Composition Symphony, D 708A (Schubert)

schubert in 1821

this sketch second of series of 4 unfinished symphonies – d 615, d 708a, d 729 (the seventh), , d 759 (the eighth) – milestones in schubert s symphonic development between sixth , ninth symphonies. these 4 symphonies in varying states of completion: d 615 has incomplete sketches of 2 movements (the allegro , finale), d 708a has incomplete sketches of 4 movements, d 729 structurally complete not orchestrated, , d 759 has first 2 movements complete , orchestrated , third movement in incomplete piano sketch. previously, fourth symphony had had beethovenian influence (although more reminiscent of earlier sturm und drang movement), fifth mozartian influence, , sixth rossinian influence (schubert had listened rossini s music before writing sixth symphony , extremely impressed, incorporating aspects of rossini s style music).

after writing sixth symphony, schubert experienced directional crisis in symphonic output, not sure whether continue on path, in sixth symphony, of being influenced rossini. there beethovenian influence present, persist throughout symphonic output, in d 708a schubert starts create own style , explore new territory. additionally, still learning how master instrumental writing, despite having done vocal works years before. mastery of songwriting helped fact words gave hints structure use, not come in instrumental writing. can seen fact schubert had written first 6 symphonies directly full orchestral score, without sketching piano beforehand, d 615 , d 708a survive sketches in piano score. returned writing directly orchestral score seventh symphony, although piano sketches exist eighth. these 4 unfinished symphonies show how schubert was, stated in letter mid-1820s, preoccupied planning path [write] grand symphony [plans realize in ninth symphony] , string quartets, octet , these unfinished symphonies intermediate steps in plan. unusually large number of unfinished symphonies on way ninth sixth show how preoccupied writing great symphony, , how important plan him.

schubert s reasons abandoning d 708a have problems in orchestrating it. in addition problematic extremely high clarinet solos @ points in second , third movements, further problem climax of fourth movement reaches a♭ major. key far away d major horns, trumpets , timpani have no notes play @ climax (they confined notes single key, 1 piece written in), despite them being needed provide full, loud orchestral sound. schubert therefore considered using trombones purpose, not restricted , reinforce bass register of orchestra; due being unfamiliar how write trombone, , fact symphony not conceived use of trombones in mind, abandoned work on d 708a , started writing seventh symphony, in decided use trio of trombones beginning. later had abandon work on symphony work on opera alfonso und estrella. schubert s use of trombones can later seen in eighth, ninth, , tenth symphonies.


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