20th century Austria

archduke franz ferdinand (right) family

as second constitutional era began in ottoman empire, austria-hungary took opportunity annex bosnia , herzegovina in 1908. assassination of archduke franz ferdinand in sarajevo in 1914 bosnian serb gavrilo princip used leading austrian politicians , generals persuade emperor declare war on serbia, thereby risking , prompting outbreak of world war i, not cause of war. led dissolution of austro-hungarian empire. on 1 million austro-hungarian soldiers died in world war i.

on 21 october 1918, elected german members of reichsrat (parliament of imperial austria) met in vienna provisional national assembly german austria (provisorische nationalversammlung für deutschösterreich). on 30 october assembly founded state of german austria appointing government, called staatsrat. new government invited emperor take part in decision on planned armistice italy, refrained business.

this left responsibility end of war, on 3 november 1918, solely emperor , government. on 11 november, emperor, advised ministers of old , new governments, declared not take part in state business more; on 12 november, german austria, law, declared democratic republic , part of new german republic. constitution, renaming staatsrat bundesregierung (federal government) , nationalversammlung nationalrat (national council) passed on 10 november 1920.

german-speaking provinces claimed german-austria in 1918: border of subsequent second republic of austria outlined in red

the treaty of saint-germain of 1919 (for hungary treaty of trianon of 1920) confirmed , consolidated new order of central europe great extent had been established in november 1918, creating new states , altering others. german-speaking parts of austria had been part of austria-hungary reduced rump state named republic of german-austria (german: republik deutschösterreich). desire anschluss (annexation of austria germany) popular opinion shared social circles in both austria , germany. on november 12, german-austria declared republic, , named social democrat karl renner provisional chancellor. on same day drafted provisional constitution stated german-austria democratic republic (article 1) , german-austria integral part of german reich (article 2). treaty of saint germain , treaty of versailles explicitly forbid union between austria , germany. treaties forced german-austria rename republic of austria consequently led first austrian republic.

over 3 million german-speaking austrians found living outside new austrian republic minorities in newly formed or enlarged states of czechoslovakia, yugoslavia, hungary, , italy. these included provinces of south tyrol (which became part of italy) , german bohemia (czechoslovakia). status of german bohemia (sudetenland) later played role in sparking second world war.

the status of south tyrol lingering problem between austria , italy until officially settled 1980s great degree of autonomy being granted italian national government. between 1918 , 1919, austria known state of german austria (staat deutschösterreich). not did entente powers forbid german austria unite germany, rejected name german austria in peace treaty signed; was, therefore, changed republic of austria in late 1919.

the border between austria , kingdom of serbs, croats, , slovenes (later yugoslavia) settled carinthian plebiscite in october 1920 , allocated major part of territory of former austro-hungarian crownland of carinthia austria. set border on karawanken mountain range, many slovenes remaining in austria.


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