Summary The Truce

the route taken primo levi in 1945, train, auschwitz turin. note: national borders current ones.

the historian fritz stern, in brief review on foreign affairs, wrote reawakening charts levi s incredibly circular return italy via eastern europe , soviet union. here people , landscapes come vividly alive in bizarre, comical series of events , human encounters; remarkable tale.

levi himself reminisces bit character in book in paris review interview: have read book reawakening? remember mordo nahum? had mixed feelings toward him. admired him man fit every situation. of course cruel me. despised me because not able manage. had no shoes. told me, remember, when there war, first thing shoes, , second eating. because if have shoes, can run , steal. must have shoes. yes, told him, right, there not war more. , told me, guerra es siempre. there war.


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