Receiving the Eucharist Eucharist in the Catholic Church

in western church, administration of holy eucharist children requires have sufficient knowledge , careful preparation understand mystery of christ according capacity , able receive body of christ faith , devotion.

in western church, administration of holy eucharist children requires have sufficient knowledge , careful preparation understand mystery of christ according capacity , able receive body of christ faith , devotion. holy eucharist, however, can administered children in danger of death if can distinguish body of christ ordinary food , receive communion reverently (code of canon law, canon 913). in catholic schools in united states , canada, children typically receive first communion in second grade. in eastern catholic churches, eucharist administered infants after baptism , confirmation (chrismation).

holy communion may received under 1 kind (the sacred host alone), or under both kinds (both sacred host , precious blood). holy communion has fuller form sign when distributed under both kinds. in form sign of eucharistic banquet more evident , clear expression given divine new , eternal covenant ratified in blood of lord, relationship between eucharistic banquet , eschatological banquet in father s kingdom... (however,) christ, whole , entire, , true sacrament, received under 1 species, , consequently far effects concerned, receive under 1 species not deprived of of grace necessary salvation (general instruction of roman missal).

diocesan bishop given faculty permit communion under both kinds whenever may seem appropriate priest whom, own shepherd, community has been entrusted, provided faithful have been instructed , there no danger of profanation of sacrament or of rite s becoming difficult because of large number of participants or other reason (general instruction of roman missal).

in eastern catholic churches eucharist received under both species (bread , wine), done @ mass in west until opposite custom came use, beginning in twelfth century.

with change receiving eucharist under both kinds receiving under form of bread alone, became customary in west receive host placed directly on tongue, rather on hand, prescribed neither roman missal nor code of canon law. since late twentieth century many episcopal conferences allow communicants (at personal discretion) receive host on hand, except when communion distributed intinction (partly dipping host in chalice before distributing it).

the general instruction of roman missa, 118 mentions communion-plate communion of faithful , distinct paten, prevent host or fragments of falling on ground.

non-catholics may receive eucharist in special situations:

§1. catholic ministers administer sacraments licitly catholic members of christian faithful alone, likewise receive them licitly catholic ministers alone, without prejudice prescripts of §§2, 3, , 4 of canon, , ⇒ can. 861, §2.

§2. whenever necessity requires or true spiritual advantage suggests it, , provided danger of error or of indifferentism avoided, christian faithful whom physically or morally impossible approach catholic minister permitted receive sacraments of penance, eucharist, , anointing of sick non-catholic ministers in churches these sacraments valid.

§3. catholic ministers administer sacraments of penance, eucharist, , anointing of sick licitly members of eastern churches not have full communion catholic church if seek such on own accord , disposed. valid members of other churches in judgment of apostolic see in same condition in regard sacraments these eastern churches.

§4. if danger of death present or if, in judgment of diocesan bishop or conference of bishops, other grave necessity urges it, catholic ministers administer these same sacraments licitly other christians not having full communion catholic church, cannot approach minister of own community , seek such on own accord, provided manifest catholic faith in respect these sacraments , disposed. (some dioceses have allowed pastors make determination regards in hospitals, nursing homes, , correctional centers.)

§5. cases mentioned in §§2, 3, , 4, diocesan bishop or conference of bishops not issue general norms except after consultation @ least local competent authority of interested non-catholic church or community. (code of canon law, canon 844)


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