Success FatBooth
example of male after using fatbooth
pivi & co claims fatbooth top 25 all-time paid app . company referring figures released apple in 2012, when celebrating 25th billion app download. on ranking appeared fatbooth 17th downloaded paid app on preceding 12 months. however, appears no longer case, seen on new all-time ranking shared apple celebrate 50 billionth ios app download in 2013.
as of january 2014, fatbooth has been installed on 10 million times on android platform. have estimated gross revenue app on ios platform high $24 million, making 1 of highest grossing ios apps of time. however, pivi & co s published revenues show company, across apps, brought revenues of 1.4 million euros ($1.9 million usd) in 2010, 2.1 million euros ($2.8 million usd) in 2011 , in 1.4 million euros ($1.9 million usd) in 2012.
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