Events 1879

1 events

1.1 january–march
1.2 april–june
1.3 july–september
1.4 october–december
1.5 date unknown


january – current constitution of state of california in united states ratified.
january 1 – specie resumption act takes effect. united states note valued same gold first time since american civil war.
january 11 – anglo-zulu war begins.
january 22 – battle of isandlwana: first major encounter in anglo-zulu war between british empire , zulu kingdom. force of 1,200 british soldiers wiped out 20,000+ zulu warriors.
january 23 – battle of rorke s drift – following previous day s defeat, smaller british force of 140, repels attack 4000 zulus.
february 8 – @ meeting of royal canadian institute, engineer , inventor sandford fleming first proposes global adoption of standard time.
march 11 – ryukyu domain incorporated okinawa prefecture of japan , last ruler, shō tai, exiled tokyo.
march 28 – anglo-zulu war – battle of hlobane: british forces suffer defeat.
march 29 – anglo-zulu war – battle of kambula: british forces defeat 20,000 zulus.


april – postman ferdinand cheval begins build palais idéal @ hauterives in france.
april 5 – war of pacific: chile formally declares war on bolivia , peru.
april 12 – mary baker eddy founds church of christ, scientist in boston, massachusetts.
april 26 – national park, later renamed royal national park, declared in new south wales, australia, world s second oldest purposed national park.
may 2 – spanish socialist workers party (partido socialista obrero español) founded clandestinely @ casa labra tavern in madrid printer pablo iglesias.
may 10 – archaeological institute of america (aia) formed.
may 12 – english catholic convert john henry newman elevated cardinal.
may 14 – first group of 463 indian indentured labourers arrive in fiji aboard leonidas.
may 26 – russia , united kingdom sign treaty of gandamak, establishing afghan state.
may 30 – new york city s gilmore s garden renamed madison square garden william henry vanderbilt, , opened public @ 26th street , madison avenue.
june 1 – napoléon, prince imperial (napoléon iv), great-nephew of napoléon bonaparte, bonapartist pretender french throne, killed in africa while attached british army during anglo-zulu war.
june 4 – yasukuni shrine, officially renamed tokyo shokonsha shrine in japan.
june 6 – william denny , brothers launch world s first ocean-going steamer built of mild steel, ss rotomahana, on river clyde in scotland. on october 2 launch first transatlantic steamer of same material, ss buenos ayrean; on december 1 makes maiden voyage out of glasgow south america.
june 14 – sidney faithorn green, priest in church of england, tried , convicted using ritualist practices.
june 21 – german company linde founded carl von linde.


july 1 – american christian restorationist charles taze russell publishes first issue of monthly zion s watch tower , herald of christ s presence which, watchtower, become circulated magazine in world.
july 4 – anglo-zulu war: anglo-zulu war ends british victory @ battle of ulundi.
july 8 – led george w. de long, ill-fated united states jeannette expedition departs san francisco in attempt reach north pole pioneering route through bering strait.
august 16 – fulham f.c. founded in london church soccer team.
august 21 – claimed apparition local people @ knock, county mayo, ireland of blessed virgin mary, saint joseph, saint john evangelist , jesus christ (as lamb of god).
september – henry george self-publishes major work progress , poverty.
september 8 – fire in octagon, dunedin (new zealand) claims 12 victims.
september 19 - blackpool illuminations switched on first time.
september 25 – fire in deadwood, south dakota: 2000 people left homeless , 300 buildings destroyed; total loss of property estimated @ $3 million.
september 29 – meeker massacre: nathan meeker , others killed in uprising @ white river ute indian reservation in colorado.


october 7 – dual alliance formed germany , austria-hungary.
october 8 – naval battle of angamos fought during naval stage of war of pacific.
october 13 – first female students admitted study degrees of oxford university in england, @ new lady margaret hall , somerville hall , society of oxford home-students.
october 17 – sunderland association football club formed group of schoolteachers in north east of england.
october 22 – using filament of carbonized thread, thomas edison tests first practical electric light bulb (it lasts 13½ hours before burning out).
november – land acquired simmons college of kentucky, historically black school, established baptist institution.
november – age of michael begins, according french occultist eliphas levi, , johannes trithemius.
november 4 – thomas edison applies patent invention, incandescent light bulb. u.s. patent 223,898 granted on january 27, 1880.
november 10 – bell telephone company , western union reach agreement in united states, in former assents staying out of telegraphy, , latter keep out of telephone business.
december 21 – henrik ibsen s controversial drama doll s house premières @ royal danish theatre in copenhagen (having been first published on december 4 in city).
december 28 – tay bridge disaster: central part of tay rail bridge @ dundee, scotland, collapses in storm train passes on it, killing 75.
december 31

thomas edison demonstrates incandescent lighting public first time in menlo park, new jersey.
gilbert , sullivan s comic opera pirates of penzance opens @ fifth avenue theatre in new york city (following token performance day before u.k. copyright reasons in paignton, devon).

date unknown

colonel ahmed ‘urabi forms egyptian nationalist party.
the hall effect discovered dr. edwin hall.
the stefan–boltzmann law discovered jozef stefan.
wilhelm wundt establishes first psychology research laboratory @ university of leipzig.
tetteh quarshie first brings cocoa beans ghana equatorial guinea.
gottlob frege publishes begriffsschrift, eine der arithmetischen nachgebildete formelsprache des reinen denkens in halle, significant text in development of mathematical logic.

^ kohn, george c., ed. (2006). pacific, war of . dictionary of wars. infobase publishing. p. 389. 
^ el partido socialista se fundó en 1879 . psoe. retrieved 2013-02-08. 
^ ja:靖国神社#歴史(japanese language) retrieved january 7, 2017
^ ja:招魂社(japanese language) retrieved january 7, 2017
^ ss rotomahana . clydebuilt. retrieved 2014-04-14. 
^ s/s buenos ayrean, allan line . norway heritage. retrieved 2016-03-11. 
^ palmer, alan; veronica (1992). chronology of british history. london: century ltd. pp. 303–04. isbn 0-7126-5616-2. 
^ commercially published in 1880 d. appleton & company, new york.
^ steiner, rudolf (1994) [1917]. bamford, christopher, ed. archangel michael. hudson, new york: anthroposophic press. isbn 0-88010-378-7. 
^ usher, abbott payson (1954). history of mechanical inventions. courier dover publications. p. 402. 
^ schwarzlose, richard a. (1990). nation s newsbrokers: rush institution: 1865 1920. northwestern university press. p. 84. 
^ penguin pocket on day. penguin reference library. 2006. isbn 0-14-102715-0. 


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