History Bruntál

1 history

1.1 founding , lords of vrbno , bruntál (1213-1614)
1.2 teutonic order , habsburg empire (1625-1918)
1.3 czechoslovakia , world war ii (1918-1945)

founding , lords of vrbno , bruntál (1213-1614)

according uničov charter issued czech king ottokar of bohemia in 1223, bruntál founded moravian margrave, vladislaus henry in 1213, , granted magdeburg rights. being first city in czech lands granted magdeburg rights, bruntál appellate court cities endowed magdeburg rights in northern moravia (including olomouc , opava) until 1352. reasons behind founding of city included utilising mineral ore deposits in region, thwarting colonization bishops of wrocław (breslau).

bruntál owned various branches of přemyslid dynasty (namely, margraves of moravia, dukes of opava (troppau), , dukes of krnov (jägerndorf)) continuously 1213 1474. during war between kingdom of bohemia , kingdom of hungary bruntál occupied armed forces of matthias corvinus who, pledgor, gave town pledge supporter, johann von würben (jan of vrbno). despite being possessor of town, johann von würben started style himself von würben und freudenthal (of vrbno , bruntál) 1476 onwards.

sons of jan of vrbno , bruntál (bernard, hynek, , mikuláš) managed secure allodial title (ownership) town neighbouring villages , mines dukes of krnov in 1506. these lords of vrbno , bruntál steadily stripping town of privileges , forced local inhabitants corvée labour , religious conversion lutheranism. these encroachments upon town privileges , liberties of citizens resulted in unsuccessful rebellion against jan elder of vrbno , bruntál (johann der Ältere von würben und freudenthal) in 1556.

despite political decline bruntál s economy flourished under reigns of lords of vrbno , bruntál. market town status of bruntál strengthened emergence of new guilds, entitlements granted ferdinand ii, archduke of austria in 1535 , 1558, , rudolf ii, holy roman emperor in 1577 host several markets each year.

the expanded mining industry, backed lords of würbenthal, led founding of several neighbouring towns, example andělská hora 1550, , vrbno pod pradědem in 1611. additionally, many other kinds of industry intensified @ time, smitheries built @ suchá rudná (1405) , mezina (1567), , 7 timber mills in 1579. in may 1617 bruntál bought last lord of vrbno, john iv of vrbno, joined uprising of estates , awarded rank of director in 1619. close ties winter king frederick v, elector palatine, john s guest in february 1620, left him in dangerous circumstances @ outcome of battle of white mountain in 1620, when forced leave freudenthal property , escape country. emperor ferdinand ii (1619–1637) confiscated bruntál domain , gave brother, karl of austria (1619–1624) grand master (hochmeister) of teutonic order.

teutonic order , habsburg empire (1625-1918)

the freudenthal domain, other properties of teutonic order, under direct administration of grand master, , lieutenancy established in 1625. thirty years war damaged town considerably, , after conflict freudenthal never returned former importance. during 18th century several disasters befell town, such plagues of 1714 , 1739, , great fires of 1748 , 1764. nevertheless, many new baroque buildings built during period , new post office established in 1748. signs of intensified industry seen in freudenthal during 19th century: in textiles, bruntál among important towns in silesia. in 1885, public hospital opened, first in czech silesia, , many new high schools established during second half of 19th century. during austro-prussian war in 1866, freudenthal occupied prussian army, , freudenthal castle served hospital soldiers.

according austrian census of 1910 town had 8,066 inhabitants, 7,965 of whom had permanent residence there. census asked people native language: 7,939 (99.7%) german-speaking. jews not allowed declare yiddish native language, of them professed german language. populous religious group roman catholics 7,725 (95.8%), followed protestants 229 (2.8%), , jews 97 (1.2%).

until 1918, freudenthal in schlesien part of domains of austrian monarchy (after compromise of 1867), in district same name, 1 of 8 bezirkshauptmannschaften in austrian silesia. name freudenthal used until @ least 1873.

czechoslovakia , world war ii (1918-1945)

after world war i, german-led uprising took place in bruntál, suppressed czech army in december 1918. between 1919 , 1924, land-possessions of teutonic order in bruntál put under state administration. in first republic of czechoslovakia, bruntál had significant number of german inhabitants , small czech population. not surprisingly, german nationalism gained many sympathizers among german inhabitants of bruntál, reflected in attempted uprising in september 1938. after signing munich agreement on september 29, 1938, bruntál occupied german troops. liberated soviet army (red army) on may 7, 1945. in 1946 lands of teutonic order confiscated in accordance decree of president, edvard beneš, , transferred czechoslovak republic. case in of former czechoslovakia, german population forcibly expelled.


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