Service history MS Cruise Olbia

1 service history

1.1 2001-2013: superfast vi
1.2 2013-2016: bimini superfast
1.3 2016-onwards: cruise olbia

service history
2001-2013: superfast vi

superfast vi entered service on 2 march 2001 on superfast ferries patras—igoumenitsa-ancona route. in march 2013 superfast vi sold genting group, handed on new owners on 6 april 2013.

2013-2016: bimini superfast

after genting group took on new ship, renamed bimini superfast. departed patras , sailed málaga in spain remodeling. after few weeks departed málaga , sailed usa final fitting out works completed. bimini superfast due begin service bimini cruise miami on 6 june 2013 coast guard did not give approval ship sail in waters. due deficiencies crew , ship, though had been sailing in europe many years no compliance issues. after several weeks of work, coast guard gave bimini superfast final clearance sail. on 20 june 2013 made first crossing miami bimini.

bimini superfast operated 2 , 3 night cruises miami. depart miami @ 7pm, spend 2 or 3 nights @ bimini , returns miami @ 1pm on third or fourth day. passengers required have passports if staying on island not required if lodging on ship. 50 mile trip bimini island takes 3 hours. completion of pier in bimini bay of september 18, 2014 passengers no longer tendered ferry ship island. passengers disembark directly on island cruise ship, saving 60 minutes of ferry time each way. once in bimini, passengers disembark visit resorts world bimini bay resort , casino via free tram.

part of business plan of genting bimini superfast carry out evening gambling , party cruises nowhere, due visa issues hotel staff being foreign nationals, government has ruled can no longer offer these cruises, passengers never set foot in country. consequence bimini superfast completed last cruise on 28 november 2013. bimini superfast ceased operating on january 10, 2016 after 3 years of operation. genting announced in january 2016 of plans cease service florida bimini, intally there plans transfer ship crystal cruises, subsidiary of genting, full conversion car ferry cruise ship costly, sold grimaldi lines of italy.

2016-onwards: cruise olbia

in january grimaldi lines announced purchase of bimini superfast, placed on livorno-olbia route, replacing ms zeus palace, placed on civitavecchia-olbia route.


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