Synopsis There Goes the Neighborhood (film)

prison psychologist willis embry reports work @ new jersey jail. day has not gone - apartment has been burgled , girlfriend left him placing message on answering machine. group therapy meeting bunch of inmates goes no better. cellmates lyle , handsome harry in particular seem beyond help. in private meeting later cancer-stricken elderly convict named trick , has few weeks live, embry taken confidence job pulled many years earlier when , friends stole $8.5million of mafia money casino skim bank. last request, says embry can have half, , give other half female friend named louise. tells embry go cherry hill , dig down 7 feet in basement of house on pleasant street, number 7322. unbeknown them however, lyle listening in cell next-door, though fails hear house number correctly, putting down 7324 instead.

meanwhile, on @ number 7322, things not going well. jessie lodge , husband albert in middle of rather messy divorce, , albert s way of dividing things in half involves taking chainsaw piano. across road neighbours jeffrey babbit , lydia nunn supposed writing latest best-selling book, spend of time spying on neighbours binoculars front window. spying on norman , peedi rutledge, live @ number 7320.

later, jailbreak being made prison, former armed robber marvin helping lyle , harry escape joint. disguise landscape gardeners. marvin has left behind surprise willis @ flat, tripwire attached bomb. laden heavy groceries, willis drops them on floor , notices tin rolling across floor wire, managing jump clear building in time engulfed huge explosion. neighbors , police think dead, despite there being no sign of body.

next morning norman rutledge leave work in car when landscape gardeners van blocks exit, , lyle, harry , marvin emerge take him inside, norman s wife peedi taken hostage. couple questioned floor in basement , 3 circles , triangle should mark spot of treasure. circles or no circles, crooks decide dig in basement anyway. meanwhile, embry arrives next door @ number 7322 , poses furnace engineer inside jessie lodge s house , scout basement digging spot. when realises isn t engineer however, throws him out.

marvin meanwhile out of pills. without them quite psychotic, , harry wonders if should have word him explosion @ embry s apartment. norman points out jeffrey , lydia nosiest neighbours in world, , using pneumatic drill makes terrible racket. suggests using lawnmower mask noise. marvin agrees, , tells lyle outside , mow. indeed, jeffrey , lydia have noticed van, , wondering how rutledges can afford gardener. jeffrey wondering how lydia managed phone marty rollins without looking phone number up.

over @ rutledge s house, harry , peedi starting on quite , former in love her. peedi part suitably charmed attention. marriage norman seems has been sham time, , haven t shared bed many years. norman meanwhile making yet more advice moving van, suggesting neighbours need see business usual . willis meanwhile still trying jessie s house , breaks basement. call police, willis reveals story $8.5 million, , says ll share half 50/50. agrees, find spot , start dig.

night falls, , peedi , norman spend night handcuffed , later admits harry has never spent night tied before. both becoming attracted each other, willis , jessie. harry asks peedi short for, , reveals stands penelope diane. suspicious jeffrey meanwhile phones marty rollins , accuses him of having affair wife.

next morning, lydia s daughter swan out collecting paperboy money. suspicious not of lyle, still doing gardening @ number 7320, of jessie , willis @ number 7322 looks window in basement , sees them digging mysterious hole. jessie having problems keeping marty @ bay, continues try , bring possible buyers house, while estranged husband albert shows again, though willis pretends lover , sends him packing. later evening, marvin hears noise next door , sends lyle investigate. notices willis next door, , trio of criminals realise @ wrong house.

norman uses event advantage , offers help. moves jukebox wall , opens door secret room full of contraband , weapons. proposes deal - join forces , launch assault next door take money force. lyle not happy, marvin agrees, , norman takes charge. after failed attempt @ taking house force when repelled crossbow, norman orders existing hole turned tunnel , extended next door. after buying more time, jessie , willis meanwhile, continue digging. not long after lyle , harry break through in tunnel come instead in jessie s swimming pool, water coming through basement. peedi, still handcuffed chair, released harry hacksaw before room becomes flooded. norman seen. suspicious albert has called in police, , marvin , lyle attempt runner front door lyle disguised woman.

after coming out of front door hands up, willis , jessie realise police interested in events next door, marty has noticed suspicious behavior. norman meanwhile emerges jessie s empty swimming pool in full scuba gear. events move towards climax, harry gives himself police, while lyle , marvin s disguise blown , arrested. willis , jessie find money, first norman , marty try steal them. in end young swan knocks marty out , trio escape out front door. money found wet, gone mush , therefore useless. jessie , willis though have not broken laws , free go. marty dragged away, jeffrey pulls gun of own, , accuses him of sleeping lydia. says knew phone number because on sale board, jeffrey joins ranks of arrested, although marty , lydia exchange sly nod , wink led paddy wagon. norman doesn t make clean getaway, attempts escape on young swan s bicycle. peedi calls him biggest crook of all, , instead gives handsome harry kiss led away , promises write him.

later, sit in hole in basement , realise true love each other, willis , jessie notice large bag of hidden gold coins. film ends jessie , willis drive off sun fulfil bargain trick , give half of money mysterious louise.


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