian s national museum of american indian in washington, d.c. subsequently, oneida indian nation of new york sponsored series of radio ads in each city coincide games of 2013 season, each featuring targeted message. broader range of persons spoke in favor of change or open discussion, including local government leaders, members of congress, , president barack obama. statements in support of name change academic, civil rights , religious organizations added native american groups have been making decades.

in 2017, when professional sports has dealt number of racial issues, individual acts players widespread protests during national anthem, commentators speculate why there has been no action address stereotyping of native americans, including decision have washington redskins host game on thanksgiving.

academic research

the issue discussed in media in terms of offensiveness or political correctness, reduces feelings , opinions, , prevents full understanding of historical, psychological , sociological context provided academic research on negative effects of use of native american names , images sports teams. effect of stereotyping on high or low expectations, confidence, , academic performance has been well-established. effect enhanced due invisibility of native americans in mainstream society , media, leaving stereotypes primary basis thinking abilities , traits associated natives, including roles , opportunities natives americans envision themselves. furthermore, when stereotypes positive (e.g. natives americans spiritual ), may have limiting, detrimental effect on individuals. stereotyping may directly affect academic performance , self-esteem of native american youth, people face high rates of suicide, unemployment, , poverty. euro-americans exposed mascots may more believe not such stereotypes true, native americans have no identity beyond these stereotypes. research indicates exposure stereotypes increased likelihood of stereotypical thinking regard other minority groups in addition target of stereotype, spreading effect .

chief zee other fans

native americans opposed mascots point oversimplification of culture fans playing indian no understanding of deeper meaning of feathers, face paint, chants, , dancing. richard lapchick, director emeritus of northeastern university s center study of sport in society, wrote: imagine people mocking african americans in black face @ game? yet go game there team indian name , see fans war paint on faces. not equivalent black face? unofficial mascot of redskins team zema williams (aka chief zee), african american man attended games 38 years beginning in 1978 dressed in red faux indian costume, complete feathered war bonnet , rubber tomahawk. other fans dress in similar costumes games.

in report published center american progress summarizing research on real impact of native mascots , team names on american indian , alaska native youth , case made public debate misses point, since individual opinions on either side not matter given measurable effects on mental health of native american young people exposed such misrepresentations of ethnic identity, , hostile or insulting behavior of non-natives occur when teams such names , mascots play. clinical psychologist michael friedman writes use of native imagery, in particular use of dictionary defined slur, form of bullying, negative impact of magnified being officially sanctioned.

the majority of scholars argue use of stereotype, whether positive or negative, hindrance advancement of targeted group. national organizations representing several academic disciplines, after reviewing research done on issue, have passed resolutions calling end of native american mascots , images in sports. these include society of indian psychologists (1999), american counseling association (2001), american psychological association (2005), american sociological association (2007). , american anthropological association (2015). executive board of nation s leading organization of scholars of u.s. history approved resolution in april 2015: organization of american historians hereby adds voice growing demands native american organizations, our sister disciplines, , conscientious people of ethnic backgrounds, change name , logo of washington redskins .

native american advocates of change

protest against name of washington redskins

in 1940s national congress of american indians (ncai) created campaign eliminate negative stereotyping of native american people in media. on time, campaign began focus on indian names , mascots in sports. ncai maintains teams mascots such braves , redskins perpetuate negative stereotypes of native american people, , demean native traditions , rituals. ncai issued new report in 2013 summarizing opposition indian mascots , team names generally, , washington redskins in particular. in trademark case, ttab placed significance on ncai opposition, estimating organization represented 30% of native american population @ time trademarks granted, met criteria substantial composite of native americans finding name disparaging. in amicus brief filed in case, ncai states combined enrollment of member tribes in 2013 1.2 million individuals.

