Russians in Soviet Latvia: 1940.E2.80.931990 Russians in Latvia

1 russians in soviet latvia: 1940–1990

1.1 1940–1941
1.2 1941–1944
1.3 peculiarities of post-war migration
1.4 national consciousness

russians in soviet latvia: 1940–1990


in summer of 1940 latvia lost independence , occupied ussr.

the attitude of russian minority towards these events varied. 3 kinds of positions can discerned:

during 1 year of soviet power, local russians deprived of national periodicals, , many of prominent public figures subjected repression or killed. new regime found supporters among local russians. collective farms emerged in latvia , there large number of russians in security services , units of workers guard. communist nomenclature being rapidly developed, local russians taking active part in it.


in 1941, nazi germany invaded ussr, , subsequently occupied territory of latvia. in soviet times, period known great patriotic war, term retains resonance russian community of latvia today.

a part of local russian population chose resist invaders serving in red army , in partisan movement, , supporting underground communist party.

but, @ same time, there quite number of russians collaborating nazi authorities. worked on newspapers propagandising myth of national russia free of bolsheviks , jews, , liberating mission of wehrmacht. russians won on militarised units. nazis made advances of russian population had suffered bolsheviks. newspapers of time full of information russian national culture. in daugavpils russian theatre opened, @ rēzekne teachers institute russian-language class teachers of russian set up.

an institution created represent interests of russian population in generalgebiet of latvia, russian committee affairs of russian population of latvia. these designed russians of economic, cultural , legal needs.

peculiarities of post-war migration

after latvians, russians largest ethnic group in today s latvia. in 1989 national group made 34.0% of population of latvia, total number 905,500 [1]. in comparison demographic situation of pre-war period, number of russians had increased 4.5 times. relative share in national composition of latvia had increased 3.5 times.

such big growth of russian population not explained solely natural increase. majority of russian national group in latvia today result of big migration movement other republics of ussr, russian federation.

russians settled in towns rather in country. tended choose larger cities such riga , daugavpils. russians differed latvians in professional characteristics. on 1 third of russian population engaged in industry (one quarter of latvians), 7% of russians (22% of latvians) engaged in agriculture, 1% of russians (2.5% of latvians) in sphere of culture , art.

russians main ethnic group in ussr both in number , in political influence. under conditions of soviet latvia, russian culture dominated whole non-latvian population of republic. russian language formed new group of russian-speaking belarusians, ukrainians, poles, jews , germans of latvia. in period of 1959–1979 number of ethnic russians in latvia increased 47%, number of non-russians considering russian mother tongue increased 78%. highly developed infrastructure developed in latvia on basis of russian language: broad system of secondary , higher education, science , mass media.

national consciousness

during whole soviet period, russian (as did latvian) mass media of latvia played part of active bearers of communist ideology, influencing consciousness of russians of latvia.

for whole soviet period there no agreed-upon formula @ official level express national-cultural identity of large group of latvian residents. ideology of communist party rejected tradition of latvian republic identified russians of latvia 1 of national minorities. in ussr there existed form of national-territorial autonomy of nations, though not nations, made social representation in state bodies unequal. result, influence on social consciousness unequal well. nation considered fully-fledged if possessed state system in form of union republic. therefore, there 1 recognized nation in latvia – latvians. russians of latvia, both had deep historical roots there , chose place of permanent residence after world war ii, having no territorial autonomy, not considered individual cultural , national community in latvian republic rather part of larger russian community of soviet union.

at end of 1980s, first marked democratic changes in ussr brought national awakening of peoples. new democratic tendencies gave equal chances national revival of both latvians , russians. russians, both individuals , organized groups, actively supported latvian national awakening, atmoda .

in july 1988, a. maltsev 1 of 17 prominent figures of latvian culture signed open letter broadened assembly of latvian writers league initiative of establishing democratic people s front. idea of establishing popular front of latvia supported russian writers of republic such l. azarova, r. dobrovenski, v. dozortsev , m. kostenetskaia, journalists a. grigorjev, a. kazakov, translator , bibliographer j. abyzov, , many others. in 1989 l. gladkov, v. dozortsev, v. zhdanov, v. kononov , m. kostenetska elected council of popular front of latvia. v. dozortsev became member of board of council of popular front of latvia. a. grigorjev 1 of editors of atmoda (awakening) – newspaper of pfl. circulation of russian edition of atmoda quite large (15–100 thousand). popular not russian residents of latvia western-minded public of russia well.

the pfl became basis of consolidation of russian culture society of latvia (rcsl). constituent assembly of rcsl held on march 4, 1989. aim of society develop utmost russian national culture, intensify traditional russian–latvian relations, , cooperate representatives of nationalities of republic .

at same time quite number of russians of latvia viewed revival of latvian state system mistrust. shown results of public opinion poll in 1989. 49% of non-latvian population supported idea of independence of latvia (the number of latvians supporting idea made 93%). international front of working people of latvia or interfront, established in 1989, came out openly remaining in soviet union , preserving socialist economy. interfront aimed win sympathies of russians opposed idea of latvia national state.


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