End of the rebellion in continental Estonia Saint George's Night Uprising

1 end of rebellion in continental estonia

1.1 battle of kanavere
1.2 battle of warhill
1.3 aftermath of battle of warhill

end of rebellion in continental estonia
battle of kanavere

a large army led master of order proceeded towards reval, seeking out , engaging smaller estonian units on way. larger estonian force had been sent block knights advance intercepted german cavalry. in ensuing battle of kanavere on 11 may 1343, estonians made tactical retreat kanavere bog. since knights not able employ heavy cavalry in bog, dismounted , continued fight on foot. bog not large , numerically superior forces of order able surround it. battle ended german victory. estonian losses in battle amounted 1,600 men.

battle of warhill

after battle of kanavere, burchard von dreileben, master of order, wanted avoid engaging main force of estonian army, strategically camped next large bog, in yet battle heavy cavalry of order lose tactical superiority. therefore, decided use deceit , sent vogts of wenden (cesis) , treyden (turaida) under pretext of peace negotiations estonians, apparently agreeing idea of vassalage without landlords. estonians accepted offer , envoys returned german army. von dreileben, in meantime, had 2 banners of cavalry locate between swamp , estonian camp. after envoys had delivered acceptance of terms order, master , knights agreed killed germans need avenged , estonians deserved no mercy. on 14 may 1343, germans attacked , estonians began retreat towards bog. because of advance troops of german cavalry, not able complete maneuver , in battle followed 3,000 estonians killed. according chronicle, individual estonians had pretended dead in desperation tried kill germans after end of battle. location of battle became known sõjamäe, or warhill; subdistrict of lasnamäe, tallinn.

aftermath of battle of warhill

the master of order , magistrates of tallinn learned captured german deserter estonians had been promised military assistance sweden had conquered several danish territories in scandinavia. swedish forces expected arrive in estonia in 5 days. subjects of danish king in tallinn, severely weakened after carnage in harju , viru, , fearful of swedish intentions, submitted tallinn , other danish dominions in estonia under protection of order. after being promised compensation master of order agreed provide reval , wesenberg (rakvere) german garrisons.

the bailiff of viborg arrived large army on 18 may , bailiff of Åbo day later. after discovering danish stronghold in hands of order , estonian army utterly defeated, swedes satisfied looting around reval before sailing finland.

the estonians had tried find allies in russia. 2 envoys had been sent harria pskov inform russians of slaughter of germans in harria , vironia , imminent demise of order. envoys suggested russians may want loot german dominions in southern estonia. on 26 may 1343, bishopric of dorpat (tartu) suffered belated intrusion 5,000 pskovians. however, since rebellion in estonia had been largely crushed order able scramble enough troops , effort rout marauding russians, killing 1,000 of them.

in meantime, master had led main force of order rotalia in order break siege of hapsal. estonians retreated city without battle, again taking refuge in bogs.

soon livonian order received more troops teutonic order in prussia. in beginning of winter master of livonian order returned these reinforcements harria , quelled remaining resistance. last estonian strongholds in harria fall varbola , loone (lohu). in wake of bloody suppression of rebellion, harria described “barren , desolate land .

the chronicler bartholomäus hoeneke tells story estonians plotting inside castle of fellin hiding armed warriors in bags of grain. plot failed when 1 mother tipped off order commander in exchange life of son. possibly apocryphal account has inspired several writers.

after losing reval , wesenberg livonian order in 1343, severely weakened denmark lost narva in 1345. thereupon king valdemar iv in 1346 sold duchy of estonia teutonic knights 19,000 silver marks (4 tons of silver). 6,000 marks paid margrave of brandenburg. consequence of saint george’s night uprising disappearance of remnants of pre-christian estonian nobility in north-estonia.


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