Accession Maxentius

the basilica of maxentius in roman forum. completed enemy constantine, 1 of impressive edifices of ancient times.

when rumours reached capital emperors tried subject roman population capitation tax, every other city of empire, , wanted dissolve remains of praetorian guard still stationed @ rome, riots broke out. group of officers of city s garrisons (zosimus calls them marcellianus, marcellus , lucianus) turned maxentius accept imperial purple, judging official recognition granted constantine not withheld maxentius, son of emperor well. maxentius accepted honour, promised donations city s troops, , publicly acclaimed emperor on october 28, 306. usurpation went largely without bloodshed (zosimus names 1 victim); prefect of rome went on maxentius , retained office. apparently conspirators turned maximian well, had retired palace in lucania, declined resume power time being.

maxentius managed recognized emperor in central , southern italy, islands of corsica , sardinia , sicily, , african provinces. northern italy remained under control of western augustus severus, resided in mediolanum (milan).

maxentius refrained using titles augustus or caesar @ first , styled himself princeps invictus ( undefeated prince ), in hope of obtaining recognition of reign senior emperor galerius. however, latter refused so. apart alleged antipathy towards maxentius, galerius wanted deter others following examples of constantine , maxentius , declaring emperors. constantine firmly controlled father s army , territories, , galerius pretend accession part of regular succession in tetrarchy, neither case maxentius: fifth emperor, , had few troops @ command. galerius reckoned not difficult quell usurpation, , in 307, augustus severus marched on rome large army.

the majority of army consisted of soldiers had fought under maxentius father maximian years, , severus reached rome, majority of army went on maxentius, rightful heir of former commander, dealt out large amount of money. when maximian himself left retreat , returned rome assume imperial office once again , support son, severus rest of army retreated ravenna. shortly after surrendered maximian, promised life spared.

after defeat of severus, maxentius took possession of northern italy alps , istrian peninsula east, , assumed title of augustus, (in eyes) had become vacant surrender of severus.


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