Competition rules Cutting (sport)

the goal of cutting separate cow herd , prevent returning.

the national cutting horse association primary organization governs open cutting competitions, , organization s rules adopted other organizations sponsoring cutting @ competitions not governed ncha. cutting events hosted national cutting horse association open registered , non-registered horses regardless of breed, although quarter horses commonly used. breed associations may host competition limited single breed.

cutting events consist of individual runs in each class within respective divisions. each contestant allowed 2½ minutes show horse panel of judges. contestant assisted 4 helpers of choice: 2 designated turnback keep cattle running off of arena, , other 2 designated herd holders keep cattle bunched , prevent potential strays escaping work area. contestant required make @ least 2 cuts herd, 1 of must cut deep inside herd while other(s) can peeled edges. once cut has been made , selected calf has been driven clear of herd, contestant commits horse cow dropping rein hand horse s neck allows more slack in reins , gives horse head. @ point entirely horse prevent calf returning herd; job best horses relish, savvy, , style. judges score run on scale 60 80, 70 being average score. performance judged on number of factors in points added or subtracted.

points added (or subtracted) courage, eye appeal, herd work, controlling cow, degree of difficulty, time worked, , loose reins. rider can disqualified using illegal equipment, leaving working area before time limit reached, , inhumane treatment of horse. horse , rider team penalized if forced off cow, if horse charges cow, excessive herdholder help, , judges either add or take away points based on horse , rider s performance throughout run.

correct attire riders includes boots, chaps, , cowboy hat, horse ridden in western saddle , bridle

some variables earning credit include:

level of confidence when entering herd minimal disturbance, , making clean cut setting cow in middle of working area;
level of skill , degree of difficulty involved in containing cow close center of working area possible, on loose rein without disturbing herd;
show of courage when handling difficult situations, such holding cow pushes exceptionally hard return herd;
overall eye appeal of work;

some penalties subtract score:

causing noticeable disturbance herd upon entering or during work;
failure make deep cut;
using fence turn cow (back fence);
quitting cow while facing horse , still in motion (illegal quit or hot quit);
horse quitting cow;
allowing cow herd;
reining, cueing or positioning horse during work;

a rider can disqualified using illegal equipment, leaving working area before time limit reached, , inhumane treatment of horse. western saddle required. breast collar , cinch optional. bridle required varying options bits , curb chains long meet competition guidelines. tiedown prohibited. saddle pad used under saddle. splint boots , or skid boots recommended horse’s leg protection during competition. chaps not required recommended, , commonly used in competition.

competition divisions common in cutting are:

professional: has received payment training, riding, or showing in equine discipline, unless granted change of status.
non-pro: may not train cutting horses. horse must owned non-professional, spouse, or minor child.
amateur: rider lifetime earnings less $50,000 in cutting competition. may not work on horse training facility, nor can married professional trainer.
youth: riders must 18 years old or younger compete youth.

^ kirkwood, bill. cutting basics . america s horse daily. world press. retrieved 2012-02-15. 
^ cutting: about? . national cutting horse association. retrieved december 7, 2015. 
^ cite error: named reference rules invoked never defined (see page).
^ 2012 official handbook of rules , regulations (pdf). national cutting horse association. retrieved 2012-03-29. 
^ ncha-getting started . national cutting horse association. retrieved 2012-03-29. 
^ cite error: named reference cutter s glossary invoked never defined (see page).


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