Identity and culture Anderson Junior College

1 identity , culture

1.1 crest
1.2 motto
1.3 house system

identity , culture

the college crest formed initials of college. letter a, in form of yellow flame, symbolises vitality , youthful aspirations of students. dark blue letters, j , c, supporting flame, symbolise college support individual in efforts realise ambition. 4 circles @ base depict racial harmony, highlighting college motto.

the crest designed mr. heng eng hwa in 1984.


the college motto non mihi solum, latin not myself alone.

house system

for competitive intra-school events, school population divided 5 houses:

jaguar (red)
panther (yellow)
puma (green)
cheetah (grey)
cougar (blue)

the house committee in charge of each house, each house having @ house captain , vice-captain. house committee made of student councillors.


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