White House Henry Haller

haller (far right) working on nixon-cox wedding cake in 1971.

lyndon b. johnson had stayed @ ambassador hotel when vice president of united states, , enjoyed haller s cooking. johnson became president of united states in november 1963 after assassination of john f. kennedy. white house executive chef @ time rené verdon, had been hired kennedys. verdon resigned @ end of 1965 in dispute president lyndon b. johnson on cuisine being offered @ white house. haller applied position, , interviewed on january 1, 1966, in white house first lady lady bird johnson.

haller s appointment announced on january 20, 1966. first day on job february 1, @ time made $10,000 year. haller probationary chef first 6 months of tenure @ white house. during time lived on third floor of white house. haller had oversight on 3 white house kitchens: main kitchen on ground floor, family kitchen on second floor, , sous-kitchen on mezzanine level of sub-basement. (a stove existed in used former kitchen on third floor well, although used.) had staff of 7 or eight, 2 of worked in sous-kitchen.

during tenure @ white house, haller oversaw planning, preparation, , cooking 3 first family weddings: marriage of luci baines johnson patrick nugent in august 1966, marriage of lynda bird johnson chuck robb in december 1967, , marriage of tricia nixon edward f. cox in june 1971. oversaw design , preparation of wedding cakes 3 events.

in 1976, haller oversaw food preparation white house events in honor of united states bicentennial. of 1976, ford administration had normal schedule of 1 or 2 state dinners month. in june , july, haller preparing 3 or 4 state dinners each week. because federal government shifted start of fiscal year may october, haller had little money bring on additional staff assist preparations , cooking. @ state dinner queen elizabeth ii of united kingdom, haller prepared state dinner 250, served on south lawn of white house under marquee.

one of haller s more difficult events dinner in september 1978 on south lawn celebrate signing of camp david accords. haller given week plan, prepare, , cook dinner 1,300 people, event rosalynn carter s press secretary, mary holt, called nightmare .


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