Academic Teams Arcadia High School (California)

1 academic teams

1.1 academic decathlon
1.2 constitution team
1.3 math team
1.4 ocean sciences bowl
1.5 physics team
1.6 quiz bowl team
1.7 science bowl team
1.8 science olympiad
1.9 solar cup

academic teams

arcadia home several academic teams, including constitution team, quiz bowl, destination imagination, mathematics team, physics team, science olympiad, national science bowl, national ocean sciences bowl, mock trial team, speech , debate team, solar cup, academic decathlon, , national history bowl.

recent achievements:

in 2011 school won first place @ national science bowl, jpl regional competition.

in 2010 school won first place @ national science bowl, jpl regional competition. , 4th place in u.s. department of energy national science bowl competition.

in 2013 arcadia high school won first place @ national ocean sciences bowl regional competition @ jpl, , 1st place in 2013 national ocean sciences bowl competition @ milwaukee, wisconsin.
in 2010 arcadia high school won first place @ national ocean sciences bowl regional competition , 8th place in 2010 national ocean sciences bowl competition.

in 2010 arcadia high school won second place @ los angeles regional science olympiad competition , won fourth place @ california state science olympiad competition.

in 2010 arcadia high school constitution team earned california state championship title. in april 2010, arcadia high school s constitution team declared national champion of people competition, achievement has been 17 years in making.
in 2011 , 2012, arcadia high school mock trial team became county champions out of 67 schools in la country after being created in 2010. received 13th , 10th @ state, respectively.

academic decathlon

academic decathlon challenging academic competition. final academic decathlon team consists of 9 members, honors student division (3 members gpas 3.75 or higher), scholastic division (three members gpas between 3.0 – 3.75), , varsity division (three members gpas lower 3.0). team open many 25 students 9 guaranteed chance compete. members must compete in ten areas. knowledge in 7 subjects tested multiple-choice examinations. 1 academic subject (varying each year) deemed superquiz category jeopardy!-style televised question-and-answer section. in 2012, team made state competition first time, placing fourth overall in regional competition.

constitution team

the people: citizen , constitution team, better known constitution or government team, academic team participates in competition sponsored center civic education. team has been state competition 28 years in row, , state champions 5 times.

composed of thirty seniors selected through two-tier interview process, team partitioned 6 units of 5 students, each focusing on aspect of united states constitution , american government. members concurrently enrolled in ap united states government. competition centered on mock congressional hearings held @ district, state, , national levels.

arcadia high school s 2009-2010 government team took california state title in february 2010. on monday, april 26, 2010, ahs constitution team declared 2010 national champions of people competition. second time ahs constitution team has won national title, first being in 1993. in 2012, team won second state championship in 3 years, going on place third @ national level. on february 6, 2016, team won state championship , went on place seventh @ national competition.

math team

the math team award-winning team represents arcadia high school @ math competitions throughout year, including bay math league (series of 4 after-school competitions) , math day @ beach, @ cal state long beach. math team members participate in several write-in competitions individuals , team. members can participate in national contests including american mathematics competitions , american regions mathematics league.

ocean sciences bowl

the ocean sciences bowl competition pits 2 four-person teams against each other in timed rounds during teams asked questions , given written team challenges collectively answer. questions focus on oceanography , associated sub-topics. arcadia s team recruits in range of ten fifteen members each year, 5 of whom participate in regional los angeles surf bowl competition in february or march held @ usc. in past few years, team has consistently placed in top 3 @ regional competition. in 2010, arcadia placed first @ la surf bowl in year, moving on take eighth place @ national level. in 2013, team placed first @ nationals, becoming first national champions california since mission san jose high school s victory in 2004. in 2014, team placed second @ nationals, boise high school claiming championship.

physics team

the physics team prepares members physics bowl test competition in april, created american association of physics teachers, (aapt) in members participate in divisions 01 , 02. physics team prepares students physics olympiad test competition held in march. qualify in competition admitted u.s. international physics olympiad, compete worldwide. first round intense competition against thousands of students united states.

the team covers topics in physics @ advanced placement level. major topics team stresses on include newtonian mechanics, electricity, magnetism, fluid mechanics, thermal physics, waves, optics, atomic physics, , nuclear physics, of part of general knowledge of newtonian , quantum physics. arcadia high school has won second place @ national level , first place @ state level physics bowl.

quiz bowl team

quiz bowl jeopardy!-style competition in four-person teams compete answering questions on wide range of topics. tryouts held in september , team members selected according performances. team made of 20-30 members. quiz bowl team has competed @ naqt national championships in past 5 years, ranking seventeenth of on 170 teams in 2008.

the quiz bowl team qualified naqt national championship tournament in 1998, 2002, , 2006-2015. 2 arcadia teams made playoffs in 2007, placing 33rd , 49th, respectively, in nation, , 1 arcadia team placed 17th in nation in 2008. in 2011, 2 arcadia teams again made playoffs, placing 33rd , 128th, respectively. in 2012, 3 arcadia teams qualified nationals, placing 49th (2 tied) , 101st. in 2013, 2 arcadia teams placed 33rd (tied) , 50th (tied). following year, arcadia had best showing yet, placing 5th (tied) , 21st (tied). in 2015, 3 arcadia teams qualified, placing 1st, 21st, , 105th.

science bowl team

science bowl buzzer competition questions classified several topics. since 2011, new energy category has been added subject categories, , earth science , astronomy have been combined earth , space sciences . questions asked in categories entitled chemistry, biology, physics, mathematics, energy, earth , space science , general science . in late 2002, computer science dropped official category, , questions relating computer science asked under mathematics.

each spring, ten members of next year s team selected. 5 members of team compete in regional competition every february @ jpl. arcadia h.s. science bowl team won jpl regional in 1996, 1997, 1998, 2003, 2010, , 2011 , qualified national tournament in each of years. team placed 4th in national tournament following 2010 jpl regional win. winning team of each regional science bowl competition invited participate in national science bowl, expenses paid. each year, in late april or may, national science bowl competition held in washington, dc. since mid-nineties, competition has been hosted national 4-h center in chevy chase, maryland.

science olympiad

science olympiad recruits twenty testing members, 15 of whom compete @ regional , state competitions in march , april. competition consists of 23 events include written tests hands-on laboratory exams, experimental design components, , building events, in devices constructed beforehand complete given tasks. events include creative building events include building bottle rockets, electric vehicles, bridges, etc. team has done @ both regional , state level, placing consistently in top 3 in los angeles county, , top 5 in southern california.

solar cup

solar cup 7-month solar powered boat building competition in high school students across state design, engineer, , build 16 foot long dory boat. additionally, teams required submit technical reports throughout 7 months leading competition on drivetrain, electrical system, , hull of boat. teams required meet deadlines submitting illustrated reports on these systems. in 2007 competition split between veteran (returning) , rookie (new) teams. competition scored event, divided several categories: technical reports, workshops, visual displays, qualifying times, endurance distance, , sprint times. combined, of these categories add 1000 maximum possible points. overall, 41 teams competed in 2007, , 36 teams competed in 2010. advisers past arcadia solar cup challenge teams include mr. benjamin smith, ms. joan stevens, , mr. michael winters.


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