17th and 18th centuries Austria

the congress of vienna met in 1814–15. objective of congress settle many issues arising french revolutionary wars, napoleonic wars, , dissolution of holy roman empire.

during long reign of leopold (1657–1705) , following successful defence of vienna in 1683 (under command of king of poland, john iii sobieski), series of campaigns resulted in bringing of hungary austrian control treaty of karlowitz in 1699.

emperor charles vi relinquished many of gains empire made in previous years, largely due apprehensions @ imminent extinction of house of habsburg. charles willing offer concrete advantages in territory , authority in exchange recognition of pragmatic sanction made daughter maria theresa heir. rise of prussia, austrian–prussian dualism began in germany. austria participated, prussia , russia, in first , third of 3 partitions of poland (in 1772 , 1795).


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