Philosopher Marcial Solana González-Camino

bust of juan vivès, flanders

solana dedicated of scholarly attention philosophy , though fathered other attempts in theology, excelled historian. question underlying of efforts existence of filosofía española, category bearing features specific spanish realm. answer affirmative. founded on assertion spanish philosophical approach formulated in 16th century, deemed siglo de oro, , owing constituting features juan luis vives, francisco de vitoria, francisco suárez, domingo de soto , domingo báñez. comprised multitude of trends, yet backbone late scholastic school spanned between vivismo , suarismo; gave rise number of currents power spanish philosophy later on, including logic, natural law, penal law, international law, ontology , synthesis.

solana approached golden age heritage in menendezpelayista manner, multifold manifestations of orthodoxy confronting heterodoxy 19th century, embodied last in works of luis de lossada, jaime balmes , ceferino gonzález. viewed essence of original spanish philosophy in unity theology, fidelity catholic values , synthetic, holistic approach; spanish self expressed in unity god. preferred metaphysics , epistemology other branches; names quoted in works of aquinas , menendez pelayo. on opposite end liberal thinkers, iconic ones, , references unamuno or ortega y gasset extremely rare; displayed scarce interest in foreign philosophers.

francisco suarez

solana fathered 60 works related philosophy , theology; minor pieces. opus magnum, not in philosophy, la historia de la filosofía española. Época del renacimiento, massive 3-volume work written in 1928-1933 , published in 1941; stepping stone towards earlier 1927 study. smaller work dubbed synthesis of thought fueron los españoles quienes elevaron la filosofía escolástica la perfección (1955). huge work massive treaty on juridical systems according thomist epistemology (1925). next listed mid-size studies on scholastic thinkers, followed smaller works on scholastics , traditionalists. solana published 30 smaller works on theology, summarized falling corrientes tomista, ignaciana y carmelitana ; apart historical work on council of trent dealt dogmas of trinity, ascension, eucharist , sovereignty of christ. sole major work falls neither history of philosophy nor theology unpublished mid-size study la libertad del hombre (1947), discussing conditions, attributes, types , objectives of human freedom act; set in catholic orthodoxy, opposed liberal concept of liberty , claimed la facultad de elegir entre el bien y el mal moral, de obrar rectamente o de pecar, es un absurdo verdadero e inaceptable . few works not fit above categories , few translations.


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