Contents Codex Wallerstein

1 contents

1.1 part a
1.2 part b
1.3 part c


part treats fighting longsword, dagger , messer. part b inserted in 2 parts, interrupting first part, treating grappling. parts , b made in c. 1470; paper dated 1464/5 based on watermark. part considered source fechtbuch of albrecht dürer of 1512.

part c older, made in first half of 15th century. paper dated 1420 based on watermark. treats longsword, armored combat, stechschild , grappling.

the final page, fol. 109r, has register, written in hand of paulus hector mair (foll. 109v , 110 empty).

part a

3r-14v, 21r, 21v longsword techniques
22r-28v dagger
29r-32v messer

part b

15r-20v, 33r-74r grappling
74v drawing of armed robbery (with instructions robber draw blood victim s neck intimidation)

[fol. 75 empty]

part c

1r, drawing of fencer various arms, still used title page in convoluted ms. , inscribed paulus hector s name.
1v-2r, double page illustration showing fighting arena spectators
76r-80v, 101r-102v longsword
81r-91v, [fol. 92 empty] 93r-95v, 103r-108r armoured combat
96r-96v, 98v judicial combat, swabian law (with swords)
97r-98r judicial combat, franconian law (with clubs)
98v-100v grappling (fol. 98v combines grappling image judicial combat one)
108v, image of wedding ceremony.

^ leng (2008) wasserzeichen traube, piccard 14.763 (schwäbisch hall 1464, 1465)
^ leng (2008) wasserzeichen shwert, piccard 9.2, vii.314-315 (nürnberg 1419,20)
^ 4 figures in festive clothing; bridegroom saying ich nim dich, bride ia ia liber löffel ia, 2 witnesses pictured below.


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