Book Reviews and Critical Acclaim David Gussak

1 book reviews , critical acclaim

1.1 book review
1.2 critical acclaim
1.3 selected bibliography
1.4 references
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book reviews , critical acclaim
book review

van der vennet (2014) reviewed gussak’s book, art on trial: art therapy in capital murder cases. review gave credit gussak bringing notoriety art therapy field moving forensics forefront of art therapy field internally. gussak given acknowledgment becoming expert witness art therapist on capital murder trial. using ethical , legal protocol prescribed american art therapy association (aata) , art therapy credentials board (atcb), gussak able compete @ equal competence level other qualified mental health professionals.

gussak used standardized instruments measure defendant kevin ward’s (pseudonym) artwork way of person picking apple tree (ppat), later assessed standardized formal elements art therapy scale (feats). both ppat , feats used tools furnish mental health diagnosis of schizophrenia related disorder accused. ward on trial killing child , attempting murder other child, known filicide. gussak commissioned expert witness ward stay off of death row , receive lesser sentence. through ward’s art collection of 100 images, ranging 15 years; gussak able humanize ward’s standing before court , unknowingly come same diagnosis psychiatrist , psychologist appointed case.

critical acclaim

“art on trial testament potent power of art evidence. david gussak s masterful presentation of case, client, , art explains role , value of art therapy in court of law. book triumph art evidence, expounding value of art therapists expert witnesses in legal proceedings advantages art therapy offers.”

-marcia liebman, drexel university

“david gussak has written fascinating , important first-person account demonstrating value of art therapy in courtroom. book represents extraordinary interdisciplinary effort , surely become must-read professionals in fields of art therapy, criminology, , abnormal psychology.”

-jack levin, northeastern university, author of serial killers , sadistic murderers: close , personal and, gordana rabrenovic, why hate

selected bibliography

gussak, d. (2013). art on trial: art therapy in capital murder cases. new york: columbia university press.
breiner, m., tuomisto, l., beuyea, e., gussak, d. & aufderheide, d.(2011). creating art therapy anger management (atam) protocol male inmates through collaborative relationship. international journal of offender therapy , comparative criminology. 56(7), 1124-1143.
anderson, t., gussak, d., hallmark, k & paul, a. (eds.). (2010). art education , social justice, reston, va: naea.
gussak, d. (2009). comparing effectiveness of art therapy on depression , locus of control of male , female inmates, arts in psychotherapy, 36 (4), 202-207
argue, j., bennett, j. & gussak, d. (2009). transformation through negotiation: initiating inmate mural arts program. arts in psychotherapy, 36, 313-319.
gussak, d. (2008). interactionist perspective on understanding gender identity in art therapy. art therapy: journal of american art therapy association, 25(2), 64-69[2]
gussak, d. (2007). effectiveness of art therapy in reducing depression in prison populations. international journal of offender therapy , comparative criminology, 5(4). 444-460
gussak, d. (2006). symbolic interactionism, aggression , therapy. in f. kaplan (ed.), art therapy , social action (pp. 142–156). london: jessica kingsley, publishers.
gussak, d. (2006). effects of art therapy prison inmates: follow-up study. arts in psychotherapy, 33, pp. 188–198.
fenner, l. & gussak, d. (2006). therapeutic boundaries in prison setting: dialogue between intern , supervisor. arts in psychotherapy, 33.414-421.
gussak, d. (2004). kreslit’: arteterapia vo väzení.[drawing time: art therapy in prison] arteterapeutické listy [art therapy letters (slovakian journal)],3(4), pp. 7–11.
gussak, d. (2004). art therapy prison inmates: pilot study. arts in psychotherapy, 31(4), pp. 245–259.
gussak, d. & virshup e. (eds.). (1997). drawing time: art therapy in prisons , other correctional settings. chicago, il: magnolia street publishers.


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