Education Austria

stiftsgymnasium melk oldest austrian school

education in austria entrusted partly austrian states (bundesländer) , partly federal government. school attendance compulsory 9 years, i.e. age of fifteen.

pre-school education (called kindergarten in german), free in states, provided children between ages of 3 , 6 years and, whilst optional, considered normal part of child s education due high takeup rate. maximum class size around 30, each class being cared 1 qualified teacher , 1 assistant.

primary education, or volksschule, lasts 4 years, starting @ age six. maximum class size 30, may low 15. expected class taught 1 teacher entire 4 years , stable bond between teacher , pupil considered important child s well-being. 3rs (reading, writing , arithmetic) dominate lesson time, less time allotted project work in uk. children work individually , members of class follow same plan of work. there no streaming.

standard attendance times 8 am 12 pm or 1 pm, hourly five- or ten-minute breaks. children given homework daily first year. historically there has been no lunch hour, children returning home eat. however, due rise in number of mothers in work, primary schools increasingly offering pre-lesson , afternoon care.

as in germany, secondary education consists of 2 main types of schools, attendance @ based on pupil s ability determined grades primary school. gymnasium caters more able children, in final year of matura examination taken, requirement access university. hauptschule prepares pupils vocational education various types of further education (höhere technische lehranstalt htl = institution of higher technical education; hak = commercial academy; hbla = institution of higher education economic business; etc.). attendance @ 1 of these further education institutes leads matura. schools aim combine education available @ gymnasium , hauptschule, , known gesamtschulen. in addition, recognition of importance of learning english has led gymnasiums offer bilingual stream, in pupils deemed able in languages follow modified curriculum, portion of lesson time being conducted in english.

the university of vienna

the campus of vienna university of economics , business

as @ primary school, lessons @ gymnasium begin @ 8 am , continue short intervals until lunchtime or afternoon, children returning home late lunch. older pupils attend further lessons after break lunch, eaten @ school. @ primary level, pupils follow same plan of work. great emphasis placed on homework , frequent testing. satisfactory marks in end-of-the-year report ( zeugnis ) prerequisite moving ( aufsteigen ) next class. pupils not meet required standard re-sit tests @ end of summer holidays; marks still not satisfactory required re-sit year ( sitzenbleiben ).

it not uncommon pupil re-sit more 1 year of school. after completing first 2 years, pupils choose between 1 of 2 strands, known gymnasium (slightly more emphasis on arts) or realgymnasium (slightly more emphasis on science). whilst many schools offer both strands, not, , result, children move schools second time @ age 12. @ age 14, pupils may choose remain in 1 of these 2 strands, or change vocational course, possibly further change of school.

the austrian university system had been open student passed matura examination until recently. 2006 bill allowed introduction of entrance exams studies such medicine. in 2001, obligatory tuition fee ( studienbeitrag ) of €363.36 per term introduced public universities. there non-state exceptions this, students can still study subsidized education, example within campus system of english teacher training college. since 2008, eu students studies have been free of charge, long time-limit not exceeded (the expected duration of study plus 2 terms tolerance). when time-limit exceeded, fee of around €363.36 per term charged. further exceptions fee apply, e.g. students year s salary of more €5000. in cases, obligatory fee of €17 charged student union , insurance.


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