Description Clavariadelphus ligula

typical growth habit

the club portion of fruit body pale yellow, whitish sharp, straight, , stiff hairs @ base. surface dull, , not have hairs. smooth @ first later becomes wrinkled. club-shaped spoon-shaped, , 12 cm (4.7 in) tall 2 cm (0.8 in) wide @ thickest part. stipe not distinct except hairs @ base. flesh whitish, , not change color bruising. spongy in upper part, firm below. flesh has no odor, , taste bitter. surface tissue turns green upon application of solution of ferric sulphate, , yellow dilute solution of potassium hydroxide.

the spores pale yellowish orange ( light buff ) in print. additional features may discerned using light microscopy: smooth, narrowly ellipsoid, , measure 8–15 3–6 μm. hyphae monomitic, , clamp connections present. cystidia absent.

similar species

clavariadelphus sachalinensis macroscopically identical c. ligula, , can distinguished larger spores, measuring 16–24 4–6 μm, , longer basidia. however, intermediate forms found, , may represent same species. clavaria flavipes similar species, in addition being smaller , more pale yellow clavariadelphus ligula, has broader spores.


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