Contents The Malachite Box

1 contents

1.1 introduction
1.2 beloved name
1.3 great snake
1.4 mistress of copper mountain
1.5 malachite casket
1.6 stone flower
1.7 golden hair
1.8 other tales , later additions


the first edition of malachite box released on 28 january 1939. consisted of introduction titled watchhouse on dumna mountain , 14 stories, based on oral lore of miners , gold prospectors. after initial publication, author continuously added new stories collection, such so-called mountain fairy tales in 1942, stories of germans (russian: Сказы о немцах, tr. skazy o nemtsakh) in 1943, series of stories russian steel-makers , coiners in 1944–1945, stories of lenin (russian: Сказы о Ленине, tr. skazy o lenine) in 1944–1945, , others. every edition of collection ended dictionary of unusual words , concepts.


watchhouse on dumna mountain (russian: У караулки на Думной горе, tr. u karaulki na dumnoj gore) bazhov s essay served introduction first edition of malachite box. contained information life, industry , culture @ urals. first short version of essay, included in 1939 book, titled watchhouse on dumna mountain . in 1940 author expanded , renamed old mine (russian: У старого рудника, tr. u starogo rudnika). version first published in 3rd volume of uralsky sovremennik almanac (1940). starting 3rd edition of malachite box, essay published in subsequent editions. author included essay in every malachite box edition purpose of familiarizing reader unique culture of ural region.

beloved name

beloved name (alternative translation: dear name) describes how first cossacks came ural mountains , faced tribe of old people didn t know value of gold. cossacks decide take away lands of old people.

the great snake

in skaz, old miner s sons meet great serpent (alternative translation: poloz great snake), master of gold. appears before them man in gold tunic. cap yellow red flaps on both sides, , boots gold too... earth sank under him stood. shows them how find gold nuggets. story of brothers continued in snake trail (alternative translation: serpent s trail ), published in 1939.

the mistress of copper mountain

in skaz, young factory worker stepan meets legendary mistress of copper mountain. passes tests , rewarded malachite casket filled jewellery betrothed, nastyona.

the malachite casket

the stamps of russia, 27 january 2004. illustrations (from left right): stone flower (danilo , mistress of copper mountain), malachite casket (the mistress , tanyushka), golden hair (the hunter ailyp , ladylove golden hair).

stepan dies, leaving malachite casket widow nastyona. daughter tanyushka likes play it. black hair , green eyes, tanyushka not mother @ all, if born different parents. when grows up, catches eye of young noble man. promises marry him if shows tsarina herself @ malachite room of palace.

the stone flower

danilo craftsman hears beautiful stone flower grows in domain of mistress of copper mountain. goes mine , begs mistress show him flower. mistress warns danilo never want go people, insists. shows him malachite flower. danilo disappears village, leaving fiancée katyenka behind.

danilo s story continued in master craftsman (alternative translations: mountain craftsman , mountain master ), published year later in na smenu!. fragile twig , published in 1940, focuses on katyenka , danilo s son. bazhov had plans fourth story, never written.

golden hair

golden hair based on bashkirs folklore. tell story of bashkir hunter ailyp meets daughter of poloz great snake.

other tales , later additions

in addition stories mentioned above, first edition of malachite box contained following 8 stories: manager s boot-soles , sochen , stones , marko s hill , twisted roll , 2 lizards , cat s ears , master craftsman , , snake trail . first publication s structure determined bazhov. preferred start stories gold , gold prospectors, because believed legends of more ancient origin. later versions of malachite box contained more 40 stories.


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