Breeding Andean cock-of-the-rock

detail of male head plumage

male cocks-of-the-rock polygamous, , have nothing nesting once mating done. male’s energy instead devoted elaborate display rituals show off magnificent plumage. these displays take place in communal leks, males gather challenge rivals , beckon females. males disturbed, behavior not easy see. 1 study reported display activity dependent on light intensity, morning display period occurring during same light intensity level afternoon period.

male andean cock-of-the-rock choosing best lekking position

at lek, males have been observed break pairs, performing “confrontation displays”. consists of facing each other while bowing, jumping, , flapping wings, snapping bills, , @ same time giving off various squawking , grunting calls. when female approaches, becomes more intense. display turns cacophony of bright color , frenzied activity filling air strange sounds.

breeding takes place during different times of year in different areas. in colombia, breeding happens in february until july. in ecuador, breeding interval spans july until february.


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