Works Erin Hoffman

1 works

1.1 games
1.2 nonfiction
1.3 novels


2014, mars generation one: argubot academy, glasslab, game design lead
2013, simcityedu, glasslab, game design lead
2013, doki-doki universe, humanature studios, design
2011, charmcraft hollow, loot drop, designer
2011, frontierville, zynga, lead systems designer, live team
2010, kung fu panda world, humanature studios, lead designer
2008, puzzlesmash: book of secrets, warm , fuzzy logic, creative director
2008, gopets: vacation island, lead designer
2006, cabbage patch kids: patch puppy rescue, 1st playable productions, assistant game designer, writer
2004–2005, gopets, director of online communities
2004, shadowbane: lost kingdom, taldren pacific, game designer
1999–2004, dragonrealms, simutronics, assistant game designer, races assistant, world builder


settlers of new virtual worlds, 2008, isbn 978-1439203606


the chaos knight trilogy

^ erin hoffman cv . archived original on april 2, 2015. retrieved march 20, 2015. 


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