Foundation Christian Social Party (Austria)

lueger (2nd right) , cs party fellows, 1905

the party emerged in run-up 1891 imperial council (reichsrat) elections under populist vienna politician karl lueger (1844–1910). referring ideas developed christian social movement under karl von vogelsang (1818–1890) , christian social club of workers, oriented towards petit bourgeoisie , clerical-catholic; there many priests in party, including later austrian chancellor ignaz seipel, attracted many votes tradition-bound rural population. social conservative counterweight godless social democrats, party gained mass support through luegers anti-liberal , antisemite slogans. support of austro-hungarian cohesion , ruling house of habsburg gave considerable popularity among noble class, making example of big tent party.

upon implementation of universal suffrage (for men) under minister-president max wladimir von beck, cs gained plurality in 1907 reichsrat elections, becoming largest parliamentary group in lower house; in 1911 elections, lost position social democratic workers party (sdap). though minister-president karl von stürgkh had ignored discretionary competence of parliament during 1914 july crisis, christian social party backed austrian government during world war i. nevertheless, when upon dissolution of monarchy in october 1918 german-speaking reichsrat representatives met in provisional national assembly , 65 cs deputies voted creation of republic of german-austria , accession weimar germany, though shortly after members of party began oppose german annexation.


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