De Valli.C3.A8re system Florent-Jean de Vallière

1 de vallière system

1.1 barrel
1.2 breech design
1.3 operational activity

de vallière system

de vallière 24-pdr guns, les invalides.

whereas numerous formats , designs had been in place in french army, de vallière standardized french sizes in artillery pieces, allowing production of 24 (canon de 24), 12, 8 , 4 pound guns (the weight weight of cannonballs), mortars of 12 , 8 french inches, , stone-throwing mortars of 15 french inches.

the french pound weighing 1.097 english pounds, french guns fired heavier balls (13.164 pounds) english equivalent 12-pounder. french inch 2.707 cm, longer english inch of 2.54 cm.

the de vallière system used core drilling of bore of cannons founded in 1 piece of bronze, method developed @ time jean maritz, allowed higher precision of bore shape , surface, , therefore higher shooting efficiency.

the de valliere guns highly decorative , contained numerous designs , inscriptions.


back part of de valliere 24-pdr gun uranie.

the part included inscription showing weight of cannonball (for example 4 4-pounder), followed latin inscription nec pluribus impar, meaning king no unequal match many, i.e. none equal. followed royal crest of bourbon dynasty. location , date of manufacture inscribed (in example strasbourg, 1745 ) @ bottom of gun, , name , title of founder (in example fondu par jean maritz, commissaire des fontes ). breech decorated animal face showing rating of gun (in example lion head 24-pounder).

breech design

the guns had cascabel designs allowed recognize rating: 4-pounder have face in sunburst , 8-pounder monkey head , 12-pounder rooster head , 16-pounder medusa head , , 24-pounder bacchus head or lion head .

operational activity

surrender @ saratoga shows general daniel morgan in front of de vallière 4-pounder.

us army personnel de vallière 4-pounder in 60s (the carriage anachronistic: belongs 20-pounder parrott rifle).

the de valliere guns proved rather in siege warfare, less satisfactory in war of movement. visible during war of austrian succession (1747–1748), , during 7 years war (1756–1763) mobility key factor , lighter guns in need. lack of howitzers issue.

numerous de valliere guns used in american war of independence, smaller field guns. guns shipped france, , field carriages provided in us. these guns played important role in such battles battle of saratoga, , siege of yorktown. george washington wrote guns in letter general heath on 2 may 1777:

morning favored yours containing pleasing accounts of late arrivals @ portsmouth , boston. of french ships of war, artillery , other military stores, valuable. intent have arms not wanted eastern states, removed springfield, safer place portsmouth …. shall write congress , press immediate removal of artillery, , other military stores portsmouth. have forward twenty-five chests of arms lately arrived martinico springfield.


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