Madhava's value of pi Madhava's sine table

madhava s value of pi

a transliteration of last 2 lines:

the various words indicate numbers encoded in scheme known bhūtasaṃkhyā system. meaning of words , numbers encoded them (beginning units place) detailed in following translation of verse: gods (vibudha : 33), eyes (netra : 2), elephants (gaja : 8), snakes (ahi : 8), fires (hutāśana : 3), 3 (tri : 3), qualities (guṇa : 3), vedas (veda : 4), nakṣatras (bha : 27), elephants (vāraṇa : 8), , arms (bāhavaḥ : 2) - wise measure of circumference when diameter of circle nava-nikharva (900,000,000,000).

so, translation of poem using bhūtasaṃkhyā system read 2827433388233 is, wise say, circumference of circle diameter nava-nikharva (900,000,000,000) . is, divide 2827433388233 (the number first 2 lines of poem in reverse order) nava-nikharva (900,000,000,000) value of pi(π). calculation yields value π = 3.1415926535922. value of π used madhava in further calculations , accurate 11 decimal places.


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