Science and philosophy Austria
sigmund freud founder of psychoanalysis
austria cradle of numerous scientists international reputation. among them ludwig boltzmann, ernst mach, victor franz hess , christian doppler, prominent scientists in 19th century. in 20th century, contributions lise meitner, erwin schrödinger , wolfgang pauli nuclear research , quantum mechanics key these areas development during 1920s , 1930s. present-day quantum physicist anton zeilinger, noted first scientist demonstrate quantum teleportation.
in addition physicists, austria birthplace of 2 of noteworthy philosophers of 20th century, ludwig wittgenstein , karl popper. in addition them, biologists gregor mendel , konrad lorenz mathematician kurt gödel , engineers such ferdinand porsche , siegfried marcus austrians.
a focus of austrian science has been medicine , psychology, starting in medieval times paracelsus. eminent physicians theodore billroth, clemens von pirquet, , anton von eiselsberg have built upon achievements of 19th century vienna school of medicine. austria home sigmund freud, founder of psychoanalysis, alfred adler, founder of individual psychology, psychologists paul watzlawick , hans asperger, , psychiatrist viktor frankl.
the austrian school of economics, prominent 1 of main competitive directions economic theory, related austrian economists carl menger, joseph schumpeter, eugen von böhm-bawerk, ludwig von mises, , friedrich hayek. other noteworthy austrian-born émigrés include management thinker peter drucker, sociologist paul felix lazarsfeld , scientist sir gustav nossal.
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