What is read Torah reading

1 read

1.1 weekly portion
1.2 daily portion
1.3 jewish holidays
1.4 order of precedence special readings

what read

the cycle of weekly readings fixed. because hebrew calendar varies year year, 2 readings combined entire pentateuch read on course of year.

weekly portion

on shabbat mornings, weekly torah portion (parashah) read. divided 7 aliyot (see above more on aliyot).

daily portion

on monday , thursday mornings , on saturday afternoons (except on special days), small section of upcoming week s parashah read, divided 3 aliyot

jewish holidays

on jewish holidays, reading relates day. example, on passover congregation reads various sections of pentateuch relate holiday.

order of precedence special readings

when multiple special occasions occur @ same time, there standard order of precedence. speaking, when major jewish holidays occur on shabbat holiday portion read, although divided 7 portions shabbat rather number appropriate holiday — there special reading when shabbat coincides chol hamoed (intermediate days) of passover or sukkot. however, when shabbat coincides minor holidays, such rosh chodesh (new month) or hanukkah, regular reading shabbat read, plus additional reading (maftir) relevant occasion. additional reading read second scroll if available. on rare occasions, such when rosh chodesh falls on shabbat commemorates occasion, such hanukkah or when 1 of 4 special additional readings read prior passover, there 2 additional readings , 3 scrolls (if available) read.


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