Augustus.27 constitutional reforms History of the Constitution of the Roman Empire

augustus, first roman emperor

in 23 bc, augustus (as octavian called himself) again attempted reform constitution, although not known why chose reform constitution @ point. 4 years had passed since last reforms, , may have given him opportunity discover weaknesses in reforms. in addition, died in 23 bc, , may have thought time left short. augustus, 1 major weakness in constitution status consul. while true prestige minimized risk of obstruction @ hands of co-consul, risk still existed. unusual (and unprecedented) individual elected consulship 9 times in row, augustus had been. in addition, tradition did subject consulship restrictions, such traditional etiquette shown 2 consuls towards each other. while augustus did consider possibility making himself sole consul, realized radical of departure tradition. therefore, concession , gave consulship, , modified both proconsular imperium , tribunician powers. not known how augustus modified proconsular imperium, known allowed retain imperium in city of rome. normally, magistrate had surrender imperium while inside city. in addition, proconsular imperium formally modified give him both status , authority above consul.

since these changes gave him unprecedented ability coerce citizens, risked damaging popularity. compensate risk, had tribunician powers (potestas tribunicia) modified. tribunate natural fit autocrat sought maintain popularity people. tribunate popular office, because had been principal vehicle through plebeians gained political power , through had been protected against abuses of state. plebeian tribunes had strong positive powers, such right convene plebeian council, , strong negative powers, such right veto act of senate. in addition, history , precedent, tribunate, unlike consulship, radical nature. augustus modifications didn t change actual powers associated office, instead, augustus displayed tribunician status more vividly. while had held tribunician powers since 36 bc, these powers never renewed. after 23 bc, however, had these powers renewed every year. in official documents, indicated number of years had elapsed since first held tribunician power. after these reforms had been instituted, augustus never again altered constitution. @ various points, people demanded take more powers, refused. in few instances, had exercise powers did not legally have, acquired these powers securing passage of temporary legislation.

augustus final goal figure out method ensure orderly succession. under augustus constitution, senate , people of rome held supreme power, , of special powers granted either fixed term, or life. therefore, augustus not transfer powers successor upon death. successor needed have powers independent of augustus own powers. during illness in 23 bc, had chosen agrippa successor. had considered possibility of making nephew marcellus successor, had decided marcellus young. in 21 bc marcellus died , augustus married agrippa daughter julia, , in 18 bc augustus enacted law granted agrippa tribunician powers period of 5 years. agrippa , julia had 2 sons, gaius , lucius caesar, , augustus designated them possible heirs granting upon both tribunician powers. in 12 bc agrippa died, , in 6 bc augustus granted these tribunician powers stepson tiberius. gaius , lucius caesar died, , augustus realized had no choice recognize tiberius heir. in 13 ad, point settled beyond question. law passed (the lex consularis) linked augustus powers on provinces of tiberius, tiberius legal powers equivalent to, , independent from, of augustus. within year, augustus dead.


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