Overview National Animal Identification System

1 overview

1.1 premises identification number
1.2 animal identification
1.3 animal tracking


the national animal identification system covers livestock species, including cattle, poultry, horses, donkeys, mules, sheep, goats , swine, bison, deer, elk, llamas, alpacas , fish species, under heading of aquaculture. household pets such cats , dogs not included.

the first step in system identification of locations, or premises, these animals housed or otherwise handled, while identification of individual animals second component. final part of program track animal movement between various premises.

the usda claims ultimate goal of nais traceback within 48 hours of diseased animal s movements, possible once 3 components of nais implemented. traceback enable animal health officials identify animals , locations have had direct contact animal , take appropriate measures prevent further spread of disease.

premises identification number

premises identification, first part of nais, allows information each premises entered national database, along unique, 7-character premises identification number. information include: assigned premises identification number; name of premises; owner or appropriate contact person; location, including street address, city, state, , zip code; contact phone number; type of operation, such slaughterhouse or horse boarding stable; date premises id number activated; , date premises id number deactivated, along reason.

animal identification

the next step animal identification. each individual animal, whether horse, cow, sheep, chicken, pigeon, etc., given unique, 15-character animal identification number, or, in case of animals remain in groups, unique, 13-character group identification number.

the technology used identification has not yet been chosen, although recommendations have been made different species working groups, represent animal producers. radio frequency identification (rfid), such found in microchips, retinal scanning, , dna samples among possibilities.

animal tracking

the final component of nais animal tracking. allow report filed each time 1 of set of events occurs, such change of animal s ownership or movement new premises. report include animal s or group s identification number, premises identification number event took place, date of event, , type of event, slaughter or sighting of animal.

in 2004, u.s. government asked farmers use eid or electronic identification ear tags on cattle. request part of national animal identification system (nais) spurred discovery of first case of mad cow disease in united states. due poor performance , concern other people access confidential information, 30 percent of cattle producers in united states tried using eid tags using standards based on low frequency standards, while uhf standards being mandated use in brazil, paraguay, , korea .

on december 19, 2007, fda announced plans create database track cloned animals through food system , enable effective labeling process. system part of national animal identification system, track livestock in united states farm fork.


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