History Rokumeikan

1 history

1.1 background
1.2 construction
1.3 rokumeikan era
1.4 later years


the site of rokumeikan in hibiya, near imperial palace on land had formerly been used arsenal satsuma domain. after meiji restoration, in 1872 land became headquarters of secretariat charged preparations vienna exhibition of 1873. between july 1875 , october 1881 land occupied colossal “yamashita monnai museum”, combined zoological , botanical garden, moved ueno make way new building , grounds.

foreign visitors had been housed in enryōkan, building erected tokugawa shogunate part of training school naval cadets. despite attempts @ modernization, building old , deemed no longer considered satisfactory housing foreign dignitaries.


conder received commission design new structure in 1880, , building work started in 1881. conder borrowed french renaissance style, , used mansard roof in design, incorporated arched portico columns. however, conder s wish put japanese elements in design overruled, although claimed have included pseudo-saracenic features. garden, used pine trees, stone lanterns , ponds, in japanese style.

difficulties encountered in construction caused original budget of 100,000 yen expand 180,000 yen before construction completed. in contrast, foreign ministry building cost 40,000 yen construct. building officially opened on 28 november 1883 gala 1200 guests invited, including nobles, bureaucrats , foreign diplomats, presided on inoue , wife takeko.

the rokumeikan era

inoue s intent rokumeikan impress western visitors, creating faultless western atmosphere in diplomats , foreign dignitaries feel not among natives among cultural equals. hoped more inclined regard japan equal in terms of “civilization” in european minds, facilitate renegotiation of unequal treaties, abolition of extraterritoriality , hasten japan s entry equal in ranks of imperial powers.

ukiyoe chikanobu depicting dancing @ rokumeikan

the rokumeikan served elaborate banquets, menus written in french. in ballroom, japanese gentlemen in evening dress imported tailors in london danced waltz, polka, quadrille, , mazurka japanese ladies dressed in latest parisian fashions latest european songs played army or navy band. foreign residents of tokyo hired dancing tutors.

the results mixed. although highly conspicuous western building praised visitors, concept deplored many others tasteless imitation. pierre loti, arrived in japan in 1886, compared building (in japoneries d automne, 1889), mediocre casino in french spa town, , european-style ball “monkey show”. likewise, noted french artist georges ferdinand bigot published cartoon depicting stylishly dressed japanese man , woman admiring in mirror, reflection of pair of monkeys.

japanese conservatives outraged perceived degeneration of traditional morals, close proximity between men , women during dances, linked rising taxes supposed dissipation , self-indulgence of government. reports , gossip of scandalous behavior high-ranking officials (although notorious took place @ private residences, not @ rokumeikan), added controversy.

the failure of rokumeikan diplomacy achieve desired goal of treaties revised in japan s favor led discrediting of inoue, resigned in 1887.

later years

in 1890, imperial hotel opened nearby rokumeikan (again involvement of inoue), , on grander scale. opening of hotel eliminated need rokumeikan residence foreign visitors. banquets , balls continued, , nativist reaction did not slow construction of western-style buildings in tokyo, increasing westernization of japan, growing sense of cultural nationalism, , eventual elimination of unequal treaties in 1899, rokumeikan steadily diminished in importance.

the rokumeikan building sold in 1890, association kazoku peerage of japan. building severely damaged in 1894 tokyo earthquake, high cost of repairs contributing decline in use of building. 1897, conder called in repair building , make additional alterations. known peers club (kazoku kaikan) next few decades.

the building demolished in 1941, event disturbed architect taniguchi yoshirō , led him create meiji mura preservation of meiji period buildings.


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