Long term memory Childhood memory

jean piaget

operative training task improve long term memory

the renowned developmental psychologist piaget thought memory , intelligence linked. in piaget s theory of cognitive development, operative intelligence conceptual framework of child s understanding of world, , framework changes child learns. piaget , inhelder (1973) proposed link between operative intelligence , memory, child s ability accurately recall event or image corresponds child s operative level. previous studies showed little improvement in operative development training. however, 1 study points inadequacies in older test designs. study designed using operative concept of “verticality”, referring child s ability accurately represent true vertical lines, such drawing chimney perpendicular slanted roof or perpendicular ground. verticality test of child s ability comprehend , represent three-dimensional environment. children presented array or pattern formed sticks. children reproduced pattern more accurately after longer intervening interval (6 months) after shorter interval (1 week). has led research see if training such operative skills can improve long-term memory.

the results liben et al. inconclusive due test design. initial presentation of stimulus improved recall performance months later, possibly because presenting stick array led children pay more attention vertical lines in environment after leaving testing room. however, memory gains might have occurred during various phases of testing, not within long-term retention interval itself. in addition, memory improvement might not generalize children not in operative concept development transition stages. nonetheless, these memory gains unexpected, , might lend credence idea operative development can facilitated presenting stimulus child can generalize or environment.


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