British Mandates Partition of the Ottoman Empire

mandatory palestine , emirate of transjordan.

the british awarded 3 mandated territories, 1 of sharif hussein s sons, faisal, installed king of iraq , transjordan providing throne of hussein s sons, abdullah. mandatory palestine placed under direct british administration, , jewish population allowed increase, under british protection. of arabian peninsula fell british ally, ibn saud, created kingdom of saudi arabia in 1932.

mandate of mesopotamia

great britain , turkey disputed control of former ottoman province of mosul in 1920s. under 1923 treaty of lausanne mosul fell under british mandate of mesopotamia, new turkish republic claimed province part of historic heartland. three-person league of nations committee went region in 1924 study case , in 1925 recommended region remain connected iraq, , uk should hold mandate 25 years, assure autonomous rights of kurdish population. turkey rejected decision. nonetheless, britain, iraq , turkey made treaty on 5 june 1926, followed decision of league council. mosul stayed under british mandate of mesopotamia until iraq granted independence in 1932 urging of king faisal, though british retained military bases , transit rights forces in country.

mandate of palestine

the surrender of jerusalem british on 9 december 1917 after battle of jerusalem.

during war, britain produced 3 contrasting, feasibly compatible, statements regarding ambitions palestine. britain had supported, through british intelligence officer t. e. lawrence (aka: lawrence of arabia), establishment of united arab state covering large area of arab middle east in exchange arab support of british during war. balfour declaration of 1917 encouraged jewish ambitions national home. lastly, british promised via hussein–mcmahon correspondence hashemite family have lordship on land in region in return support in great arab revolt.

the arab revolt, in part orchestrated lawrence, resulted in british forces under general edmund allenby defeating ottoman forces in 1917 in sinai , palestine campaign , occupying palestine , syria. land administered british remainder of war.

the united kingdom granted control of palestine versailles peace conference established league of nations in 1919. herbert samuel, former postmaster general in british cabinet instrumental in drafting balfour declaration, appointed first high commissioner in palestine. in 1920 @ san remo conference, in italy, league of nations mandate on palestine assigned britain. in 1923 britain transferred part of golan heights french mandate of syria, in exchange metula region.


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