many tribal councils have passed resolutions or issued statements regarding opposition name of washington redskins, including cherokee , comanche nations of oklahoma, inter tribal council of arizona, inter-tribal council of 5 civilized tribes, oneida indian nation (new york), standing rock sioux tribe (north dakota) , united south , eastern tribes (uset). in april 2014, navajo nation council voted in favor of statement opposing name of washington team, other disparaging references american indians other professional sports franchises. other native american groups advocating change include: native american bar association of dc, national caucus of native american state legislators, , society of american indian government employees.

individual native americans or have been actively opposed redskins name include:

author sherman alexie (spokane)
co-founder of american indian movement clyde bellecourt (ojibwe)
former u.s. senator ben nighthorse campbell (northern cheyenne)
historian , author vine deloria, jr. (sioux)
director of national museum of american indian kevin gover (pawnee)
author , recent presidential medal of freedom recipient suzan shown harjo (cheyenne/hodulgee muscogee)
activist/actor russell means (oglala lakota)

civil rights , religious organizations

at 2013 annual conference, leadership conference on civil , human rights (lcchr), includes naacp , aclu members, passed unanimous resolution of 85 representatives present that, while recognizing business has first amendment right use name chooses, others need not complicit in use of pejorative , insulting name; , calling upon federal, state , local government entities end preferential tax, zoning, or policy treatment viewed supporting franchise long retains current team name . resolution commended current , former government officials, media outlets, , other entities have encouraged washington redskins franchise change team name or have refused complicit in promoting current team name . in response, team released brief statement reiterating previous position, , quoting 2 individuals being both native american , redskins fans not want name change. lcchr issued press release in 2014 applauding decision cancel trademark protection team s name. naacp issued own press release supporting ttab decision stating naacp has called name change since 1992, , continue stand native indian community until derogatory moniker has been changed.

the fritz pollard alliance, non-profit organization closely allied nfl on civil rights issues, announced support of name change in 2015 after repeated attempts discuss issue team owner , representatives. attorney alliance, n. jeremi duru, american university law professor, made study of controversy in concluded native americans justified in finding name offensive.

in 1992, central conference of american rabbis issued resolution calling end of sports teams names promote racism, in particular atlanta braves , washington redskins. anti-defamation league 1 of organizations signing letter broadcasters urging them avoid using name. religious action center of reform judaism advocates name change.

in 2013 group of 61 religious leaders in washington, d.c., sent letter nfl commissioner roger goodell , team owner dan snyder stating moral obligation join change mascot movement due offensive , inappropriate nature of name causes pain whether or not intended.

in june 2015, united church of christ general synod passed resolution calling stop using images or mascots demeaning native american community.

in june 2016; sidwell friends school, affiliated quakers, amended dress code ban apparel redskins name or logo offensive , antithetical values of community . in august 2017; private school in montgomery county, maryland, adopted similar policy.


although assumed debate of recent origins, local washington, d.c. newspapers have published news items on controversy many times since @ least 1971, in response native american individuals or organizations asking name changed. national protests began in 1988, after team s super bowl xxii victory, prompting numerous native americans write letters redskins owner jack kent cooke; others boycotted redskins products , protested, cooke rejected possibility of change. there protest of 2,000 people @ 1992 super bowl between redskins , buffalo bills; american indian movement s (aim) vernon bellecourt 1 of main organizers of protest.

since 2013, picketing @ stadiums has occurred when redskins have played, particularly in cities significant population of native americans, such dallas, denver , minneapolis. latter protest supported several minnesota politicians. picketing resumed 2014 season in glendale, arizona, when team played arizona cardinals, , again largest rally in minneapolis, estimates of number of protestors between 3,500 , 5,000. @ protest in philadelphia in 2017, native americans pointed out irony of nfl players making statement opposing racial injustice taking knee national anthem while 1 of teams taking field continues use racially offensive name , logo.

fedex owns naming rights team s stadium, fedexfield, through 2026, , has been corporate sponsor officially subject boycotts native americans: osage nation, native american rights fund (narf), , central council of tlingit , haida indian tribes, largest tribe of native alaskan peoples.

washington redskins game @ fedexfield, landover, maryland, october 2006


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