United States Courts of Appeals decisions before and after Heller Second Amendment to the United States Constitution

^ crs report congress district of columbia v.heller: supreme court , second amendment april 11, 2008 congressional research service t.j. halsted, legislative attorney, american law division. order code rl34446 http://assets.opencrs.com/rpts/rl34446_20080411.pdf.
^ cases v. united states, 131 f.2d 916 (1st cir. 1942); united states v. toner, 728 f.2d 115 (2nd cir. 1984); united states v. rybar, 103 f.3d 273 (3rd cir. 1997); love v. peppersack, 47 f.3d 120 (4th cir. 1995); united states v. johnson, 441 f.2d 1134 (5th cir. 1971); united states v. warin, 530 f.2d 103 (6th cir. 1976); quilici v. village of morton grove, 695 f.2d 261 (7th cir. 1983); united states v. hale, 978 f.2d 1016 (8th cir. 1993); hickman v. block, 81 f.3d 98 (9th cir. 1996); united states v. oakes, 564 f.2d 384 (10th cir. 1978); , united states v. wright, 117 f.3d 1265 (11th cir. 1997)
^ winkler, heller s catch 22, p. 14.
^ liptak, adam (march 17, 2009). few ripples supreme court ruling on guns . new york times. retrieved march 26, 2009. 
^ heller v. district of columbia 2010 . leagle. march 26, 2010. retrieved february 22, 2013. 
^ d.c. gun laws unconstitutional . u.s. news & world report. september 18, 2015. retrieved september 19, 2015. 
^ in major win 2nd amendment advocates, federal court blocks d.c. enforcing conceal-carry restriction . reason. july 25, 2017. retrieved july 26, 2017. 
^ rene e., @ 12–15.
^ n.y. s concealed gun licensing scheme upheld circuit – new york law journal
^ winkler, heller s catch 22, p. 15.
^ united states court of appeals, fourth circuit . findlaw. thomson reuters. retrieved december 26, 2012. 
^ part iii of decision.
^ santiago, matthew (february 5, 2016). fourth circuit requires application of strict scrutiny in challenge maryland gun law . jurist. retrieved february 6, 2016. 
^ order granting rehearing en banc
^ weisselberg, pp. 99–100.
^ text of decision in dorosan
^ tyler v. hillsdale co. sheriff’s dept., 775 f.3d 308, 317–19 (6th cir. 2014) (internal quotations omitted).
^ federal circuit court holds involuntary mental commitment cannot prevent person asserting fundamental right of gun ownership . gielow, groom, terpstra & mcevoy. january 21, 2015. retrieved september 22, 2015. 
^ tyler v. hillsdale county sheriff s dep t, 2015 u.s. app. lexis 6638 (2015)
^ skoien , many challenges of second amendment jurisprudence . sentencing law , policy. retrieved august 13, 2010. 
^ u.s. v. skoien no. 08-3770 . 
^ laws, life, , legal matters – court cases , legal information @ leagle.com – federal , state appeals court cases in 1 search . 
^ right regain right own gun . 
^ dennis a. henigan: new court ruling throws cold water on gun rights celebration . huffington post. july 16, 2010. 
^ moore v. madigan (circuit docket 12-1269) . united states court of appeals seventh circuit. suntimes.com. december 11, 2012. retrieved december 18, 2012. 
^ denniston, lyle (december 11, 2012). broader gun right declared . scotusblog. retrieved december 11, 2012. 
^ liptak, adam (december 18, 2012). supreme court gun ruling doesn t block proposed controls . new york times. retrieved december 18, 2012. 
^ kopel, david (december 11, 2012). moore v. madigan, key points . volokh conspiracy. retrieved december 18, 2012. 
^ volokh, eugene (february 22, 2013). rehearing en banc denied in case invalidating illinois ban on carrying loaded guns in public . volokh conspiracy. retrieved february 22, 2013. 
^ todd d. steenson, phillip m. schreiber , adam r. young (5 august 2013). illinois firearm concealed carry act require employers take action . holland & koch. retrieved november 4, 2013. 
^ volokh, eugene (july 29, 2009). ninth circuit rehear nordyke v. king en banc . volokh conspiracy. retrieved july 30, 2009. 
^ mccullagh, declan (august 25, 2009). high-profile gun rights case inches toward supreme court . cbs news. retrieved august 25, 2009. 
^ schwartz, john (july 30, 2009). appeals court sets rehearing on ruling eased gun restrictions . nytimes.com. retrieved august 17, 2009. 
^ denniston, lyle (july 30, 2009). second amendment: less chance of review? . scotusblog. retrieved july 31, 2009. 
^ nordyke v. king (9th cir. 2009)
^ denniston, lyle (april 20, 2009). second amendment extended . scotusblog. retrieved april 20, 2009. 
^ denniston, lyle (may 4, 2011). circuit court bolsters gun rights . scotusblog. retrieved may 4, 2011. 
^ text of november 28 order granting rehearing (pdf). retrieved september 1, 2012. 
^ mintz, howard (november 29, 2011). 9th circuit agrees rehear long-running alameda county gun rights case . oakland tribune. retrieved november 30, 2011. 
^ denniston, lyle (april 4, 2012). major gun case shunted aside . scotusblog. retrieved april 5, 2012. 
^ denniston, lyle (june 2, 2012). nordyke gun case nears end . scotusblog. retrieved june 3, 2012. 
^ teixeira v. county of alameda (circuit docket 13-17132) (pdf). united states court of appeals ninth circuit. may 16, 2016. retrieved february 8, 2017. 


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