History Arcadia High School (California)

arcadia high school (2012)

arcadia once part of spanish empire , part of 21-square-mile (54 km) area called rancho santa anita. in 1845, hugo reid, pioneer scotland, bought rancho santa anita governor pio pico. through years, several settlers occupied rancho santa anita. in 1875, elias jackson lucky baldwin bought land. city of arcadia s destiny entwined fortunes of baldwin, expanded property holdings 63,000 acres (255 km) in san gabriel valley. baldwin went on oversee arcadia s incorporation in 1903 , became city s first mayor. arcadia school district came @ same time incorporation of arcadia in 1903.

in 1950, high school students of arcadia, duarte, , monrovia attended same high school, monrovia arcadia duarte high school , more called mad high . in 1951, fast-growing population, bond measure called construction on new high school in arcadia proposed. after passage, workers began construction , arcadia high welcomed first freshman , sophomore classes in september 1952. however, many students had attend first year of high school @ first avenue, oldest school in arcadia, erected in 1903. new buildings built in next 2 years , 1954 school year, high school students in arcadia @ arcadia high.

about 1975, closed-campus policy , dress code discontinued. change influenced u.s. supreme court decision tinker v. des moines, stated students not shed constitutional rights... @ school house door. year student population of arcadia high reached highest population @ 3,300 students. first time, students granted representation on school board. gained right elect representative attend school board meetings , speak student body.

in 1980s, enrollment had decreased considerably 2,200 students, largely due aging demographic in arcadia. since then, enrollment has rapidly increased. in 1990s, demographics of school dramatically changed.

the apache marching band has won 30 major championships , has marched in tournament of roses parade sixteen times.

a $218 million bond measure passed on november 7, 2006 election ballot purpose of upgrading , repairing arcadia schools. large part of local property taxes absorbed state, , arcadia lowest funded unified school district in los angeles county. new student services center provides grand entrance high school on campus drive. 2 story structure includes general , special education classrooms, 3 computer labs, television studio, graphic design , digital photography classrooms, , high school s career center , health, counseling , administrative offices. brick , glass exterior finish visibly blends other elements of campus. ground broken in summer of 2008.

the science center located on south side of campus on duarte road. two-story center includes chemistry labs preparation areas , collegiate-style biology , physics classrooms separated lecture rooms.

the 40,000-square-foot (3,700 m) arcadia high school performing arts center anchors campus @ northwest corner. center has ground level , mezzanine seating 1,200, , stage accommodate 150 musicians. building contains smaller theater, orchestra , dance rooms, , internal courtyard. performing arts center construction began in 2010 , opened in october 2012. first venue of kind district , community, said district superintendent joel shawn.


in late 1990s, native american activists threatened sue arcadia high school on use of apache mascot. these native american activists , many arcadia community members viewed high school s use of native american symbols, including apache joe mascot, pow wow school newspaper, apache news television program, smoke signals news bulletin boards, school s auxiliary team s marching apache princesses , opposing football team fans scalp apaches signs being offensive. school consulted native american groups , made concessions did not change mascot. residents of arcadia, former students @ school , have native american ancestry, not take offense school s use of these symbols. arcadia high school has established relationship white mountain apaches , sponsors annual charity drive aid needy members of community.


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